17 December, 2012

Looking forward 2013

2012 is coming to the end and 2013 is coming on our way. Still the same goal that I want to be happier and healthier in 2013. I looked back at my past posts. I realised that I have been putting some conscious effort to make myself healthy. It is a good progression.

2013 Action Plan:

My focus and plan for this year are
1) Spend quality time with the nature, exercising, meditate
Make sure sleep before 11pm. To have quality sleep. 
Mediate 5 mins daily and mediate twice weekly with a group of like-minded people.
Daily 3 times a week: Every Monday, Thursday and Sun (Swimming)
Mindful what I eat food
I can slim down
Yes, I Did. From 65kg to 58kg. 8 more kg to go. By June 2013.
I will take good care of my body.
Slowly slimming down my body to my ideal weight 50kg.

2) Continue to build bonding and spend quality time with family and friends

3) Improve my drawing skills
Focus on 2 drawing skills: line drawing and pointillism.

4) Followup - Write my book about gratitude. 30th October 2013. Need to allocate time.
Started but still collecting the stories

5) Take up new interesting courses like Calligraphy Painting in Jan 2013, cooking, making dresses

6) Continue my Year Two Buddhist studies
At Fo Guang Shan and Guang Ming Shan Starts on 3rd March 2013. 

7) Finding more businesses for my freelance work to sustain my current lifestyle at least $3000 a month Focus on building business relationships

8) Increase knowledge through reading, listening and observation. Review weekly on my progress

9) Teaching Mi Tuo Students every Saturday morning. Starts on 12th January 2013.

Applying 4 Golden Rules
1. Go and do what is needed to be done
2. Avoid doing what is shouldn't do
3. Learn to be patience and learn to wait
4. Must be eager to learn

Perseverance is the word to have a healthy body, mind and spirit.

Review 2012 Action Plan:
My focus and plan for this year are
Spend quality time with the nature, exercising, meditate
Started to sleep before 11pm. 
Slept before 12 midnight.
To have quality sleep. 
Yes I Did
Mediate 10 mins daily.
Mediate twice a week
Daily Exercise.
Exercise 1-2 times a week
Enjoy my food
Yes I Did
I can slim down
Yes, I Did. From 65kg to 58kg. 8 more kg to go. By June 2013.
I want to take good care of my body.
Slowly slimming down my body to my ideal weight 50kg.

Spend quality time with family and friends

Improve my drawing skills
Yes I DID, however needs to practice diligently

Make a book
Yes I DID, Make an illustrated children book for Siew Birthday

Write my book about gratitude
Started but still collecting the stories

Take up interesting courses like learning mug making, origami, maybe ballet hahaha
Yes I DID, Take up mug making, clay making, origami and dancing

Of course attend Buddhist classes
Yes I DID! At Fo Guang Shan and Guang Ming Shan. Took my 3 refuges and 5 precepts under Venerable Master Hsing Yun

Finding more businesses for my freelance work to sustain my current lifestyle
Started but still not stable enough to sustain my current lifestyle. Have to put in more effort and time

Attend my Toastmasters meetings monthly
Room for improvement.

This year I have been exercising at least once or twice a week. There are times where I exercise daily. Siew told me that I should put exercising into my lifestyle so that exercising is my routine. What she shares do make sense. I started to put into my life at least 3 times a week. Discipline starts to set in. I slowly becomes more alert and focus.

Plan without action is as good as not having any plan. I really glad that I started to take care of my own body and health. Working towards a healthy and happier lifestyle. Yes, it is about my well being. I glad that I have slowly working towards what I needed. Feel great sense of purpose, gratitude and satisfactory towards my life. I feel more excited and happier about my life as I am doing what I like :)

29 October, 2012


在机缘巧合中,我参加了佛光山2012年8月的短期出家。有人说,“出家” 就是把心带 回家。当时,我根本不懂它的意思,只想体验僧团的平静生活。其实僧团生活是过得很充实的,就是懂得活得简单,活在当下。一点也不浪费宝贵的生命,时间。



我很感恩能接近善知识,因为它让我清楚的知道我的生命价值观到底是否正确。有多位的师父的引导,我的心也踏实了很多。有一位师父问,“你有每天观自己的心吗?” 这才让我庞然大悟!以前我把习惯当作理所当然,原来好的习惯是让我建立基本功夫。有了好习惯,做事情也顺心了许多。原来要改坏习惯,还真要,每天自己的叮咛,才可以慢慢的把坏习惯改掉。有心要改,一定行!

虽然只见星云大师一面,他的智慧让我受益。在短期出家的开式中,他和我们分享我们要学习 “无的生活”。他说无的空间很大,无里又富有。我一直在思考,领悟到因为没有才有更多创造空间。就联想到像佛光山一样从无到有,现在的伟大成果,也是因为星云大师和师父们一点一滴慢慢累积成的。这是多么有智慧的一句话啊!



22 October, 2012

Connection with Vegetarism

Last Thursday, I attend my dharma teacher's talk about Vegetarism. There are some gluesome scenes shown on now the animals are badly treated and slaughtered. I wrote some feedback to my teacher and he asked me if I ever see animals that are not killed in a brutely way for food consumption? I was speechless.

Everyday I have been praying for the well beings of all beings. How can all beings be truly happy when I am eating some of them? It does sets me to think that perhaps we are doing more harm than good by being a meat eater.

I went to the website of the Vegan Society, it is the websites that promote Vegetarism. I love the clips of the videos shows how Vegan can be living more healthy and be more compassion as know that no animals are being killed for them. I can start a Vegan Day for myself every week.

There are some of the thoughts by the Vegans. I think it is really inspiring.

All the videos are found here for viewing.

15 October, 2012

Present Moment

This morning I recieved a very wise quote from a friend. Although she is non Buddhist, she gave me a quote said by the Buddha. Was very thankful for my friend to send me this quote. Perhaps the Buddha knows that I am having some emotional feeling yesterday and gave this quote to my friend to forward it to me. Haha :D

Somehow or rather, I felt much better after recieving this quote. It reminds me of to seriously moving on and stop dwelling on the past as it is history. The past no longer comes back. Every sec will become a history sec by sec. Every future sec will become every present sec. Thus, each moment is very important and precious.

The future will only happen when I am able to take action on the present moment. It is no longer important what will be in the future. Every future is the present. It is important and precious about what is going on in this present moment.

I feel consoled and warmed after understand the meaning of this quote. It really helps and I slowly learn to love myself, my loving parents, my dear sis, my dear friends. As I progress spiritually, I do hope that my loving kindness can radiate to more people in my life so that more people are benefit to this loving kindness. I guess I will need to practise more diligently so that more people can benefit from it. I also do hope that one day I will be able to meet the Amitaba Buddha because I have a lot of questions to ask him.

May I be well and happy and may others be well and happy.

14 October, 2012









27 September, 2012

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain

Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk, photographer, and author. He has lived and worked in the Himalayan region for forty years. One of the scientific test shows that he is considered the happiness man in this world. This video shares his wisdom on how mediation can train one's mind and bring closer to our true happiness.


I enjoyed the part where he mentioned about many people thought that sensory pleasures are form of happiness. Sensory pleasures are unsubstainable. They are seen as fleeting wind, comes and goes quickily.

