30 September, 2014


I do have wrong understanding about learning Buddhism is to do good deeds and helping people. I realised that it is more than that, it is to repent on what wrong deeds that we have done in the past and be a better person.

Wen Fang shares with me her own experience that she has fear in driving. Even the fortune teller tells her not to drive. Through her own meditation, she saw that in her past life, she was a reckless driver which caused her own death. Now, every time she drives, she is more mindful and repents.

I personally think that she is courageous. Facing her own problem, instead of avoiding it, she finds ways to resolve it and rebuilt her own confidence in driving.

As for myself, I repent for all the wrong deeds that I have done in this lifetime and my past lives due to greed, hatred and ignorance, I vow to cease all evil deeds and be a good person from this lifetime.

29 September, 2014

Short stories of Finance

Just read Short Stories about finance management shared by Jack Ma.

This particular story draws my attention.




I glad that I choose my own inner peace than to continue to struggle over my lost of wealth. I have not lost the valuable inner peace and courage within me, instead I gained clarity.

The most absurd "solution" which a friend gives is to go to the FBI to handle the situation, since that guy is from UK. I know he is trying to help. But deep in my heart,"You think we are shooting drama, is it? All I want is to put my mind back to peaceful state."

This is what I replied to him: "It's alright. If this is a fraud case, he will be caught. If his case is genuine, he will be fine one day. There's no reason for malaysian police to keep him as he already serve his notice.

As for my money, it will come back to me in another form, so I already let go this incident.

Between money and peace, I choose peace of mind. Thanks for your kind offer, I don't need it anymore."

I thought through carefully what I needed to do for me to move on in these 2 days. Instead of still harping on the lost money, which I can't do much about it, I redirect my focus and energy into my projects and people that I care about. I am thankful that the most people around gave me good advice and let me see the whole picture better.

You know what, I slept well after I decided to let go of the lost money. My existing and new clients come to ask me to help them with the design projects.


27 September, 2014








16 September, 2014

Let it go - Frozen

Beautiful Animation Video from Frozen, Disney.

14 September, 2014

You are born to shine!

Yesterday, I took part in the Area S3 Humorous Speech and Speech Evaluation contests. I had minor breakthroughs for my humorous and evaluation contests. Thanks for the wonderful guidance from experienced toastmasters, Winson Lim, Darren Tay and Kwan Hong. The common grounds that they have are they have a system in handling the contests and they are flexible enough to make some changes to adapt to the current situation. It is something I need to learn from them.

What I have breakthroughs are:
1) I am starting to break free from my usual way of thinking patterns.
2) I am more open and receptive towards new ideas and learning.
3) I can share my thoughts with other people with less nervousness.
4) I understand that I need to gather my key points and expand them on the spots.
5) I can use every Friday mornings as my training ground.
6) I breakdown my message into points so that I will be able to remember better.
7) I am more confident than before.

It is really powerful to do things that I am fearful about. When I actually do it, my courage and confidence grow tremendously! I very thankful about it. I remembered Darren Tay shared with me that his teacher told him that he is born to shine! I felt inspired too! Now I started to feel and experience that I am born to shine as well! I will continue to learn and expand myself. I am truly grateful to able to have so many good, valuable and experience friends around me. Thank you!

10 September, 2014


Had an interesting BNI Awards Night. This year theme is Masquerade. I designed my own mask and this is my first time doing magic performance, lead by Tommy Chiang, Tommillusions. Doing something new last night! Thanks Tommy for sharing his small little tricks to us! :)

Masquerade Flyer

Theresa and I

Designed Mask by me hehe :D

Turning Referrals into Money

09 September, 2014

Stop being anxious and start being relax

Here are some tips to stop ourselves being anxious and start being relax.

1) Choose your friends wisely You are average of 5 people you spend most of the time with. Our environment shapes our thinking and behavior in quiet and powerful ways! There are friends who drains your energy and there are friends who have a holistic approach of living their life where they can uplift your energy. Spend more time with them and they not only help you to think positively, and you can learn to handle your challenges more effectively.

2) Set aside time each day to worry If you find the urge to worry uncontrollable, I recommend that you set a specific time each day to worry. E.g. you allocate 10 mins after dinner to worry so that you know that you have time to worry. It may sound strange technique but it is effective as it allows you to compartmentalise your worries. During these worry sessions, write down all fears and concerns that you have and brainstorm possible solutions. If you can't find any solutions, this is probably a worry that you shouldn't spend so much time on as there is nothing you can do about it.

3) Stop comparing Everyone is unique in our own ways. Comparing makes us feel inferior or ego about ourselves and other people. Learn to count our blessings and we are learning and growing.

