17 May, 2014

Spirituality Means Taking Care of Myself

I thanked my sister for sharing this video with me. I love the way the interviewee has shared. I connected with her words. Being spirituality means to take care of myself, to make sure my well-being is healthy. Haven't been really taking good care of myself, to an extent of ignoring myself. Hence, I will start taking care of myself, love myself and even hugging myself haha:D

I enjoyed mediating, being in the park, be with the nature, more importantly going with the flow. I feel more comfortable under my own skin.

Perhaps when I had gone through the worst part of my life, I realized that I appreciate my life even better. I feel much more contented and peaceful. Maybe it is what life wants to teach me, not to take things for granted, to be appreciative and be thankful for what I have.

09 May, 2014






能不能放下没有人比自己更清楚。也为自己高兴,因为我终于让自己可以活得轻松自在了。开心:) 我想这个艺术疗程或多或少对我有些疗效。感恩!

05 May, 2014

Art Therapy

Today I attended art therapy given by Awareness Place who invited 1 professor and his wife to guide us using Art Therapy. It is fun and engaging. I came to learn a lot of myself.

Such as I can observe how my emotion change from an anxiety emotion to a joyful one. Not only that I can literally see myself and how am I feeling right now. I also understand what is more important to me - my well-being, follow by relations and environment. It is important to me because now know that I have to prioritize my life at this point.

Another thing I learnt is that the gift to complete someone's success is a joyful experience. I never thought of this in the past, until today I tried to complete someone's weakness, hence, I realized that we always see the goodness in everyone and too critical about ourselves.

The 3rd thing I learnt is to breakdown the issues in small chunks. It is better to manage and resolve.

There is always hope. To be a candle and bring brightness to other people. Time to sleep and thank you Universe for this wonderful experience. It has been a long time, since I being so open about myself with other people. I guess, when I am ready, an appropriate teacher will appear. It doesn't matter whether it is Katherine or Professor Yun, as long as, they guide me to find the answers that I needed to know, I believe it is for a good cause.

The best teacher is still ourselves because no one is able to understand as clearly as ourselves.