True happiness is timeless. It is the way of being. Inner qualities give us the ability to dealt with ups and downs of life.

The well being consists of inner peace, loving kindess, wisdom, compassion, confidence, freedom. These inner qualities that we cultivate will help us to handle the external situations better and more efficiently. Having a clear, peaceful and stable mind is important. The fitness of the mind is as important as fitness of the body. Meditation gives emotional balance and benefits to the society.

Those people who cultivates self discipline, generosity, patience, concentration, diligence, enthusiam effort and wisdom are more successful in life.

I am glad that I am slowly cultivating in this direction :) May all be well and happy.

Life affirmations

In June 2012, I was asked to empowered myself with life affirmations and my own beliefs to take charge of my own daily life. During then, I couldn't understand how does life affirmations actually can help. To me it is just a sets of statements that I do not resonate.

However, today I starting to write down what are the things I affirm. I felt I am connected with these statements thus these sets of affirmations will help me to promote life or celebrate life.

21 statements
1) I am grateful for all the things I have or going to have.
2) I am courageous to take up the life challenges.
3) I am honest with myself and other people.
4) I am kind to myself and other people.
5) I am open-minded to things that I am unaware.
6) I am decisive in my decision makings.
7) I am a leader who leads by example.
8) I am creative in my work.
9) I am clear about what I am doing and going to do.
10) I am here to make beautiful things to enhance the quality of people life.
11) I am wealthy in my mind and my heart.
12) I am accountable to my own actions.
13) I am respectable and respect others.
14) I am thankful to have loving family and friends.
15) I am appreciative to people who have helped me.
16) I am patience with myself and other people.
17) I am enjoying each day of my life.
18) I am glad that I am able to help people around me.
19) I am able to manage my time and use it wisely and purposefully.
20) I am creating my wealth each day.
21) I am building healthy relationships each day.

23 September, 2012

Confusion to Clarity

Life sometimes can be so strange. Perhaps it is due to my lack to understanding. I remembered that I created a blog named Cycle of Life. This blog was created because I wanted to have a connection with the Universe. I wrote how I feel towards myself and how I view about certain things.

During my depression, I was so fearful about looking at the things I wrote to the Universe. From my understanding, Universe is the signal or energy that we send out to the system. This energy will be able to attract what we send out. I was so confused and somehow I thought that having the name "Cycle of Life" will screwed up everything. It was really silly of me. When I reread what I wrote. It is nothing scary. Those articles that I wrote are the thought moments that I feel during that point in time.

Thanks to the Buddha's teachings that makes me have more clarity. Things change to the positive side, so did I.

I really glad that I revisit the website and it is really not as scary and fearful that I have imagine it to be. I actually silly enough to think that I can changed the whole world from the words that I used. Nevertheless, I have changed the name to "Letters to the Universe". So that it will no longer create that kind of confusion and uncertainties.

When I look back now, it is really myself who created such a big drama into my life. This whole drama makes me cherish my love ones more and I get to know that I really need to trust and love myself completely. Though this drama is a short period of time. I have learn to take time to reflect and most importantly, taking back my own power and strength.


Today's buddhism class is about craving. There are two types of cravings: the gross craving and subtle craving.

When I learn about craving, I thought that as long as the amount needed or used was extreme, it is considered craving.

It is interesting to know about subtle craving. It means that when we are attached to things for more and more, it is subtle craving. For example the craving for a promotion or craving for material things. I think unhappiness arises when we didn't get what we wanted. That is because we have attachments and desire for it.

I personally think craving can be seen as a form of addiction too. For example to queue for an iphone or a bubble tea drink for no good reason. Even when we are attached to certain people, especially to our love ones, when they leave us, we feel pain and hurt. Main reason is because we can't accept that the person has left us.

My greatest learning for today is to realise that the way to embrace change is to have the mindset of everything that we have, doesn't really belong to us. There is a chinese saying, "天底下有不散的宴席 means there is always an end in every gathering. There will be a day we need to leave this world. When we need to let go, just let go. There is time for everything. What's most importantly, we are able to depart swiftly, happily and peacefully.

22 September, 2012

Geek Girls Experience

Have a great time at this study group workshop for a month. Almost lost touch with web programming, glad that I picked it up again. Really happy to know some of the cool, geek girls here :)

This workshop is interesting and basically let those girls with no programming background to attend such study group so that they have a better understanding of what web programming language is all about.

Although I have basic web programming knowledge, but I have lost touch for many years. Therefore, I have to relearn all the techniques and terms used in programming. Programming is a skill that you need to use in day in and day out. If not, will be easily forgotten. Even the expert programmers sometimes, they may even need to refer code helps to get some work done.

I am glad that I get to know these group of fun loving girls who have interest in learning the web coding. I like the part where we are assigned to come out with our own designs and programming project that we wanted to do. I really spend a day to conceptualise and design the portfolio and I really love what I do. It is a fun and enjoyable experience. Even when I was sharing my ideas and why I do this project. I could feel that the excitement within me. I enjoyed the learning design process and coming out with the end product, I also enjoyed sharing my knowledge with them as well.

I do hope that I can stay in touch with the geek girls so that I can continue to learn and having a group of like-minded learning friends with me so that we can learn and grow together. :)

21 September, 2012

林育群 - 人海中遇見你

I like this song very meaningful especially my sis forward this song to me :) I really grateful to have such a wonderful sister in my life. Thanks for being my loving, jovial and kind sister. Love you :)

I want to radiate this loving kindness to my parents, friends and people I have met. Thanks for meeting you this lifetime.

范瑋琪 - 因為

I have heard this song before many years back but I didn't know is sing by Fan Fan. Nice Lyrics :)

總在我家巷口和你分手 彷佛偶像劇一樣 


總在回家時候不知所措 想再打電話給你 



想靜靜看著你的笑容 讓你藏在懷中 


因為想一個人而寂寞 因為愛一個人而溫柔

因為有一個夢而執著 因為等一個人而折磨

因為想一個人而解脫 因為愛一個人而寬容

因為有一個夢而放縱 因為等一個人而漂泊

因為想一個人而寂寞 因為愛一個人而溫柔

像夜的矇矓 你的深情難懂 我的世界因為你而不同

因為想一個人而解脫 因為愛一個人而寬容

像風的自由 你的深情難留 你的背影 是我最美麗的所有

Taking charge of my life

After attending yesterday's class "Working with emotions", I do have some insights about myself. I realised the importance of taking control of my own life. Emotions come to me moments to moments. I feel that I have some clarity finally.

I have been seeking for answers for many years, asking what is the purpose of my life. Whenever I cant find any answers, I just live quietly with my life and from time to time attended various self development courses, hoping to that I may get the answers that I want. Walking through all the rollercoaster of my emotions then finally today I realised that I just want the inner peace and lasting happiness within my heart.

Yes, there are many teachers out there to teach about life. But what truly make senses to me is how I really feel about life, how I walk through my own obstacles and challenges and how I get my own wisdom and develop compassion.

All these things that I need to learn is to do and experience it. There is no better way of experience then to learn from the experts and to do it.

