05 March, 2006

Interview Tips

Was at Career Fair 2006, i attended this interesting Seminar "Interview - Different Jobs and Different Preparation" by Mr Colin Koh who is from Singapore Professional Centre.

He quoted many interview tips.. Here are what i have digest and let me share them with you.
1) Verbal Skills - Most employers are looking for most talented employee. Therefore you need to be creative during the interview. Try not answer them with "most commonly used answers". As they might have listen too many times from the other interviewees.

2) Enthusiasm - Show the interviewer your "energy" or your passion towards your job, and you are sincere and keen about this job and what you could have contribute to the company. But do not be too carried away.

3) Be Prepared - Do your homework. Do some research on what this company does and its background.

4) Body Language - Constantly check your own sitting posture and the body language will tell your interviewer whether how confident are you.

5) Never talk about salary, incentives, benefits unless they have confirm you.

Most employers would have know what are your skills set as you would have written "black and white" in your resume. Interviews are meant for interviewer to test whether you are really suitable for the job and how comfortable they are with you when you talk to them.

So just be prepared, be natural and your dream jobs will come natural along the way. Good Luck!

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