25 April, 2012


走过的路 是一阵魔术
把所有的 好的坏的 变成我的
心里的苦 就算不记得
都化作这目光 吟唱成一首歌
而你像 流进诗里的嘈嘈水声
敲进我心门 拥抱了所有的恨
滋养了干涸 相信我能是你的
是你提醒我 别怕去幻想
是你抓紧我 往前去张望

是你提醒我 别怕去幻想
是你抓紧我 往前去张望

24 April, 2012

Appreciating for what I have

I love this quote because I am thankful for what I have and it reminds me that I already have my ingredients and resources to live a fulfilling life. Thank You :)

I remember the Buddha's words: Strive on with diligence!

19 April, 2012

范逸臣 Love Songs

Realised 范逸臣 has sang a couple of nice songs for these years.
I complied a list here.
Track 01 - 你爱我吗
Track 02 - 忘了愛
Track 03 - ~Missing You
Track 04 - 在這裡分手
Track 05 - 國境之南
Track 06 - Piano
Track 07 - 除此之外
Track 08 - I Believe
Track 09 - Love Story
Track 10 - 用心听
Track 11 - 信仰愛情

A slow ballad chinese song. I like the soothing and gentle music...




Track 02 - 忘了愛

Track 03 - ~Missing You

Track 04 - 在這裡分手

Track 05 - 國境之南

Track 06 - Piano

Track 07 - 除此之外

Track 08 - I Believe

Track 09 - Love Story

Track 10 - 用心听

Track 11 - 信仰愛情

18 April, 2012

汪峰 - 春天里

Heard this song a couple of times, I find the lyrics and song is meaningful. In this mv, the singer transforms himself from young to old, sort of explaining he is always wanted to stay in the spring where he feels happiness.

I personally feel that probably the singer doesn't know how to appreciate his own present moment. That is why he is always looking at his childhood where he felt happy and even though he looks at his future, he has even more questions and lost. I felt his regrets in his lyrics. Hopefully he will be able to open up and think positively towards life.

词曲:汪峰 编曲:贾轶楠
在街上,在桥下 在田野中
如果有一天 我老无所依
请把我留在 在那时光里
如果有一天 我悄然离去
请把我埋在 这春天里

没有情人节 没有礼物
在清晨 在夜晚 在风中
也许有一天 我老无所依
请把我留在 在那时光里
如果有一天 我悄然离去
请把我埋在 在这春天里 春天里


请把我埋在这春天里 春天里

李聖傑 - 手放开


17 April, 2012




董丽娜的朗诵 - 永生的和平鸽
无数次 天空和大地之间的 一颗颗橄榄树旁
我伸开手掌 放飞一对年轻涩的鸽子
无数次 在太阳北地平线颤抖地举起
我向着遥远的南方 唱一支深情的 无词的歌

就在亚热带丛林中 那片不知名的小草上
红色的生命之泉奔涌着 在也没有停歇
就这样 它在那片小草上献出最后一次脉搏
最后一次呼吸 献出二十二岁的年龄




她觉得她自己是健全的,因为她是用心去看世界的。她常常用这句话来鼓励自己:“流动的水只有遇到障碍,才能掀起美丽的浪花。” 我听了很感动!

Inner Peace

A friend of mine send me an email about inner peace. I feel connected to the words here. Hope you find your own inner peace. Have a blessed day :)

You can start the day without caffeine,

You can always be cheerful, letting go aches and pains,

You can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

You can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it,

You can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

You can take criticism and blame without resentment,

You can conquer tension without medical help,

You can relax without alcohol,

You can sleep without the aid of drugs,

... then you are probably


13 April, 2012

Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty

Today I met my primary school classmate, yanrong at food centre which is near my primary school, St. Nicks.

Suddenly have the interest to find out more about my maiden education school. To my surprise, I reallise that there are many positve thoughts and vision about the school and the teaching given to the students are meaningful and inspiring. That explains why this school is successful and grooming lots of successful students over the years.

School Vision
A Leader in Every Student.

The CHIJ Badge
History of the Badge:
This badge or crest was created by CHIJ pupils in 17th century France incorporating into its concept and design, values and aspirations which they wished to be lived out in each CHIJ School. Their design is still proudly worn by thousands of CHIJ pupils in the 21st century. This badge is a symbol of the international unity binding together pupils from every continent, especially CHIJ pupils from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan.

The Design of the CHIJ School Crest
The red shield has a silver band edged in gold. On the right side of the shield is the Book of the Gospels with a silver rosary. On the left is a golden distaff and spindle. The shield surmounted by a gold cross is encircled by a garland of marguerites.

