02 September, 2014

How to get organised

For many years, I have tried to be organised but it failed terribly. Even I start to feel that I need to be more organised to de-clutter myself and my poor habits. However, I haven't given up hope on myself. Still finding the way to get myself organised. Still feeling hopeful. I went google search to find some useful tips,
How to Deep Clean and Organize Your Room

4 Useful Tips I will adopt are:
Organize your bedside table Take everything off and out of it. Organize the drawers and the top of it. Wipe down the bedside table and go through the items you cleared off of the bedside table. Put anything important you might need on the top of it like a glasses case, cell phone, etc. But try not to make it too cluttered.

Organize your desk Work is very important and you can work best in an organized area. Take everything off the desk and sort it. Keep only stuff important to work or school and find homes for everything else. Wipe down the desk and neatly organize the items on the desk. Also, wipe down your desk chair. You are more likely to work well if you feel comfortable, clean, and organized.

Organize your bookshelf Clear out the bookshelf and sort the items. Next, wipe down the shelves and give it a minute to dry. Next, organize books and keepsakes. Remember, you DO NOT want to create a junk shelf so DO NOT put things that are irrelevant to the other items on the bookshelf.

Organize the clothes in your closet a certain way. First, clear out the closet. Wash all your clothes. If clothing does not fit anymore, then donate it. Vacuum/mop/shampoo the floor and wipe down shelves, racks, and other parts of the closet. Next, hang up delicate items (note that knitted items should be folded in drawers to prevent stretching of the threads). Get more wear out of your closet by bringing a few rarely-worn items to a more prominent position. If you don't wear items you should get rid of them, making space for clothing you will wear. Then, hang up or place the rest of your clothes on shelves. Put like clothes together(sweaters with sweaters, dresses with dresses, jeans with jeans, etc.) Now, organize your shoes neatly. You should always keep shoes with clothes so in the morning, you can dress from the head to the shoes.

Action Plan:
Put things that are relevant to current moment.
I will spend each week to de-clutter my workspace, wardrobe, shoes, bags, bookshelves and art & craft sections.
1st week - workspace
2nd week - bookshelves
3rd week - bookshelves
4th week - wardrobe, shoes and bags
5th week - art & craft

More articles on Be Organised, Organize Your Life

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