29 October, 2012


在机缘巧合中,我参加了佛光山2012年8月的短期出家。有人说,“出家” 就是把心带 回家。当时,我根本不懂它的意思,只想体验僧团的平静生活。其实僧团生活是过得很充实的,就是懂得活得简单,活在当下。一点也不浪费宝贵的生命,时间。



我很感恩能接近善知识,因为它让我清楚的知道我的生命价值观到底是否正确。有多位的师父的引导,我的心也踏实了很多。有一位师父问,“你有每天观自己的心吗?” 这才让我庞然大悟!以前我把习惯当作理所当然,原来好的习惯是让我建立基本功夫。有了好习惯,做事情也顺心了许多。原来要改坏习惯,还真要,每天自己的叮咛,才可以慢慢的把坏习惯改掉。有心要改,一定行!

虽然只见星云大师一面,他的智慧让我受益。在短期出家的开式中,他和我们分享我们要学习 “无的生活”。他说无的空间很大,无里又富有。我一直在思考,领悟到因为没有才有更多创造空间。就联想到像佛光山一样从无到有,现在的伟大成果,也是因为星云大师和师父们一点一滴慢慢累积成的。这是多么有智慧的一句话啊!



22 October, 2012

Connection with Vegetarism

Last Thursday, I attend my dharma teacher's talk about Vegetarism. There are some gluesome scenes shown on now the animals are badly treated and slaughtered. I wrote some feedback to my teacher and he asked me if I ever see animals that are not killed in a brutely way for food consumption? I was speechless.

Everyday I have been praying for the well beings of all beings. How can all beings be truly happy when I am eating some of them? It does sets me to think that perhaps we are doing more harm than good by being a meat eater.

I went to the website of the Vegan Society, it is the websites that promote Vegetarism. I love the clips of the videos shows how Vegan can be living more healthy and be more compassion as know that no animals are being killed for them. I can start a Vegan Day for myself every week.

There are some of the thoughts by the Vegans. I think it is really inspiring.

All the videos are found here for viewing.

15 October, 2012

Present Moment

This morning I recieved a very wise quote from a friend. Although she is non Buddhist, she gave me a quote said by the Buddha. Was very thankful for my friend to send me this quote. Perhaps the Buddha knows that I am having some emotional feeling yesterday and gave this quote to my friend to forward it to me. Haha :D

Somehow or rather, I felt much better after recieving this quote. It reminds me of to seriously moving on and stop dwelling on the past as it is history. The past no longer comes back. Every sec will become a history sec by sec. Every future sec will become every present sec. Thus, each moment is very important and precious.

The future will only happen when I am able to take action on the present moment. It is no longer important what will be in the future. Every future is the present. It is important and precious about what is going on in this present moment.

I feel consoled and warmed after understand the meaning of this quote. It really helps and I slowly learn to love myself, my loving parents, my dear sis, my dear friends. As I progress spiritually, I do hope that my loving kindness can radiate to more people in my life so that more people are benefit to this loving kindness. I guess I will need to practise more diligently so that more people can benefit from it. I also do hope that one day I will be able to meet the Amitaba Buddha because I have a lot of questions to ask him.

May I be well and happy and may others be well and happy.

14 October, 2012







