10 May, 2012

Truly Inspired by Todd Beltz

Todd received a very nice email from a student who is studying photography at a college in Australia and as a part of his assignment to develop a business plan, he had to connect with a professional photographer in an area of photography that he most enjoyed.

The student found Todd's work and asked Todd a bunch of questions which he happily shared what he know with the student. The student's question though made him really think and that was, any advice in closing that he could offer? This was his response..random thoughts and what he have learned over the years:

"Stick with what you know, learn all you can, stay hungry, and stay foolish. Never give up. Create new ideas, always shoot, develop a style all your own, network all you can with those around you, don't make enemies and don't act as if you are better than everyone else, especially to those seasoned photographers who have been around awhile. Share your knowledge, insights and help those photographers under you who are just starting to break into the market. Look up to those who have been there and done that, study the styles of others but don't copy them. Learn something new all the time. Ask a lot of questions. Attend photography gatherings. Put a smile on your clients face. Be humble. Take risks. And most of all, enjoy life to the fullest." Todd Beltz

He did photography purely passion. Sure he makes money from it but he loves to share and hopefully by doing so he inspires others to grow and discover their passion as well.

Thanks for sharing his thoughts on Facebook wall with me and his friends. That's how I feel towards my designing work as well. His words re-enforce what I believe and have been doing for all these years. Thanks Todd!

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