23 September, 2012

Confusion to Clarity

Life sometimes can be so strange. Perhaps it is due to my lack to understanding. I remembered that I created a blog named Cycle of Life. This blog was created because I wanted to have a connection with the Universe. I wrote how I feel towards myself and how I view about certain things.

During my depression, I was so fearful about looking at the things I wrote to the Universe. From my understanding, Universe is the signal or energy that we send out to the system. This energy will be able to attract what we send out. I was so confused and somehow I thought that having the name "Cycle of Life" will screwed up everything. It was really silly of me. When I reread what I wrote. It is nothing scary. Those articles that I wrote are the thought moments that I feel during that point in time.

Thanks to the Buddha's teachings that makes me have more clarity. Things change to the positive side, so did I.

I really glad that I revisit the website and it is really not as scary and fearful that I have imagine it to be. I actually silly enough to think that I can changed the whole world from the words that I used. Nevertheless, I have changed the name to "Letters to the Universe". So that it will no longer create that kind of confusion and uncertainties.

When I look back now, it is really myself who created such a big drama into my life. This whole drama makes me cherish my love ones more and I get to know that I really need to trust and love myself completely. Though this drama is a short period of time. I have learn to take time to reflect and most importantly, taking back my own power and strength.

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