09 September, 2014

Stop being anxious and start being relax

Here are some tips to stop ourselves being anxious and start being relax.

1) Choose your friends wisely You are average of 5 people you spend most of the time with. Our environment shapes our thinking and behavior in quiet and powerful ways! There are friends who drains your energy and there are friends who have a holistic approach of living their life where they can uplift your energy. Spend more time with them and they not only help you to think positively, and you can learn to handle your challenges more effectively.

2) Set aside time each day to worry If you find the urge to worry uncontrollable, I recommend that you set a specific time each day to worry. E.g. you allocate 10 mins after dinner to worry so that you know that you have time to worry. It may sound strange technique but it is effective as it allows you to compartmentalise your worries. During these worry sessions, write down all fears and concerns that you have and brainstorm possible solutions. If you can't find any solutions, this is probably a worry that you shouldn't spend so much time on as there is nothing you can do about it.

3) Stop comparing Everyone is unique in our own ways. Comparing makes us feel inferior or ego about ourselves and other people. Learn to count our blessings and we are learning and growing.

4) Keep a gratitude journal Being grateful helps us to focus on the positive side. In fact there are research that shows grateful people tend to be happier people. Write down 1 thing that you are thankful for each day. A simple entry can be:
  • I am thankful to have a stable career that enables me to provide for my family.
  • I am thankful my family cares for me and I am able to spend quality time with them.
Keeping a gratitude journal is a simple habit that will take you just 2 minutes a day but will reap tremendous benefits in a long run.

Worries are weeds that can run rampant and become a destructive force in our lives. I hope by applying 4 tips in this article, we are able to manage these weeds better so that we can focus time and energy on bring up healthy, happy and successful life.

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