4) Keep a gratitude journal Being grateful helps us to focus on the positive side. In fact there are research that shows grateful people tend to be happier people. Write down 1 thing that you are thankful for each day. A simple entry can be:
  • I am thankful to have a stable career that enables me to provide for my family.
  • I am thankful my family cares for me and I am able to spend quality time with them.
Keeping a gratitude journal is a simple habit that will take you just 2 minutes a day but will reap tremendous benefits in a long run.

Worries are weeds that can run rampant and become a destructive force in our lives. I hope by applying 4 tips in this article, we are able to manage these weeds better so that we can focus time and energy on bring up healthy, happy and successful life.

02 September, 2014

How to get organised

For many years, I have tried to be organised but it failed terribly. Even I start to feel that I need to be more organised to de-clutter myself and my poor habits. However, I haven't given up hope on myself. Still finding the way to get myself organised. Still feeling hopeful. I went google search to find some useful tips,
How to Deep Clean and Organize Your Room

4 Useful Tips I will adopt are:
Organize your bedside table Take everything off and out of it. Organize the drawers and the top of it. Wipe down the bedside table and go through the items you cleared off of the bedside table. Put anything important you might need on the top of it like a glasses case, cell phone, etc. But try not to make it too cluttered.

Organize your desk Work is very important and you can work best in an organized area. Take everything off the desk and sort it. Keep only stuff important to work or school and find homes for everything else. Wipe down the desk and neatly organize the items on the desk. Also, wipe down your desk chair. You are more likely to work well if you feel comfortable, clean, and organized.

Organize your bookshelf Clear out the bookshelf and sort the items. Next, wipe down the shelves and give it a minute to dry. Next, organize books and keepsakes. Remember, you DO NOT want to create a junk shelf so DO NOT put things that are irrelevant to the other items on the bookshelf.

Organize the clothes in your closet a certain way. First, clear out the closet. Wash all your clothes. If clothing does not fit anymore, then donate it. Vacuum/mop/shampoo the floor and wipe down shelves, racks, and other parts of the closet. Next, hang up delicate items (note that knitted items should be folded in drawers to prevent stretching of the threads). Get more wear out of your closet by bringing a few rarely-worn items to a more prominent position. If you don't wear items you should get rid of them, making space for clothing you will wear. Then, hang up or place the rest of your clothes on shelves. Put like clothes together(sweaters with sweaters, dresses with dresses, jeans with jeans, etc.) Now, organize your shoes neatly. You should always keep shoes with clothes so in the morning, you can dress from the head to the shoes.

Action Plan:
Put things that are relevant to current moment.
I will spend each week to de-clutter my workspace, wardrobe, shoes, bags, bookshelves and art & craft sections.
1st week - workspace
2nd week - bookshelves
3rd week - bookshelves
4th week - wardrobe, shoes and bags
5th week - art & craft

More articles on Be Organised, Organize Your Life


Robin Sharma shares few tips about Journaling
1) Record my daily progress, example spending 20 mins to recap what has happened to me.
Yesterday weather is really good, all my clothes are dried within 2 hours! Thanks for the sunny day :)

I met Joewin, just realised she is only 27 and she has such a successful event business. Happy for her!

Also met Alvin and Max who just started up IT digital marketing business. Hopefully get to know them better.

Also glad to be in the new office to do my work, I will spend more time in the office :)

2) Record Daily Insights / Learning in the Journal
Joewin is so eloquent in her presentation and sharing what her company does, need to learn from her. The best part is she also helps to share for me :) Little girl with a big heart.

I need to embark on my drawing skills. It is the most fundamental. Will start from today, Create this new drawing habit. Just spend 15-30 mins of my time to draw.

3) Record Gratitude
I felt that I am more kind towards myself.
I am thankful that I receive kindness from my family.
People around me are kind to me, especially Alvin Neo who used to scold me, also becomes kind towards me. I am thankful.

4) Record Things that Matters
Focus on what is important.
You are free. To Focus. To Create. To Relax. To Feel Peaceful.
Record stories that matters.
a) Exercise in the morning. It helps to recharge and energised.

b) Spend 5-10 mins mediation wakes up and before bed. It helps to clear the mind and relax.

c) Find time to think. Before start work, realign myself to recap what needs to be done for today.

d) Find time to think. Before bed, recall the good things that happened today and be grateful.

e) Put something good in my mind in the morning.

f) Do the most difficult things first in the morning.

g) Be so good in what I do.

How to Do Your Best Work

Robin Sharma shares on 6 Keys To Mastery

1) Do something difficult every day

2) Exercise first thing in the morning

3) Be Ridiculously good at what you do - practice every single day

4) Be Ridiculously Curious - learn something new every day

5) Get your health to world class

6) Lead without a title