07 November, 2008

Harmless ";"

Last night, I was busy rushing my client's website. It is just a maintainance of the website. Finally, i finished all the updates and went to bed. I was rather tired because few days ago, because I was rushing other projects as well.

My client emailed about the whole website fonts are all screw up today. I was kinda puzzled, so I went to the site to take a look. It was indeed the website is screwed up. I recalled what did I do last night.

Thinking back, I did nothing MAJOR revamp to the website. Just a couples of information update. Then I remembered I did touch on the CSS style sheet because I want to tidy up the coding. I checked and checked, the piece of coding seems perfectly alright.

After half and hour of checking, I spot that harmless ";" hidding itself in the codes.

Now I know that 1 harmless ";" can be a silent killer that screw up your entire website. Thank god that my client didnt screw me up, they are nice people. Grateful!

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