14 May, 2008

Office Politics

"Urgh, I just can't stand office politics!"

One of my colleagues requested me to do a preso slide by last friday. I couldn't get it done simply by one guy, Mr KS.

Email him - NEVER response
Call him - NEVER return call
Ask his colleague to inform him - NEVER acknowledge
SMS him - NEVER reply!!!

This morning Mr KS finally reply my sms and wrote this, "Please help to keep my boss in the loop."

My handphone never registered his no and I was wondering who this person is. He told me who he was and I replied, "Can you just send me the photos and cc your boss?"

"No, this project is secret. Please clear with my boss first."

What is so secret about it? Fine! I will just email his boss to ask his permission. His boss just replied a yes immediately.

Without further delay, I wrote him an email back to Mr KS with his boss's approved email, "Can you send me Special Project photos by today?" and of course he never replied again...

Just a simple job, why people must makes it so complicated???
I just can't stand office politics!

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