I bought a book yesterday called "Be your own Life Coach." written by Jeff Archer. Although I only read a couple of pages and about living healthy lifestyle. I get to learn more about myself. I am truthful about myself. The top 5 things that makes me happy:

1. Joy of Crafts
When I am doing craft work, experimenting how to make the products look great and pleasing. I felt a sense of achievements. That explains whenever I look at those gift wrapping, origami, craft papers, handwork related work, I could pick up within secs. It is effortless to me because I truly enjoy what I do and immerse myself into making things.

2. Joy of Relationships
I love being with my family, friends and people that I care about. They are the people who enriches my life. I love being with them. The quality time that I spend with them are meaningful and I cherish the time with them. I understand relationships need to be built and not taken for granted. In the past, I cant appreciate the bonding and love. I felt it is unnecessary.

But now, things have changed. I started to value people relationships. Why two people or a group of people are together, it is simply because of the karmic affinity. We do not know when these karmic affinity is going to end, thus we need to cherish the people around us. The best gift I can give to my love ones is my attention and presence at the present moment.

3. Joy of Swimming
Swimming is always my favourite sport. Even though I have tons of activities I like to join. However, swimming allows me to be myself, to be relax, to stay calm, at ease and composed. I love the water that touches my skin. Cooling and peaceful. :)

Before I learn how to swim, I already fall in love with the water. That's the reason for so many years, despite I can't swim well at all. I never give up on learning how to swim! Swimming gives me courage and strength as well. Having phobia in the past, does not weaken my belief of learning how to swim properly. Now I can swim at least 4-5 laps, feeling at ease!

4. Joy of Traveling
I love traveling because it broadens my horizon. I get to learn more things and culture from other countries. Even though it is usually a short trip. Last time I envy those people who can travel a lot. But now, I no longer have these thoughts of enviousness because it is unnecessary. I just need to work within my own means. There will be time where I get to travel and experience the culture from the various countries.

Perhaps I can start writing down the list of places that I will like to visit and plan accordingly. I think it will be more realistic and I get to materialise it.

The next country I want to visit is London in 2013. Partially is because I want to visit my Uncle Bob and Aunty Lyn and Cousin Jason. I want to fulfill this trip as I want to spend quality time with my relatives who are dear to me. Working towards my London Trip!

5. Joy of Smiling
I feel that life without a smile is meaningless to live. I love to smile and giggle a lot especially with my dear friend, Siew Siew. I remembered one day my ex boyfriend told me that I become crazy whenever I am with Siew Siew and he didn't like it. I was affected when he said that. I didn't dare to tell Siew Siew because I worried I will affect her as well. Even though, we are no longer together, I already believed from that day onwards, I reduced the times I smile. I always find reasons that I need to smile then I smile. That was so painful!

Having this awareness, I know that I do not need to be the worrisome kid that I used to be. So what if I smile and laugh for no good reason, does that going to harm or kill anyone? The answer is NO! I was too bothered by some negative remarks that I have forsake my true self. That was really silly and how it affected my well being, which I didn't even realise it!

Nowadays, I didn't mind what other people think when I laugh or smile because it is my true nature and character. I love smiling and this is the fact!

08 September, 2012

Being Grateful

Yesterday after writing about living life fully. I felt a sense of calmness and bliss within me. It is a subtle yet i felt the positive energy around me. This morning when I woke up, I felt the thought of being grateful and thankful for all the good things and moments that happened to me be it in the past, or at the present moment.

I felt happy and the feeling is beyond words. When we are the difficult state, we continue to believe that things will be fine, work diligently on what we can do and eventually, work out something great. Somehow or rather, more and more positive things will come by and makes me feel grateful about.

How I overcome my own negative emotions into a blissful state of mind, it is really amazing. Meditation of reciting Amituofo's name helps me a lot. From a confusion state of mind to a sense of blissful within, requires time and effort.

Clearing the stray thoughts and focus on the name of Amitfuo's name, helps me to dilute the confusion and increase clarity. I felt that it is through daily effort of being grateful and mindful about the people, events and things around me, makes me real and authentic.

In the past, I always feel that I need to be gracious, I need to be knowledgeable, I need to be someone great. But the true fact is I am already the person I always wanted to be, which is being my own self. There is no need to be change to someone else that I am not. Being real and authentic is far more powerful than being someone that I pretend to be, which is fake.

How many people realised that how fortunate we are to be able to accept entirely for who we are. There are a lot of people out there, trying so hard to be someone who they are not, change face, doing physical surgery work, trying hard to fit into the society and business models, just to win the recognition of their bosses and the colleagues. Is it truly necessary?

Losing our identity just makes us losing our self confidence and self worth. At the end of the day, it is not the money that goes into our pocket. It is our own wisdom, values that are cultivated and genuine happiness that fill our hearts, that is important.

I must really thank Buddha and the Universe to give me the guidance of being real and authentic. They give me the strength to live, to love and to give unconditionally.

07 September, 2012

Live Life Fully

This week has been an amazing week because I felt that I'm slowly understand what life is all about. The topic of meaningful of life has been bother me since many years back till I felt a bit numb and a bit of pain, as I couldn't figure out how to deal with my life.

Cruising day by day, seems like it becomes a comforting thing to do. I have questions for what is the meaning of life for many years back. Are our life just sleep, eat, study, work, get married and have kids and depart when time is up? Until this week, after attending Shi an's class about his sharing about the meaning of life. I get some glimpses of wisdom and light.

Shi an shared a video about a professor invited a group of students for a tea session. During the session, the professor prepares a pot of coffee and assorted sets of cups. There are cups made of glass, porcelain, clay, gold, wood etc. He asked the students to choose the cups that they like. All the students picked their cups and looking at each other which cups did their peers choose and starts to compare whether their cups are good enough. The professor saw the situation and said,"It doesn't matter what cups are you holding. Most importantly is the quality of the coffee. The coffee represents our life. How well have we live? The happy person may not have the best of everything. But he made the best out of what he has."

I finally realised that how ignorant I was to look at what cup I was holding without noticing the importance of the quality of my coffee. One fine day, when Buddha ask me how well have I live? How well have I let go? How much have I learn? I really hope that I can answer all these questions.

Yesterday, I attended the "Working with emotions" Workshop. It is an another amazing experience for me. I get to realise that I can make my own choices in my life. I have a couple of "Ah-ha" moments. I am glad that Siew has attended this course with me. Even sometimes life may throw us with some difficult situations, these situations help us to grow wiser and better person. We can always choose a better and positive solutions.

Being appreciative is also makes me realise the goodness of people around me. Compare to last time, I noticed that I didn't resist much about taking positive actions as I know I must do something about my life proactively. Another good news is I realise I love myself. I started to care more about myself. Yes, I was too stingy with myself in the past. Too stingy to the extend that even I did something right, I also felt that it was nothing to be worth sharing and appreciate.

I teared a lot because I was feeling lacked of love and trying to get love from other people. The truth is, of course it didn't work. Self Love is a process of understanding oneself and able to love oneself unconditionally. For example, despite of the good things or bad things that happens, I am still able to love and accept myself unconditionally. That is what self love is all about.

