09 October, 2013

Inspiration from an elderly

As I was reading in the train, a lady knocked on to me with her haversack. When I looked up, a 72 years old elderly smiling at me. She looked really healthy and strong. She starts chatting with me and shares that she has been trekking since young and some of her trekking experiences.

When she wanted to carry her 15kg haversack, I asked her, "Can you manage?" "Young lady, this is nothing compared to my usual trekking haversack."

It is my first time meeting such a lively, energetic elderly, who is so passionate about her life. She's really an inspiration to all.


DReaMY said...

Old or not? It's never about the age but the attitude! Hahaha
Sometimes when we do feel old- we may be young but simply lack the energy for anything, but an old person can do amazing stuff even in their age!

Lately I got to know a 71 year old lady who's so actively volunteering her time and helping other elderly people who
Need much help! She's so zealou in her willingness to help that I feel in terms of energy level, I'm really much older than her! I applaud her really!

Qiqi said...

True, true.. It is always about the person's attitude. The willingness to learn and do it. The rest are just excuses or justifications why we can't do it.

That is why we need to learn to be more open-minded in learning and accepting new things in life :)