28 December, 2006

Love you, Dear

"Love you, Dear"
"Huh, who are you looking for?"
A moment of silence...
"Im looking for my wife."
"ohh okay"

He was dumbfolded when he heard my voice on the line. Never did he expect someone is sharing the same office no. as his wife. It sounds funny to me but its an embarrassment for him. But looking back, it's romantic and a sweet way to say "I love you everyday."

Its every girl's dream to be loved by her love ones everyday. But not every girl has the luxury of hearing this everyday. There are 100 and 1 ways of making a girl, falls for you. Even the most difficult, cool girl will turn soft when you melts her heart.

But what comes after "the happy-ending" ever after? Could the couples still remains the way it used to be? After blogged down with tons of workload, stress and financial commitments, the love they used to have, seems to fade off and die... The laughters in the house are replaced with quarreling, mistrust and accusations.. This is definately not what i want to see in any marriages. Love should fonders and builds stronger as the time goes by...

Everytime when you feels like screaming at your love ones. Ask yourself again, if your love one happens to leave you one day, will you bear to let him/her go?

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