I started to take baby steps out of my own comfort zone, of cos with calculated risk. Life has become more meaningful and interesting. I no longer complain, rather I felt that I am very fortunate. Fortunate that I have loving family, who truly genuinely love me unconditionally. I have a loving and sincere friends who stood by me when times are really bad. What more can I ask, except to take good care of myself and learn the lessons that I need to learn.

Everyone of us has something to learn and share with everyone. As long as open our hearts and learn to love and trust unconditionally, we will feel that we have so much, so much more to give.

I have choose to face my life bravely and appreciate meaningful moments once again. This is the best gift I ever give to myself. Actually it is beyond words... if you understand what I mean..

Here is the quote by Anthony Robbins which I find it very meaningful.

03 July, 2012


人生如梦,醒来才会发现自己白忙了一场, 成也好、败也好, 爱也好、恨也好, 富也好、贫也好, 苦也好、乐也好, 所有的努力,始终还是过眼云烟, 即使你用一辈子的眼泪来挽留, 也没有一样东西是你留得住的。



03 June, 2012

Leopard Trio

Leopard Dream
I dreamt about Leopard few weeks ago. I had a special encounter with the Leopard. It is still vividly in my mind. I dreamt about everyone in the village were very fearful of the Leopard. Only myself was steady enough to sit on the floor. As the Leopard was looking at me and started walking towards me. I felt the sense that the Leopard is seeking for comfort. The Leopard slowly lay down on my lap and I kissed on the Leopard forehead, wanted to calm him down. The Leopard felt comforted and relax. After awhile, the Leopard stood up and walked away. I woke up too.

It is my first time dreaming about Leopard. Interestingly, I did the research about seeing leopard in dreams. It says The leopard is a symbol of a valiant warrior who braves dangers with force and courage. To see a wild leopard in my dream suggests that I will eventually overcome my difficulties through persistence. Alternatively, dreaming of a leopard means that I am who I am, just like a leopard can't change its spots.

Leopard Fantasy
Awesome Animated Advertisement for Cartier Winter Tale

Leopard Wildlife
All rights belong to National Geographic. Very well filmed on how Leopard life on the wildlife environment. This is serious stuff.

With 30 in the wild, it is the most endangered big cat species on Earth. ALTA is implementing a wide series of projects to save the species. Support at: http://www.amur-leopard.org

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

More Information about Leopards
Leopards are a rich yellow in color and covered in dark spots. They are about six or seven feet in length and they weigh an average of 150 pounds.

Leopards are found throughout Africa, however they do not inhabit the Sahara Desert. The Leopard can make a loud deep roar. They are keen hunters, and feed on a wide variety of food sources. They will eat insects, to rodents, to extremely large animals such as a giraffe or buffalo. They are extremely agile, and can climb trees with ease. They will often seek shelter in trees, and use their vantage point to survey their surroundings.

They hunt alone, and they do it silently. The leopard will hide itself behind plants or amongst tall grass, and silently creep closer to its prey, then hide again. Once they gain a capable distance, they will accelerate and take down their prey.

The most secretive and elusive of the large carnivores, the leopard is also the shrewdest. Pound for pound, it is the strongest climber of the large cats and capable of killing prey larger than itself.

Leopards come in a wide variety of coat colors, from a light buff or tawny in warmer, dryer areas to a dark shade in deep forests. The spots, or rosettes, are circular in East African leopards but square in southern African leopards.

Info found at : Alan M. Hunt Wildlife Artist

徐佳瑩 - 失落沙洲



又來到這個港口 沒有原因的拘留

隨時間的海浪漂流 我用力張開雙手

我不是一定要你回來 只是當又一個人看海
回頭才發現你不在 留下我迂迴的徘徊
我不是一定要你回來 只是當又把回憶翻開
除了你之外的空白 還有誰能來教我愛

又回到這個盡頭 我也想再往前走

我不是一定要你回來 只是他有一個人看海
疲憊的身影不是我 不是你想看見的我
我不是一定要你回來 只是當獨自走入人海
除了你之外的依賴 還有誰能教我勇敢

除了你之外的空白 還有誰能來教我愛

17 May, 2012

黃小琥 - 沒那麼簡單


沒那麼簡單 就能找到 聊得來的伴
尤其是在 看過了那麼多的背叛
總是不安 只好強悍

沒那麼簡單 就能去愛 別的全不看
變得實際 也許好也許壞各一半
不愛孤單 一久也習慣
不用擔心誰 也不用被誰管

別人說的話 隨便聽一聽 自己作決定
在周末晚上 關上了手機 舒服窩在沙發裡

相愛沒有那麼容易 每個人有他的脾氣
過了愛作夢的年紀 轟轟烈烈不如平靜
幸福沒有那麼容易 才會特別讓人著迷
曾經最掏心 所以最開心 曾經

沒那麼簡單 就能去愛 別的全不看
變得實際 也許好也許壞各一半
不愛孤單 一久也習慣
不用擔心誰 也不用被誰管

別人說的話 隨便聽一聽 自己作決定
在周末晚上 關上了手機 舒服窩在沙發裡

相愛沒有那麼容易 每個人有他的脾氣
過了愛作夢的年紀 轟轟烈烈不如平靜
幸福沒有那麼容易 才會特別讓人著迷
曾經最掏心 所以最開心 曾經

相愛沒有那麼容易 每個人有他的脾氣
過了愛作夢的年紀 轟轟烈烈不如平靜
幸福沒有那麼容易 才會特別讓人著迷
曾經最掏心 所以最開心 曾經
想念最傷心 但卻最動心 的記憶

16 May, 2012

Drop the Pink Elephant

I am reading this book: Drop the Pink Elephant currently. This book is written by Bill McFarlan in 2003. 15 ways to say what you mean... and mean what you say. I like the part where this author shares about positive criticism and compliments.

I have written down the essence of this book. However, I still recommend this book to friends who enjoy reading and have a sense of humor :)

Chapter 1 - Drop the Pink Elephant
The Pink Elephant are words of denials such as 'don't', 'not', 'no', 'did not' and 'didn't' are transparent. We automatically look through them for the real meaning.

For example, if i say 'Don't think of pink elephant.' Immediately, your mind will appear a clear picture of a Pink Elephant!

So a pink elephant is unnecessary and normally vivid, negative. It is the metal baggage we always carry around with us.

Always tell people who we really are.
1. Begin with some self analysis. Are you using Pink Elephants?
2. Describe what is happening. Stick to the positive point.
3. Hunt down the Pink Elephants in your conversations and those of others.

Chapter 2 - Every Picture Tells a Story
1. Speak in vivid pictures to paint clear descriptions.
2. Use analogies to turn abstract concepts and jargon into bright pictures.
3. Avoid talking above or below your audience's level. Instead, talk to their level.

Chapter 3 - Staying on Louisiana Highway
1. Retain the moral high ground by remaining patient and polite.
2. Be sure of your facts and use only polite explanation.
3. That's how to stay on Louisiana Highway, rather than getting stuck in the swamp.

Chapter 4 - Sorry seems to be the hardest word
1. Saying 'Sorry' is the best way to start rebuilding confidence in your relationship after something has gone wrong.
2. We respect those who apologise - and lost respect for those who pretend to be infallible.
3. Regret, Reason and Remedy offers an apology, explanation and solution. It manages expectation, which must then be met.

