28 February, 2008

The story of leaving...

I'm sad that one of my colleagues from other dept is going to leave. He is a quiet guy who has a strong flair in drawing. He taught me how to do the nice CNY Deco which hanging around the corridor beautifully. He provides materials for me and from the way he teaches, I can tell that he is a patient person. I realised that being a nice and humble person doesn't work in a corporate life because nice guy die first.

He has to come to work in fear everyday. Not knowing when and what he will be scolded by her this time round. As usual, he was asked to go into her room again.

"Why your never prepared the first aid kit?" She retorted.
"I was busy with my stuffs." He replied with a low voice.
"Busy with what stuffs?" She asked impatiently.
"I need to coordinate 2 events for the past 2 weeks." He explained.
"What you did was just 10% of the entire thing and you do for so long! You don't make me prepare a schedule for you!...."

And she goes preaching and scolding on and on for nearly half an hour...for almost every day and finally he tenders.

After recieving his resignation letter, she said "So you want go because i scold u ah... everywhere outside also like this one... You will get scolding because you cannot perform..."

It is not the first time people throwing letters to her. The 1st person who worked with her for 3 yrs, 2nd person worked for 1.5 yrs, 3rd person worked for almost 1 yr & finally this humble man was not spared, after tolerating her for half a year.

She scolded at them loudly, not lest concerning of the President or other colleagues if they can hear it... If he is efficient, she scold him that he is trying to outsmart her. If he delay with work, she scold him for being inefficient. She complains that he never walks around the company premises to look for things to repair and scolded him when she can't find him at his desk. She never appologised when she did something wrong, everyone has a problem except herself.

I guess enough is enough... No one deserved to be scolded like this almost everyday. This reminds me one of my ex bosses, after one year of suffering, I think it's time to move on as I have learnt what I should.

The problem with these people is they will never realise that the problem lies with them and not others.

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