03 July, 2008

Finding 1 minute person

Someone ever said, "It has a minute to fall in love but a lifetime to forget a person."

I share with a friend about the 1 min person, he told me to chase after my happiness. He told me this, "If you dont step in right now, how do you know it wont work? It will be too really late by then and you will live with regrets." I told him sorry I just can't, it's against my conscious. That person knew me all these while and if he wants me bad enough, he would have say something. Afterall, a relationship cannot work on one's wishful thinking, rite?

Maybe some of you might think I'm silly to give up just like that esp both of us have feelings for each other or I'm being honourable enough for not making myself as a 3rd party.

Perhaps I love myself more than others and I don't want to feel a sense of guilt for the rest of my life. Yes, so what if I got my happiness? Is this happiness really belongs to me after all? Nowadays people change hearts like changing clothes. Who knows one day he might blame me for ruining his happiness? I really do not need to be with that person just to get my happiness. By knowing that he is happy, it is good enough for me.

I just need some time to let go of him and continue to find my next 1 minute person.

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