Chapter 5 - Tell the Unpalatable Truth, rather than the 'White Lie'
When you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain
1. The truth can be defined by how far you are willing to go to establish a fact.
2. The truth is reality, white lie is a figment of the imagination.
3. Once a lie is discovered, you are a liar.

Chapter 6 - Thank You and Well Done Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin
1. Saying 'Thank You and Well Done' demonstrates your appreciation. It raises your self-confidence and that of the person you are thanking.
2. It builds loyalty, while lack of recognition builds indifference.
3. When someone thanks you, accept his or her gratitude with good grace. Put it in the bank and watch your confidence grow.

Chapter 7 - Who looks stupid when you criticise in public?
1. Destructive criticism of children and adults alike destroys their self-confidence and often turns them into critics themselves.
2. Only offer criticism privately and ensure you are able to explain how things can be done better.
3. Humour is great. Just make sure everybody finds your humour funny. Haha :D

Chapter 8 - Flush out the watering down words
1. Remove words that dilute your message. Words like 'quite', 'relatively', 'hopefully', 'fairly' and 'reasonably'
2. 'I'll do my best' and 'I'll try' both lack firm commitment. 3. To avoid sounding evasive, where possible begin an answer with 'yes', 'no' or 'I don't know.'

Chapter 9 - Talk positively about yourself
1. Start describing your life positively and watch the interest grow.
2. Be positive in the face of bad news. By breaking the news, you remain in control of what's being said first.
3. Instead of assuming, check the facts.

Chapter 10 - It's all relative
1. For anything to be interesting, we need to relate to it.
2. What's interesting to us may well be boring to our audience.
3. Put a problem into perspective to see how small it really is.

Chapter 11 - Email and text - Bullets or Boomerangs?
1. Emails travel at the speed of bullets, so be certain of what you're saying before pulling the trigger.
2. Conversational English makes a speech or presentation much easier to follow.
3. We all have accents. Stop being self-conscious about yours.

Chapter 12 - Three little questions
1. What do I want to say? Always have a few points ready.
2. Who am I speaking to? Consider your audience and their interests.
3. How should I put it? Once you consider that, you can arrange your bullet points in order of importance.

Chapter 13 - Listen first to Understand
1. Listen carefully to the person you are talking with.
2. Contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way, rather than just waiting to butt in.
3. Use body language and the tone of your voice to add conviction to your well-chosen words.

Chapter 14 - Powerful words
1. Powerful words can sum up a situation better than loose thoughts.
2. They can inspire you to succeed and to act in the knowledge that others have gone there before you.
3. Words have to be consistent with your actions - Otherwise they are empty words.

Chapter 15 - Think, Talk, Act... Then Tell the World
1. Put all the highway code rules of good communication into action each day.
2. Allow your confidence to grow from the certainty they bring your words, your thoughts and your actions.
3. Tell the world what you have to offer. It can mean the difference between success and failure, happiness and frustrations. Even life and death.

Beautiful Girl

Sing by Aaron Kwok, Composed by Jose Mari Chan

10 May, 2012

Truly Inspired by Todd Beltz

Todd received a very nice email from a student who is studying photography at a college in Australia and as a part of his assignment to develop a business plan, he had to connect with a professional photographer in an area of photography that he most enjoyed.

The student found Todd's work and asked Todd a bunch of questions which he happily shared what he know with the student. The student's question though made him really think and that was, any advice in closing that he could offer? This was his response..random thoughts and what he have learned over the years:

"Stick with what you know, learn all you can, stay hungry, and stay foolish. Never give up. Create new ideas, always shoot, develop a style all your own, network all you can with those around you, don't make enemies and don't act as if you are better than everyone else, especially to those seasoned photographers who have been around awhile. Share your knowledge, insights and help those photographers under you who are just starting to break into the market. Look up to those who have been there and done that, study the styles of others but don't copy them. Learn something new all the time. Ask a lot of questions. Attend photography gatherings. Put a smile on your clients face. Be humble. Take risks. And most of all, enjoy life to the fullest." Todd Beltz

He did photography purely passion. Sure he makes money from it but he loves to share and hopefully by doing so he inspires others to grow and discover their passion as well.

Thanks for sharing his thoughts on Facebook wall with me and his friends. That's how I feel towards my designing work as well. His words re-enforce what I believe and have been doing for all these years. Thanks Todd!

Photography Career Factors

Todd Beltz posted a situation on his Facebook wall. Photographers would you pay $500 to have your portfolio reviewed by some top editors of magazines, ad agencies and galleries from around the world or should something like this not come at a price? Paying this fee doesn't guarantee you a job..just a meeting.

I think the below advises are pretty relevant to me. I just need to twig it according to my own career path.

Photography career factors to consider
by Felix Hug

‎1. Where are you in your career? Its not only to get a job straight away, but some valuable advice from people in the business and the market you are aiming for.

‎2. If its the right organization doing it, its money well spend, because it can open your network as well. Looking back at my first years some of the help i got from editors and senior people in the business was much more worth then 500 dollars.

‎3. Photography in todays market is a long and winding road, unless you are super talented. You need people who mentor you and point your nose in the right direction. Its really not only what you know but who you know as well, given that you have solid work.

‎4. In Sydney I would call ad agencies and try to get meetings with the Creative Directors, just for the sake of getting advice on my folio. It was very hard, because this people are busy a lot and so many photographers know on their doors.... However the meetings i got were very valuable. One of the best advice I got was actually that I'm in the wrong market location wise and the explanations i received made perfect sense. You have to understand that meetings like this are about a lot more then the quality of your images. Its about understanding how the market works in the region you are trying to operate.

‎5. If you do it, make sure you arrive with lots of questions ;-). All the things that keep buzzing around in your head, keeping you from your path.. ask them. Don't wait for them to help you out... make them help you, by asking questions.

‎6. Most importantly: Listen! Learn!.. this is not the time to be proud or arrogant (not that you would be). Its the time to soak it all up and adjust the career path. You want to know what steps to take next. Ask them also, if you do make some adjustments down the road, would they be willing to meet you again (not for money), but for actual job interviews.

Felix Hug was born in Switzerland at the beginning of the carneval (Fasnacht) season in 1964, the 11th day of the 11th month, at almost at 11.11 am to be precise.

How much that indicated, what would become, an unconventional lifestyle is unknown, but heavily influenced by his late father, a painter, he followed his passion for design and the arts.

He has won Best Image Awards in the following competitions:
@ The Asian Geographic Grand Prize, Singapore
@ The International Photography Awards, USA
@ American Photo, Image of the Year, USA
@ Travel Photographer Of The Year, GB
@ The New York Photography Awards, USA

His works can be view here: www.eyesonasia.net

09 May, 2012

容祖儿 - 挥着翅膀的女孩

你曾经对我说,做勇敢的女孩。虽然你已不在,我也不是那个懵懂的女孩,遇到爱 用力爱 仍信真爱。
Dedicate this beautiful song to all single ladies in this world. :)

鄭秀文 - 唯独你是不可取替

鄭秀文演唱,許志安和音 - 完美的演唱搭档

许志安 郑秀文 - 其实你心裡有没有我



Oh No


谭咏麟 - 朋友

Sing this at Karoke with friends. This song is considered a classic, evergreen, ageless among chinese songs.

