15 August, 2009

An ending is a new beginning

Very often, i hear this statement "An ending is a NEW beginning". How true is that...?! I guess there is a new lesson to be learnt in every chapter of my life. I have tasted happiness, sadness, bitter feeling and excitement in almost every week which coming close to 5 months.

I never regret making this decision from the start, therefore, I should not feel any regrets when coming to the end. I have tasted more happiness than sadness. We have beautiful memories but because of our wide differences, I feel that I should let go despite how unwilling I am. Yes, perhaps you may feel im a coward, not willing to face all the challenges coming in front. But to me, this is the lesson I have to learn. I have to let go when time is ripe. How difficult it is...

We are sad for this moment. Don't blame ourselves that it didn't work out what we wanted. We will understand why it happens and there is always a reason why it happens. We may not able to understand right now but one day we will. We will appreciate why we did this today.

I will continue to be his light and always give him my blessings, no matter which part of the earth he is.

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