The significance of the symbols
The shield – red in colour symbolizes the all-embracing message of love.

On its right is the open gospel. This points to the source of inspiration which guides the whole school community. The silver rosary represents the story of the gospel as seen through the eyes of the Virgin Mary.

On its left are the distaff and spindle. These are symbols of womanly labour, typical of an earlier period, which remind us of the dignity of work and the satisfaction and fulfillment to be found in a task well accomplished.

The cross which surmounts the crest serves as a reminder that the source of our
inspiration, dedication and fidelity comes from Christ.

The shield is encircled by a garland of marguerites. These simple flowers are found
by the wayside in France and are symbolic of the purity and simplicity which should
characterise our relationships at every level.

School Motto
Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty
德纯, 义坚
Simple in Virtue
This translates into the cultivation of a personal honesty that frees us to relate to others with respect, openness and sincerity, and to become disinterested seekers of truth, wisdom and all that is good. It is the core from which we operate.

Steadfast in Duty
This translates into the strength of character necessary to commit oneself to a goal. It embraces the capacity to rise above the difficulties and obstacles encountered in the execution and completion of any task or duty undertaken in the service of others.

School Values
Truth 真诚
Justice 正直
Freedom 自由
Love 博爱

The way we live
Gratitude and humility饮水思源
To be thankful for our talents and abilities, to appreciate and acknowledge all who have enabled us, and to always be mindful that there is much more that we can learn from everyone.

Sisterly Love姐妹同心
To treasure one another in the SNG family by always speaking the truth in love and supporting and encouraging one another in all ways.

Dignity for all互相敬重
To recognize that everyone is unique and has value, and to treat all people equally, with respect and concern.

Lead and serve发挥潜能
To have integrity and honesty in word and deed when enabling, motivating, and supporting others, and to always use our talents and abilities for the betterment of all.

Create and celebrate富有创意
To pursue excellence in work that benefits all, and to acknowledge and encourage good work and effort.

Learn from life活学巧用
To seek truth and beauty in all that is around us, and wisdom and knowledge beyond what is taught in class, and to share what we learn, in a spirit of love, with the people we encounter.

CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ Chinese School Song
钟声悠扬弦歌讽 诵圣锋化雨泽被春风发扬
华夏优良传统 提倡女教 美得坤 成发扬
发扬华夏优良传统 提倡女教美得坤成
德纯 义坚校训 是宗学贯中西文化交通
圣尼格拉光芒万丈吾国文化 绵延无穷
尼格拉 圣尼格拉光芒万丈 吾国文化 绵延无穷

CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ English School Song
CHIJ is our school
In our hearts we hold you dear
And from your guidance seek and find
A future far beyond
In the years that are to be
We shall often think of thee
The marguerite and distaff bold
Emblems of our school motto
They our guide shall be
In all our future years
Simple in virtue, steadfast in duty
The motto of our school
Let's strive our best and honour her name

Be a Leader
Bilingual & Bicultural

Always striving for excellence
自强不息 , 精益求精

Upholds Truth, Justice, Freedom & Love
真诚 , 正直 , 热爱自由

Gracious & Respectful
温文尔雅 , 高贵大方 , 谦恭有礼 , 饮水思源

Active & Committed as a Citizen
为建设繁荣 , 进步的优雅社会共同努力

A principal I admire. She dedicated all her time and effort in making St Nicholas Girl School, one of top best primary and secondary schools in Singapore for 29 years.
我不能忘记李宝丝前校长当年的栽培, 她把人与人之间的距离拉进,她常说大姐姐要爱护小妹妹,小妹妹要爱护大姐姐。学校以前还有一座姐妹桥呢! 她也常说做女孩子要贤良淑德,进得了厨房,出得了厅堂。


Science Teacher, Mr Lui
He taught me Science. He is passionate and creative in teaching me science. He owns a pond in the school. Through him, I learn about science as well as nature and life.

12 April, 2012



这个词很有意思:天上人间 如果真值得歌颂 也是因为有你才会变得闹哄哄 天大地大 世界比你想像中朦胧,我不忍心再欺哄,但愿你听得懂。 :)

09 April, 2012

8 steps dancing

I had learnt a variety of dancing classes such as hiphop, chacha, jazz, social dancing, salsa a few years back and stopped dancing due to hectic work. Thankfully, I saw a group of aunties dancing at the hilltop. I saw them dancing happily and that reminds me of the dances I have learnt in the past.