曲:芹泽广明 词:向雪怀

繁星流动 和你同路
从不相识 开始心接近
人生如梦 朋友如雾
难得知心 几经风暴
为着我不退半步 正是你
你为了我 我为了你
共赴患难绝望里 紧握你手

陈百强 - 偏偏喜欢你

Very old song, even the singer has passed on. Good music and song remains. Enjoyed this song since young. This is the first cantonese song that I learn to sing when I was very young. Very touching lyrics.





重唱 *,#


張國榮 - 追

陳百強 - 一生何求



幸福有沒有在我身邊? 怎麼一直看不見
幸福有沒有在你那邊? 讓我看看它的臉
愛惜地球給我們的資源 隨時記在心裡面
我用善良禮貌的雙眼 發現大家幸福的臉


Very sweet song sing by the children. Lovely lyrics of gratefulness to the our parents, teachers, friends, nature, heaven and earth being blessed in everyday of our life. Thank you :)


詞/曲/編曲:許俊華 唱:李佳寧








生气时 让时间停一停
想一想 生氣的時候
受傷的不只是他人 也傷害了自己

如果你 靜一靜 觀照你內心
他人的惡語 或許是自己 惡念的顯現
就把它 掏出來 讓它遠離自己
心中存感激 是因為菩薩教你 內心更堅強 ~~~~

不怕 不要愁
去愛他 祝福他

陳國榮 - 有用的人

动力火车 - 我吃得起苦

Another motivating song to spur us to move on.

寻见了 就有福
拥有了一切 都进了包袱

天空 疑云密布
心中 翻腾起伏
虽将飘摇 前途仍模糊
此地会是我 衣锦还乡处

飘洋过海 我吃得起苦
现实有咒诅 梦里有祝福
有缘同舟 风雨共渡

顶着烈日当空 眼底有迷雾
日子多坎坷 命运有变数

童安格 - 生命過客

This is another old song which I like it very much in the past. Very meaningful words. Cherish the moments.


童安格 -《生命過客》
曲﹕李偉菘 / 李偲菘

在擁擠的街頭 你在忙碌的追求什麼
在孤寂的角落 你知道失去的越多
在擁有的角落 你是否曾經好好珍惜
在失去的時候 是否依然那麼在意

一生要失敗幾回 才知道成功的意義
一生要愛過幾回 才了解愛的真諦

一生要失敗幾回 啊
愛的真諦 愛的真真諦
一生要失敗幾回 才知道成功的意義 哦

新摇 - 锦绣年华




**不老的心 不老的梦
  不老的心 不老的梦

黃譓禎 巫啟賢 - 邂逅

This is a very old song. Meaningful lyrics and beautiful photos. I think these days difficult to find such sentimental and senic wordings for a song. Maybe in the past, people can really sit down and willing to spend time to appreciate the beauty of the nature.




陶喆 蔡依林 - 今天你要嫁给我

理想婚礼的浪漫冲景因该是多数女孩子想梦,美满的婚姻因该是多数夫妻的理想吧。 有时太过浪漫会觉得太漂浮,有时太提调,又觉得生活太过乏味。所以我们需要平衡,做到能够调情,又很踏实的一起生活,教育下一代。这就是最好又美满的婚姻。

Can't find the original David Tao and Jolin Tse MTV, but found this maplestory wedding ceremony instead. It is quite nicely done and it is cute video.

卓文萱 小鬼 - 愛的主旋律


陳綺貞 五月天 - 私奔到月球

這一刻 不再問為什麼 不再去猜測人和人 心和心 有什麼不同

田馥甄 - 我真的受傷了

The original singer was sang by Jacky Cheung. I like this female unplug version, sang by Hebe. Very soothing feeling.

蘇打綠 - 小情歌

I like the illustrations on the background. Nice!

蔡旻佑 - 我可以


Love Takes Time

Heard this emotional, healing song from Mariah Carey on the radio. It is indeed that love takes time to heal the wound and pains that we have. I feel that I am recovering from the heartbreaking pain in my heart. Letting go of the past romance is really what I need to do and I'm doing it well. Thank myself for allowing to love again :)

Love Takes Time Lyrics
Performed by Mariah Carey

I had it all
But I let it slip away
Couldn't see I treated you wrong
Now I wander around
Feeling down and cold
Trying to believe that you're gone

Love takes time
To heal when you're hurting so much
Couldn't see that I was blind
To let you go
I can't escape the pain
'Cause love takes time
I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna be here alone

Losing my mind
From this hollow in my heart
Suddenly I'm so incomplete
Lord I'm needing you now
Tell me how to stop the rain
Tears are falling down endlessly

Love takes time
To heal when you're hurting so much
Couldn't see that I was blind
To let you go
I can't escape the pain
'Cause love takes time
I don't wanna be here
I don't wanna be here alone

You might say that it's over
You might say that you don't care
You might say you don't miss me
You don't need me
But I know that you do
And I feel that you do

Love takes time
To heal when you're hurting so much
Couldn't see that I was blind
To let you go
I can't escape the pain
'Cause love takes time
I don't wanna be there
I don't wanna be there alone

Guardian Angel

Was listening to "花样少男少女" soundtrack. Quite a nice album. The favourite song is "专属天使" sing by Tank, nice music with meaningful words. The words stand out from the music in the song... I prefer the sentimental songs as they evoke more feelings.

Let me be someone's Guardian Angel and protect him with my life.

07 May, 2012


Track 1 - 約定
Track 2 - 话题
Track 3 - 替身
Track 4 - 我喜歡
Track 5 - 我不是你的唯一
Track 6 - 不想讓你知道
Track 7 - 不哭
Track 8 - 該忘了你對不對
Track 9 - 不愛了也是一種愛

Track 1 - 約定

Track 2 - 话题

Track 3 - 替身

Track 4 - 我喜歡

Track 5 - 我不是你的唯一

Track 6 - 不想讓你知道

Track 7 - 不哭

Track 8 - 該忘了你對不對

Track 9 - 不愛了也是一種愛

06 May, 2012


Happen to listen to this song from the radio. I heard tonight is the Supermoon night, very suitable to listen to this lovely song. Where the moon is much closer to the Earth. Maybe can view it tonight if I am outside.

Digital Composite of #Supermoon at Moonset on 6th May 2012
by Willy Foo

04 May, 2012

Overcoming Tough Times

On this eve's of Vesak day, I would like to share my experience with depression. I would try my best to recall what have really happened at that point in time, so that people understand what depression is about and how do we recover from it and most importantly, we prevent depression.

Depression is more than feeling down or being sad. Depression may affect your work, interest in activities and quality of life. It is not a sign of weakness and it does not just 'go away'. Depression is a medical condition that affects hwo you think, behave and the way you feel and function. It is one of the most common mental health problems and is faced by 121 million people worldwide. Depression can happen to anyone.

