04 October, 2014

8 Precepts Retreat

Today is my first time attending 8 Precepts Retreat at Bright Hill Temple. It is an enjoyable day. About 350+ of us took the 8 precepts for 1 day & 1 night. The 8 precepts are no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying, no intoxicant, no high bed, no perfumes, music or luxury pleasures and no meal after lunch.

I find it meaningful as this retreat is relaxing and I enjoy Venerables' talks. We did chanting, sitting mediation and walking mediation. It is all about mindfulness in eating, talking, sitting and walking. Feeling grateful that a number of helpers attended to our needs, they gave us blankets as the weather was raining in the morning, as the sun came out, they lower the temp. Our body just changes to adapt the weather.

Some of the key things that Venerables have mentioned:
1) Walking, standing, sitting and lying down are the basic actions as a human being.

2) Living in the present = Mindfulness
Be mindful about little things in life, it could means a lot.

3) 把自己的心按住在清静的心境上

4)当我们不开心时 -> 心要学习调整 -> 烦恼不见了! Red Carpet Analogy

5) 多看,多了解自己的内心世界,多观察自己
Self-Manage our own emotions, if we are not in control, others will control us.

6)Criticism and Compliments are just sounds, be unaffected by these sounds and circumstances.

7) When someone is angry, when we are able to see he is suffering, hence our bodhicitta arises. Listen with empathy and help within our own means. Don't be affected by his circumstances.

8) 要学习新的事物,不断的提升自己,Bodhisattvas have completed 6 parimitas perfections. It is a long journey to cultivate bodhisattvas path. Let me master the 5 precepts first. 戒,定,慧 3 levels of learnings.

What I like most in this retreat is walking mediation, keeping myself mindful as I walk. I like one of 普贤菩萨 chant, mentioning the time is short, every moment is precious. I made 3 vows today, to be more caring towards my parents, to be more diligent in my practice and bless people to be well and happy.

I will take one step at a time. These are very good reminders for me as I can be really forgetful at times!


DReaMY said...

happened to read this when i got emotional about my friends,and their issues.

And your learning does help me... esp no. 5,6 &7. Still feeling for them... but it's really up to them.. at the end of the day.. :)

Qiqi said...

It is not so easy to get out of the situation unless they are willing to see it in another point of view. Sometimes we are blinded by our own view and unable to see other people view.

I learned that we must really help within our own means. Don't be muddy bodhisattvas, in the end can't help and get ourselves into trouble! Must be able to see clearly where we stand.

Hope we all can grow from strength to strength.