27 August, 2014

Inspiration from a Bhikkhuni

This morning, I watched a clip from Taiwan which shares about a Bhikkhuni, who opens a vegetarian restaurant. She allows everyone pays any amount as he or she wishes. Unfortunately, the business went into red and she has to use her own savings, which she saves during her teaching days, to top up the difference. However, she still preserve and continues to serve the public.

What truly inspires me is she said, "There is no one, she dislikes nor anyone, she can't trust." I think she is amazing and noble. Thanks for telling me that we can have this peace of mind and treat everyone equanimously.

25 August, 2014

Broken Friendship

"Oh My God, my friends frame has broken!"

This frame has been with me since Oct 2013! Due to my negligence when I woke up in one of the morning. The top part of letter "F" came off. I have scolded myself for being careless but the frame has already broken. It is more important question for me to do: What am I going to do about it?!

For the past few months, I just use a transparent scotch tape wrap it up. I know it looks ugly but I didn't bother to do anything about it. Until today, I decided to fix the broken part properly. I removed the ugly scotch tape and use uhu glue to glue it back carefully. Yes, it looks much better as though it has not been broken. But of course, there is still a missing chip that came off and the cracks between the broken part and the full frame. I still choose to put the frame beside my bedside so that I can continue to see my friends when I wake up! :)

This small incident has taught me an important lesson about friendship, or any other relationship. If I choose to focus on the crack (hurt), I will always be hurt. However, I choose to fix the crack (heal or do something about it), I actually healing the friendship and at least it won't get any worsen but getting better each time.

Although there is a crack in between, but at least I choose to do something about it, no more ugly scotch and from far, you can't tell there is a crack. Even I know there is a crack, I know that I have done my best to salvage this crack and make the best out of it.

23 August, 2014

Proud to be a Chinese

I am proud to be a Chinese because in my new office, there are 3 potato people. (Meaning that they can't speak Mandarin properly, even though they are pure breed chinese) Hahaha :D

Since primary school, my Chinese result is always the top 10% in class. I enjoy Chinese classes, thanks to a chinese teacher, Chen Feng Ying, who taught me chinese at P2. Her Chinese class is interesting and I never feel bored in class. Since young, I learnt about a chinese phrase from her,"近朱者赤, 近墨者黑。"

朱砂 is also known as Cinnabar is a bright red mineral consisting of mercury sulfide. It means that when you touch the Cinnabar, your hand will turn red, if you touch the ink, your hand will turn black. Meaning that if you have good company, you will have good character. Like wise, if you hang out with bad company, your character will be tinted.

This teacher always tells us don't follow the bad students, learn from the good students. Hence, she splits us into 3 groups, The good students, mediocre students and poor students. My dear friend, Siew, her chinese isn't that fantastic. However, I still hang out with her. I become to influence her to like chinese as well. Over these years, her chinese has improved. Not only that, some of my friends who are weak in Chinese, through my explanation in some Chinese phrases, their chinese also improves.

Last time, I didn't find myself can benefit anyone through my knowledge in Chinese. Now, I truly appreciate that I learn Chinese well and I can educate my fellow mates and my students. Sometimes, I even help my clients to translate their work! Yes, I am proud to be a Chinese.

06 August, 2014

Art Therapy Day 3

Magnificent Sunset
This evening, I went jogging with a friend and we saw the beautiful sunset, it was mixture of blue, white and golden yellow. The sun's warmth is so gentle. It is an inspiration for today.

There is a chinese saying, 夕阳无限好,只是近黃昏
The setting Sun is endlessly endearing; But the light of day is disappearing! It means that every moment, will come to an end eventually. Cherish the present moment!

Art Therapy Day 2

Rainbow always gives me a sense of hope. Wanted to paint rainbow in a fluid manner, ends up the first one is too stiff and the colors are too strong. The second one is lighter and have the feel of rainbow but not in the shape of an rainbow. I guess I will need to balance the 2 visuals together to form the real rainbow in my heart. Anyway, it is a good experimental exercise for me to have a feel of the brush strokes, colors and the theme.

Although all seems out of place, but I learned something in this art therapy which is colors that are too strong are not pleasant in a long run. Yes, it does attract attention but it doesn't sustain at all. However, lighter tone tends to have the endurance and the soothing effects, even you can look at it for a very long time, with ease and pleasure.

It is also telling me that fast and furious is not lasting, however slow and gentle, going with the flow is the way to lasting happiness.

04 August, 2014

Art Therapy Day 1

Flowers in the water
Subtle raining in the pond where we can't differentiate the water from the sky and the water from the pond. Had some financial issues waiting for me to settle. Subtle discomfort but there is still hope. Hopefully, things will get better tomorrow.