23 August, 2014

Proud to be a Chinese

I am proud to be a Chinese because in my new office, there are 3 potato people. (Meaning that they can't speak Mandarin properly, even though they are pure breed chinese) Hahaha :D

Since primary school, my Chinese result is always the top 10% in class. I enjoy Chinese classes, thanks to a chinese teacher, Chen Feng Ying, who taught me chinese at P2. Her Chinese class is interesting and I never feel bored in class. Since young, I learnt about a chinese phrase from her,"近朱者赤, 近墨者黑。"

朱砂 is also known as Cinnabar is a bright red mineral consisting of mercury sulfide. It means that when you touch the Cinnabar, your hand will turn red, if you touch the ink, your hand will turn black. Meaning that if you have good company, you will have good character. Like wise, if you hang out with bad company, your character will be tinted.

This teacher always tells us don't follow the bad students, learn from the good students. Hence, she splits us into 3 groups, The good students, mediocre students and poor students. My dear friend, Siew, her chinese isn't that fantastic. However, I still hang out with her. I become to influence her to like chinese as well. Over these years, her chinese has improved. Not only that, some of my friends who are weak in Chinese, through my explanation in some Chinese phrases, their chinese also improves.

Last time, I didn't find myself can benefit anyone through my knowledge in Chinese. Now, I truly appreciate that I learn Chinese well and I can educate my fellow mates and my students. Sometimes, I even help my clients to translate their work! Yes, I am proud to be a Chinese.

1 comment:

DReaMY said...

lol.. Chen Feng Yin... haha she's my "nightmare" but a memorable one....:p

I think i'm the half potato friend.....:p