19 January, 2016

Living a simple life

Living a simple life for people who wants to embrace more than what you already have. The real benefits of minimalism stretch much more deeper and wider than you think. Life is so much more than what you own.

1. Clarity of Mind
We didn't realise that the amount of physical things that we have are interlink with our mental health and physical health. Research has shown that when we clear out our closets, it has massive impact on our mental clarity and peace of mind.

I reflected that after I repack my entire wardrobe. I must say that it has impact the way I look at my clothings. I know exactly where are my dresses, tshirts, pants, shorts, skirts, belts, hats and undergarments are. It saves my time to think what clothes should I wear for today or the next day. Last time, I used to dig all my clothes, just to find 1 sweater. But now, there is no need for me to do that as I can see clearly where my things are.

2. Better Health
Too many of us are over committed in our lives. We are afraid to disappoint someone - that is a terrible reason to overload our schedules. It is okay to rest when we are tired or just let our body and mind to simply clear our mind just for half a day. That helps our body to rejuvenate and recover our energy faster. Regular exercise helps to boost our energy up and so does choosing the healthier choice of food.

3. More Freedom
Letting go of physical possession you own, desire to own, or work to own what you don't want it. Imagine the freedom you would experience if you could let go of the pressure and do what you want to do. You will have more time to travel, take a day off, to work for yourself or to find a job that you actually like.

4. Less Stress
Imagine you are living in your clutter-free home, feeling good, safe and relax. Ahhh... I can feel it already.

5. More Time
In a world where opportunities are coming at us faster than the speed of light. It is hard to say "no" for a couple of reasons. First fear of missing out and secondly fear of being bored. Try this for a week: clear all your evening time, work during the day but don't make any commitments in the evenings. Then with the extra time, prepare dinners for family, go for evening walks or read books.

Amazing opportunities will always be there. They will never run out. I promise you will find a way to fill up your extra time.

6. Self-Confidence
You may think you need to have the latest or greatest style of clothes or that brand of clothes, bags, shoes, car to make you feel good about yourself.

Imagine how freeing it would be to feel good about yourself without those things. This is an unexpected benefit of living with less. You start to feel good about yourself, not because of what you own but just because of who you are.

Recent I saw a beautiful jacket on Sale just for $29. I wanted to buy because it really makes me feel good about myself. Then, I thought about the practicality of having this jacket. I would have very few occasions to wear this jacket. It is not very practical, hence, in the end, I didn't buy. To me, seeing beautiful things don't mean that we need to own it. As long as we are able to appreciate it for that moment, it is good enough.

7. Greater Purpose
When you clear out unnecessary activities and items from your life, something unexpected happens. A clear sense of purpose returns. You feel motivated to do what you set out to do because your direction is clear and there is no confusion. When you only have few commitments, you can take them seriously.

8. Extra Money
When we learn to buy less and having less activities, there will be more cash on hand. Then when you find something you really want to do or have, you will have money to buy it.

9. Better Relationships
When you stop trying to impress people and begin to connect with them, just be yourself, your relationships will definitely improve. Great relationships are built on shared experiences and great memories.

10. Lifetime Memories
When you begin to move focus from possessions to memories, you not only have more space in your closet, you will have enough great memories to keep you smiling for a lifetime.

That is what great life is all about.

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