I went to the Ang Mo Kio CC to pickup my dancing skills again. It is fun and everytime I dance I feel happy and relax. The teacher is keen to teach and she comments that easy steps she can't remember, students will guide her along then she can remember better.

I learnt a lot from her. She taught me about life. As a beginner to modern dance, she asked me to stand in the middle of the group. It is not because that I need to be in the limelight. The real reason is to learn from various students who have mastered the techniques of the modern dance so that I can pickup faster.

The fastest way to pickup the skill is the observe how people do the basic and learn as I practise. Another way is the learn from classmates who have mastered the skill, she can give me proper guidance as she have learnt the techniques.

Another thing she taught me is to ask when I have any doubts so that I clarify and understand. The dancing teacher mentioned even though I may have mastered the techniques very well, it is still not the mastery yet because my dancing steps need to goes well with the rhythm of the music in ordered to have considered fully mastered the skill.

A very wise piece of advice.

06 April, 2012






女人最怕男人是一堆沙豬 男人最怕女人腦袋像漿糊
女人通常都是感情的動物 男人大半都是生活的侏儒
女人可以愛到義無反顧 男人只能愛到相當程度
女人失戀容易另尋出路 男人失戀可就萬劫不復
男女之間永遠說不清楚 互相厭惡又互相追逐
彼此可以找出千萬個錯誤 卻是五十步笑百步
女人對愛要求需索無度 男人總是顯得馬馬虎虎
女人好不容易決定開始 男人卻好像剛要結束

女人的淚可以融化冰雪 男人的哭卻是山崩地裂
女人的堅強是金石不變 男人的溫柔是滄海一粟
女人的胸前是男人的家 男人的肩膀是女人的床
女人希望男人像一棵大樹 男人渴望的是精神支柱
男女之間永遠說不清楚 互相厭惡又互相追逐
彼此可以找出千萬個錯誤 卻是五十步笑百步
女人說謊保證是天衣無縫 男人說謊終究是百密一疏
女人懂得演戲是一種天賦 男人永遠敗在經驗不足

男女之間永遠說不清楚 互相厭惡又互相追逐
彼此可以找出千萬個錯誤 卻是五十步笑百步
女人認為愛情是一種付出 男人總是把它當作一種征服
女人好不容易決定開始 男人卻好像剛要結束
女人好不容易決定開始 男人卻好像剛要結束

05 April, 2012

04 April, 2012

Bounce Back Stronger

I like this website because I get to know myself better.

I took this test, it is a feedback for me on how I well I have done to pick myself up.

03 April, 2012

RW Creations

I have rebrand my Company Logo and the directions so that it is align with my vision board. The tagline is Connecting People Through Design. Everywhere we see logos, slogans, advertisments, TV programmes, marketing etc. These are a form of connecting the people together so that we have a common ground of liking a certain brands, products and services.

I started designing my Company logo in 2009. After designing it, I didn't know what to do with it. I just leave it aside. Until this year, I have decided to do something about it. I can't let my logo to gone unnotice. It has to let people see my logo and understand what my company is all about. I can see there are lots of business opportunities in the business market.

02 April, 2012

Copyright is a BIG word

Copyright is a BIG word. In the dictionary, it says the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his or her death.

I never take copyright as something important until yesterday an online friend took my work, modify it and upload it back online. I just happened to see it, find it familiar, asked him and he said, "Haha.. Nice piece of design by you! Thanks la.. ;p" I didn't sound rude, I just replied him,"Haha if more people benefit from this quote, why not share? Would appreciate more, if u let me know you are using it :)"

Yes, it may sound like it is no big deal after all with Photoshop, anyone can create these wordings easily. My concern is since it is so easy to copy, modify from someone's work. How do I protect my creative works now and in future? How can I take my ownership and claimed that this original work is done by me?

A thought that needs to be think about seriously.

01 April, 2012

Love me for who I am

A meaningful story to share. A bride is going to have her 3rd marriage. On her wedding day, some of her relatives were gossiping behind her back. Her sister felt unhappy and asked her sister why does she still wants to get married after 2 unsuccessful marriages.

Her reply was,"The first marriage was happy at first but he finds me as bland as water so he left. The second marriage became stagnant after he was too busy with his career till I was no longer part of his life. This 3rd husband loves me for who i am and i have faith to make it work. Every time I said I do. I meant it from the bottom of my heart and I'm going to say this the third time and I mean it." After hearing the bride's words, her sister gives her the blessing that she needs.

This story touches me as I think it takes faith and courage to put your trust into someone's hand. Believing that everything will work out fine eventually.