When I did my research about depression, I was shocked to find out that 1 out of 10 people suffered from depression in Singapore. In Singapore, an estimate 5.6% of the population are affected by depression during their lifetime. 5.6% x 5 million people = 280, 000 Women have relatively higher rate of occurrence of depression than men. The sex ratio is 2 : 1. In females, depression is more common in the married than single woman. Woman with 3 or more children below age of 14 are more at risk. In males, the unemployed, divorced are more likely to be depressed.

Challenging life events can increase the risk of depression especially when we find it difficult to cope with them. Some of the life stressors that can increase the risk of depression may include: - Relationship problems - Financial difficulties - Physcial illnesses - Unemployment - Lack of Support - Loss of loved one

For my case, I had depression is due to my own ignorance. I attended AsiaWorks Personal Development Course. After the course, I was confused and lost. My boyfriend who I known for 2 years, brought me to the Mental Hospital for consultation. I was fearful and helpless because I saw people suffered inside. One auntie was screaming and shouting. Another auntie was being tied up by the nurse. I was shouted at an impatient nurse. I shouted back at her because I feel that I do not deserved such treatment. I wanted to leave the Mental Hospital, but the regulation of the hospital doesn't allow until I have see the psychiatrist. Thankfully, I behaved myself and my family helped me to talked to the psychiatrist. They finally allow me to leave the hospital.

Even I left the hospital, my thoughts just got hay wired. Fear, confusion, guilt, hatred, anger arosed. I consistently thinking about those useless thoughts, lack of energy, I unabled to make a even simple decision. Full of doubts and judgements, I couldn't utter a word. I felt I was mentally paralysed. My family and friends were very worried. Then a well known psychiatrist gave me a jab, let me slept deeply and gave me medication. It is called antidepressants. They help to regulate mood and can only prescribed by a doctor. I took the mediation for half a year. I felt better at least I didn't think that much. However, it slows down my thinking process. I unable to think as fast as before.

During my depression, I did experience some of the sympytoms indicate here. - Persistent sadness or emptiness - Loss of interest in all or almost all activities - Decrease or increase in appetite drastically - Difficult in sleeping or sleeping excessively - Restlessness or feeling agitated - Fatigue and lacking in energy - Difficulty concentrating or having trouble thinking and making decisions - Frequent thoughts of death or suicide - Doubts about onself worthiness

I became addicted to my bed and slept alot. Now, I think back, I believe it is a way to protect myself from these painful experiences. I do not want to face it and I was not prepare to face it. I lost my appetite and lack of energy. I was lifeless.

I attended Dharma Teacher, Shen Shi An's courses. I remembered my first class, he shared with me was life is suffering. Yes, I felt the suffering part indeed. Teacher Shi An also shared with me about Nian Fo to be mindful of the Buddha. Despite, I was truly sufferring during that time, I Nian Fo diligently daily. For about 3 months, I really see results of my own mental health. I feel more calm and peaceful.

Thankfully, I decided to pickup myself up again. Since I wake up as early as 5am in the morning, I make sure I do something beneficial for my body. I started to go to the park. The beginning was like a torture to me, dragging myself to the park. However, my body started to get use to the fresh air and looking at the greenery makes myself happier and lighter.

I did tear in front of Guan Yin Bodhisattva's birthday before. Because I just felt the moment of helpless feeling again. I told Bodhisattva:“我真的没有办法了。。。我真的没有办法了。。。”And I cry and cry. Amazingly after crying, I felt so much better and relieve.

After that somehow I see some light. I know that since I can't make any decisions, in order to help myself and gain clarity, I started to write the things that I want to do or at least I know I can do. I accomplished small things at the pace that I feel comfortable with. Slowly day by day, I feel that I am getting healthier, more energetic and positive towards life. Most importantly, getting confident with myself again.

I really thank the Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Dharma teachers who have been helping me along these tough times. I remembered these words very strongly.

Buddha words: How well have you live and how well have you forgive and how well have you let go. Strive on with diligence.

Guan Yin Bodhisattva's words: As long as you continue to strive on with what you wanted to do, you can achieve what you want.

Ajahn Brahm's words: Failures are learning experiences and they are the juiciest part of life and that is how we learn and grow.

Shen Shi An's words: To be angry is to let others' mistakes punish us. It becomes your mistake, that you cling to for no good reason. What have you learn?

Thank you, my spiritual teachers! I really appreciate their kind words and teaching. I have release the feeling of anger, upset, hatred, guilt, disappointment, fear. I am thankful that I am well and fully recovered. May my parents and friends be free from mental and physcial suffering. May the patients of the Mental Health Hospital be free from mental suffering. Happy Vesek Day. Amituofo.

02 May, 2012

姜育恒 - 再回首

Nice Song with Meaningful Lyrics

25 April, 2012


走过的路 是一阵魔术
把所有的 好的坏的 变成我的
心里的苦 就算不记得
都化作这目光 吟唱成一首歌
而你像 流进诗里的嘈嘈水声
敲进我心门 拥抱了所有的恨
滋养了干涸 相信我能是你的
是你提醒我 别怕去幻想
是你抓紧我 往前去张望

是你提醒我 别怕去幻想
是你抓紧我 往前去张望

24 April, 2012

Appreciating for what I have

I love this quote because I am thankful for what I have and it reminds me that I already have my ingredients and resources to live a fulfilling life. Thank You :)

I remember the Buddha's words: Strive on with diligence!

19 April, 2012

范逸臣 Love Songs

Realised 范逸臣 has sang a couple of nice songs for these years.
I complied a list here.
Track 01 - 你爱我吗
Track 02 - 忘了愛
Track 03 - ~Missing You
Track 04 - 在這裡分手
Track 05 - 國境之南
Track 06 - Piano
Track 07 - 除此之外
Track 08 - I Believe
Track 09 - Love Story
Track 10 - 用心听
Track 11 - 信仰愛情

A slow ballad chinese song. I like the soothing and gentle music...




Track 02 - 忘了愛

Track 03 - ~Missing You

Track 04 - 在這裡分手

Track 05 - 國境之南

Track 06 - Piano

Track 07 - 除此之外

Track 08 - I Believe

Track 09 - Love Story

Track 10 - 用心听

Track 11 - 信仰愛情

18 April, 2012

汪峰 - 春天里

Heard this song a couple of times, I find the lyrics and song is meaningful. In this mv, the singer transforms himself from young to old, sort of explaining he is always wanted to stay in the spring where he feels happiness.

I personally feel that probably the singer doesn't know how to appreciate his own present moment. That is why he is always looking at his childhood where he felt happy and even though he looks at his future, he has even more questions and lost. I felt his regrets in his lyrics. Hopefully he will be able to open up and think positively towards life.

词曲:汪峰 编曲:贾轶楠
在街上,在桥下 在田野中
如果有一天 我老无所依
请把我留在 在那时光里
如果有一天 我悄然离去
请把我埋在 这春天里

没有情人节 没有礼物
在清晨 在夜晚 在风中
也许有一天 我老无所依
请把我留在 在那时光里
如果有一天 我悄然离去
请把我埋在 在这春天里 春天里


请把我埋在这春天里 春天里

李聖傑 - 手放开


17 April, 2012




董丽娜的朗诵 - 永生的和平鸽
无数次 天空和大地之间的 一颗颗橄榄树旁
我伸开手掌 放飞一对年轻涩的鸽子
无数次 在太阳北地平线颤抖地举起
我向着遥远的南方 唱一支深情的 无词的歌

就在亚热带丛林中 那片不知名的小草上
红色的生命之泉奔涌着 在也没有停歇
就这样 它在那片小草上献出最后一次脉搏
最后一次呼吸 献出二十二岁的年龄




她觉得她自己是健全的,因为她是用心去看世界的。她常常用这句话来鼓励自己:“流动的水只有遇到障碍,才能掀起美丽的浪花。” 我听了很感动!

