04 February, 2012

Catch Up

Finally willing to let go of the past unhappiness and I'm ready to move forward. I'm happy with myself that I'm willing to let go.

Recently I got a $100 mobile voucher from Starhub. I use this voucher for Samsung Galaxy SII. It is a good buy. Happy with the phone as it is slim and light.

As I was happily using the phone, I have this thought about do we really need a phone that has broadband, videos, music, games apps, social media apps and the list goes on... OR just a phone that is able to call our friends :)

Obviously we don't need such a complicated phone but if everyone is using such phones and we do not update ourselves with such technology. it will look as if we are fallen behind with times. Terms and technology jargons become geek to us if we do not followup and know what is going on and happening around us.

Just now I heard this phrase, "一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。" 意思是一天的学习就在于早晨的用功晨读,只有这样才能学到自己应该掌握的知识。 一年的收成就在于春天的种植,不然秋后就不可能有收获。Therefore I want to use my time wisely to learn new things this year so that I can become a better and a wiser person. :)

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