31 October, 2008

Cross Cultural Friendship

Global village is a term coined by Wyndham Lewis in 1948 and Herbert Marshall Mcluhan in 1962 describes how electronic mass media collapse space and time barriers in human communication, enabling people to interact and live on a global scale.

In this sense, the globe has been turned into a village by the electronic mass media. The global village in this context refers to the power of Internet. With the help of upcoming improving fast technology such as facebook, msn, you tube and many more technology gadgets, the information is spreading much faster than it used to be. Perhaps very soon, we will able to do more Internet stuffs with our own mobile phones.

Because of Internet, I get to know many more friends online then I used to have. Recently through msn, I get to know a spanish designer. He is rather a reserved but yet a warm hearted man. But after chatting for some time, we have developed friendship between us.

He always loves to draw... When I was stuck with my own ideas about creating money packets, he drew and interpret his own ways. Although I didnt use his ideas at all, but I appreciate by his actions.

There was one time I helped him to resolve a personal problem. Out of gratitude, he drew this piece of work for me.

I asked him why does he draw this litte heart, he says when he felt lousy, I listen to him and share a piece of my heart. Lol :) That's how i inspired him to draw this piece of work. It's pretty, isn't it?

I am rather touched by his kind gesture. In fact, I think he helped me more than I helped him. I hope our friendship will grow stronger through the years.

25 October, 2008



前两天我在地铁里,有一位二十岁的女孩跟她的女朋友说:“我的男朋友一直嫌我的胸部太小。我要整行。”虽然我也是女人, 但她这么一说, 我不经意的看她一下。她长的相当好看,身材满标准的,一点坠肉也没有。在我心里面,为她打抱不平,她的男朋友怎么可以这么说她。




21 October, 2008

Ichiro Films

I have attended my cousin, Robin's wedding on 17 Oct. I like the unique way that the videographer had shot the wedding process. Christopher Tay has changed a wedding into a piece of Film ART requires artistic direction in both shooting and editing skills.

Below is the short trailer of the thoughts behind wedding. Worth looking for them if you are lookin for a theme wedding videographer, http://www.ichirofilms.com

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20 October, 2008

Amazing Dance

I was touched by this piece of dance, hand in hand. It was full of emotions and passion. I am really impressed by both dancers determination. There was truly amazing effort and their hardwork really pays off! They have inspired me that nothing is impossible when I want to do it. Enjoy the video :)

19 October, 2008

One Photo marathon, One Dream

Back for the second year, Canon PhotoMarathon Asia unites all amateur and professional photographers in the region by challenging them to complete a series of photography assignments under the pressure of time. One marathon with about 1,300+ participants took part in this competition.

The biggest catch of this contest, the top winner will get a chance to win a Photo Clinic in New Zealand under the lead of a professional photographer. It's a 7 days Photography trip to experience the Mount Cook – New Zealand’s highest peak.

The 3 themes are Change, Dreams and Freedom. We are given 3.5 hours to shoot each theme. Me and Siew as usual not knowing what are the winning prizes until we reached there. But we both know what our real purpose was to have fun hehehe :)

The organiser display some of the interesting shots taken by the contestants. Some were quite lame and crappy, and some were just too direct. I must say its not only just technical aspects but rather the creativity that will attract the judges' heart.

I did learn something out of this contest after such a long day of mental and physical exercising. The difference between a winner and just a normal participant is that he / she will be able to bring out the strong meaning of each theme in his / her own unique ways. I think mine was too simple and direct. I should try to develop the eye for creativity and endurance to complete the marathon for next year.

Despite I never win any prizes, I'm still happy to able to enjoy this contest with Siew and George who join us in the middle of the contest after his friends flew him kite. I start to believe enjoying the process is more important than the results.

The only thing i feel that the organiser should improved is the time management. They should be stringent about the time after all this is a contest. Somehow people just come back late for their assignments and the time is extended. The contest ended up quite late. Instead of 6pm, it ended up almost 10pm. We are just too tired to wait for the results to be released.

07 October, 2008

Magical 30

When I recieved a letter from Immigration today, my dad was curious why I had this letter. So I told him because I need to change my IC. He was puzzled and continue to ask me why I do I need to change my IC. Suddenly the fit of anger just come over me and I snapped at him and said, "Because I'm 30." Of cos, my dad said nothing and left the room.

I was wondering why am I so pissed when I realised that I'm 30. 30 is just a figure. Sometimes I couldn't even understand myself. When I started to think I realised that when you have reached 30, people around you will ask you and be very concern about your love life, your marriage and even your own career. Perhaps that is because everyone is doing it. People will start to ask you about the things they think is RIGHT to do: Get boyfriend, get married, have a good career and have kids!

Sometimes I really make me wonder is it really the RIGHT way to do? Not having a relationship or having a fantastic career in life is not a sin. Why must force onto others with their own believing. Doesn't mean getting married will have successful marriage, or doesnt mean working hard means that you will lead you to have a successful career.

Times have really changed. Everything around us have been changing secs by secs, just that we don't even realised it.

I just told CH last night as long as we don't hurt anyone indirectly, we don't owe anyone's explaination. I'm still pretty much enjoying my singlehood life and I'm making full use of my time doing meaningful things.

If you ask me what is my birthday wish, I just wish that just let the nature takes its course and good things will fall in place!