Inner Peace

A friend of mine send me an email about inner peace. I feel connected to the words here. Hope you find your own inner peace. Have a blessed day :)

You can start the day without caffeine,

You can always be cheerful, letting go aches and pains,

You can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

You can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it,

You can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

You can take criticism and blame without resentment,

You can conquer tension without medical help,

You can relax without alcohol,

You can sleep without the aid of drugs,

... then you are probably


13 April, 2012

Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty

Today I met my primary school classmate, yanrong at food centre which is near my primary school, St. Nicks.

Suddenly have the interest to find out more about my maiden education school. To my surprise, I reallise that there are many positve thoughts and vision about the school and the teaching given to the students are meaningful and inspiring. That explains why this school is successful and grooming lots of successful students over the years.

School Vision
A Leader in Every Student.

The CHIJ Badge
History of the Badge:
This badge or crest was created by CHIJ pupils in 17th century France incorporating into its concept and design, values and aspirations which they wished to be lived out in each CHIJ School. Their design is still proudly worn by thousands of CHIJ pupils in the 21st century. This badge is a symbol of the international unity binding together pupils from every continent, especially CHIJ pupils from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan.

The Design of the CHIJ School Crest
The red shield has a silver band edged in gold. On the right side of the shield is the Book of the Gospels with a silver rosary. On the left is a golden distaff and spindle. The shield surmounted by a gold cross is encircled by a garland of marguerites.

The significance of the symbols
The shield – red in colour symbolizes the all-embracing message of love.

On its right is the open gospel. This points to the source of inspiration which guides the whole school community. The silver rosary represents the story of the gospel as seen through the eyes of the Virgin Mary.

On its left are the distaff and spindle. These are symbols of womanly labour, typical of an earlier period, which remind us of the dignity of work and the satisfaction and fulfillment to be found in a task well accomplished.

The cross which surmounts the crest serves as a reminder that the source of our
inspiration, dedication and fidelity comes from Christ.

The shield is encircled by a garland of marguerites. These simple flowers are found
by the wayside in France and are symbolic of the purity and simplicity which should
characterise our relationships at every level.

School Motto
Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty
德纯, 义坚
Simple in Virtue
This translates into the cultivation of a personal honesty that frees us to relate to others with respect, openness and sincerity, and to become disinterested seekers of truth, wisdom and all that is good. It is the core from which we operate.

Steadfast in Duty
This translates into the strength of character necessary to commit oneself to a goal. It embraces the capacity to rise above the difficulties and obstacles encountered in the execution and completion of any task or duty undertaken in the service of others.

School Values
Truth 真诚
Justice 正直
Freedom 自由
Love 博爱

The way we live
Gratitude and humility饮水思源
To be thankful for our talents and abilities, to appreciate and acknowledge all who have enabled us, and to always be mindful that there is much more that we can learn from everyone.

Sisterly Love姐妹同心
To treasure one another in the SNG family by always speaking the truth in love and supporting and encouraging one another in all ways.

Dignity for all互相敬重
To recognize that everyone is unique and has value, and to treat all people equally, with respect and concern.

Lead and serve发挥潜能
To have integrity and honesty in word and deed when enabling, motivating, and supporting others, and to always use our talents and abilities for the betterment of all.

Create and celebrate富有创意
To pursue excellence in work that benefits all, and to acknowledge and encourage good work and effort.

Learn from life活学巧用
To seek truth and beauty in all that is around us, and wisdom and knowledge beyond what is taught in class, and to share what we learn, in a spirit of love, with the people we encounter.

CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ Chinese School Song
钟声悠扬弦歌讽 诵圣锋化雨泽被春风发扬
华夏优良传统 提倡女教 美得坤 成发扬
发扬华夏优良传统 提倡女教美得坤成
德纯 义坚校训 是宗学贯中西文化交通
圣尼格拉光芒万丈吾国文化 绵延无穷
尼格拉 圣尼格拉光芒万丈 吾国文化 绵延无穷

CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ English School Song
CHIJ is our school
In our hearts we hold you dear
And from your guidance seek and find
A future far beyond
In the years that are to be
We shall often think of thee
The marguerite and distaff bold
Emblems of our school motto
They our guide shall be
In all our future years
Simple in virtue, steadfast in duty
The motto of our school
Let's strive our best and honour her name

Be a Leader
Bilingual & Bicultural

Always striving for excellence
自强不息 , 精益求精

Upholds Truth, Justice, Freedom & Love
真诚 , 正直 , 热爱自由

Gracious & Respectful
温文尔雅 , 高贵大方 , 谦恭有礼 , 饮水思源

Active & Committed as a Citizen
为建设繁荣 , 进步的优雅社会共同努力

A principal I admire. She dedicated all her time and effort in making St Nicholas Girl School, one of top best primary and secondary schools in Singapore for 29 years.
我不能忘记李宝丝前校长当年的栽培, 她把人与人之间的距离拉进,她常说大姐姐要爱护小妹妹,小妹妹要爱护大姐姐。学校以前还有一座姐妹桥呢! 她也常说做女孩子要贤良淑德,进得了厨房,出得了厅堂。


Science Teacher, Mr Lui
He taught me Science. He is passionate and creative in teaching me science. He owns a pond in the school. Through him, I learn about science as well as nature and life.

12 April, 2012



这个词很有意思:天上人间 如果真值得歌颂 也是因为有你才会变得闹哄哄 天大地大 世界比你想像中朦胧,我不忍心再欺哄,但愿你听得懂。 :)

09 April, 2012

8 steps dancing

I had learnt a variety of dancing classes such as hiphop, chacha, jazz, social dancing, salsa a few years back and stopped dancing due to hectic work. Thankfully, I saw a group of aunties dancing at the hilltop. I saw them dancing happily and that reminds me of the dances I have learnt in the past.

I went to the Ang Mo Kio CC to pickup my dancing skills again. It is fun and everytime I dance I feel happy and relax. The teacher is keen to teach and she comments that easy steps she can't remember, students will guide her along then she can remember better.

I learnt a lot from her. She taught me about life. As a beginner to modern dance, she asked me to stand in the middle of the group. It is not because that I need to be in the limelight. The real reason is to learn from various students who have mastered the techniques of the modern dance so that I can pickup faster.

The fastest way to pickup the skill is the observe how people do the basic and learn as I practise. Another way is the learn from classmates who have mastered the skill, she can give me proper guidance as she have learnt the techniques.

Another thing she taught me is to ask when I have any doubts so that I clarify and understand. The dancing teacher mentioned even though I may have mastered the techniques very well, it is still not the mastery yet because my dancing steps need to goes well with the rhythm of the music in ordered to have considered fully mastered the skill.

A very wise piece of advice.