08 May, 2013

Human Nature

2500+ of Spam messages in my blog! Although Blogger has done a good job in detecting the Spams but still have 100+ Spams got published in my blog. Thanks for telling me, my dear friend.

I started to reflect about why is it when we started something to enthusiastic and as days go by we no longer so enthusiastic and worse, we forgotten about it! My dear friend told me that it is our human nature. Is it true that it is because of human nature? Ever since I started learning about the Dharma, I realised that we have 5 aggregates: Thoughts, Feelings, Perceptions, Volition and Conscious. Each aggregates are dependent on one another. We are conditioned according to our surrounding.

Perhaps that is why things do not last. Remembered, our favorite toy or doll that we used to hold on dearly during our childhood days, we no longer touched it. That is because one of our aggregates have changed that caused us to detached ourselves from the past. Happiness is in the present moment. We need to use our heart to feel it.

Remembered, I was utterly upset over my own romance relationships. And now, look at me? I have healed myself from these pains and agony. Only when we allow ourselves to learn and grow. Be wise and free from these sufferings. We are after all humans, but nevertheless, use these situations as lessons to be learned and cultivate our own happiness and wisdom.

"When the mind is free from suffering, happiness is attained." - The Buddha

May we all free from sufferings.

P/S: I will still continue to write as writing a post in my blog is still a joy to me. Sometimes, I don't really have the mood or time to write. I will still be writing but depends on conditions haha :D


DReaMY said...

haha.. real comment for you..not spam...:p
forget.. human nature? yap.. but also our priorities in life.. what is impt to us formerly... may no longer be that impt to us now.. or at least.. at the moment, there's something else that is taking priority..

Impermenance.. even in our "thoughts" :p

Qiqi said...

Yeah, it's true.. life is impermanence and that makes our life more interesting and vibrant hehe :D