Do watch this clip... It is very meaningful... This lecturer appeared on Oprah's show.
This lecturer has cancer and was going to die soon. He gave a lecture, named as the "Last Lecture", before his life is up in a few months. It was being recorded and downloaded by millions. He reflected about his life, was thankful to his parents for a fun and happy childhood. He spoke about his parents, how he grew up having dreams, how he choose to live life, etc...
He ended off with a very touching note. He said something like "I gave this lecture not to a group of 400 university graduates, I only gave this lecture to 3 people. Hopefully they will see it when they grew up" In the background, it showed 3 young kids. His kids...sob sob...
Why I say it is very meaningful because how many times can we choose to die and live as and when we want? The answer is none because when death comes upon you, you can't run away from it. The only thing you can do is to how to maximise your remaining days. You can choose between live with positive or negative mindset till the day you leave this world.
It also makes you reflect upon your own life now... spend a few minutes watching it and think about your own life... Rethink about how can you make your life happier and more meaningful and living with lesser regrets in life...
A Singapore girl who appreciates design, has passion in craft making and photography, likes to travel, likes inspiring and heartfelt movies, chat when needed to, likes reading more. Just smiles when happy and cries when sad. Simply loves her family and true friends who stand by her when she's in trouble! Just a simple girl.
29 February, 2008
28 February, 2008
The story of leaving...
I'm sad that one of my colleagues from other dept is going to leave. He is a quiet guy who has a strong flair in drawing. He taught me how to do the nice CNY Deco which hanging around the corridor beautifully. He provides materials for me and from the way he teaches, I can tell that he is a patient person. I realised that being a nice and humble person doesn't work in a corporate life because nice guy die first.
He has to come to work in fear everyday. Not knowing when and what he will be scolded by her this time round. As usual, he was asked to go into her room again.
"Why your never prepared the first aid kit?" She retorted.
"I was busy with my stuffs." He replied with a low voice.
"Busy with what stuffs?" She asked impatiently.
"I need to coordinate 2 events for the past 2 weeks." He explained.
"What you did was just 10% of the entire thing and you do for so long! You don't make me prepare a schedule for you!...."
And she goes preaching and scolding on and on for nearly half an hour...for almost every day and finally he tenders.
After recieving his resignation letter, she said "So you want go because i scold u ah... everywhere outside also like this one... You will get scolding because you cannot perform..."
It is not the first time people throwing letters to her. The 1st person who worked with her for 3 yrs, 2nd person worked for 1.5 yrs, 3rd person worked for almost 1 yr & finally this humble man was not spared, after tolerating her for half a year.
She scolded at them loudly, not lest concerning of the President or other colleagues if they can hear it... If he is efficient, she scold him that he is trying to outsmart her. If he delay with work, she scold him for being inefficient. She complains that he never walks around the company premises to look for things to repair and scolded him when she can't find him at his desk. She never appologised when she did something wrong, everyone has a problem except herself.
I guess enough is enough... No one deserved to be scolded like this almost everyday. This reminds me one of my ex bosses, after one year of suffering, I think it's time to move on as I have learnt what I should.
The problem with these people is they will never realise that the problem lies with them and not others.
He has to come to work in fear everyday. Not knowing when and what he will be scolded by her this time round. As usual, he was asked to go into her room again.
"Why your never prepared the first aid kit?" She retorted.
"I was busy with my stuffs." He replied with a low voice.
"Busy with what stuffs?" She asked impatiently.
"I need to coordinate 2 events for the past 2 weeks." He explained.
"What you did was just 10% of the entire thing and you do for so long! You don't make me prepare a schedule for you!...."
And she goes preaching and scolding on and on for nearly half an hour...for almost every day and finally he tenders.
After recieving his resignation letter, she said "So you want go because i scold u ah... everywhere outside also like this one... You will get scolding because you cannot perform..."
It is not the first time people throwing letters to her. The 1st person who worked with her for 3 yrs, 2nd person worked for 1.5 yrs, 3rd person worked for almost 1 yr & finally this humble man was not spared, after tolerating her for half a year.
She scolded at them loudly, not lest concerning of the President or other colleagues if they can hear it... If he is efficient, she scold him that he is trying to outsmart her. If he delay with work, she scold him for being inefficient. She complains that he never walks around the company premises to look for things to repair and scolded him when she can't find him at his desk. She never appologised when she did something wrong, everyone has a problem except herself.
I guess enough is enough... No one deserved to be scolded like this almost everyday. This reminds me one of my ex bosses, after one year of suffering, I think it's time to move on as I have learnt what I should.
The problem with these people is they will never realise that the problem lies with them and not others.
27 February, 2008
Photographer of the Year 2007
Photographer of the Year result is out. I am so impressed by the standard set by the photographers around the world, esp. this overall portraits winner. They are not photographers for business. I dare to say that their standards are comparable to professional photographers. It is indeed an eye opener for me, carefully using the amount of lights and technical skills and most importantly, their works evoke my feelings.
Portraits Winner
Marta applied to a modelling agency and was rejected. Andrzej then saw her test photos by chance just a few months later and that’s how Marta became interested in being photographed. The photograph is interesting – not because of the fright it triggers, but because of a collision of two Martas. Thankfully Marta has now undergone treatment for her anorexia and is progressing well.
Canon 1Ds MkII with Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L lens; ISO 50; single flash with a large softbox
About Photographer
Andrzej Dragan from Poland was born in 1978 and has studied in Warsaw, Amsterdam, Oxford and Lisbon. He received a PhD in quantum physics in 2005 and has been involved in photography since 2003. His images have been published in numerous magazines around the world.
Judges' Comments
"One of the most powerful portraits that I’ve ever seen. The technical quality, lighting and composition are matched by the extremely emotive power of the subject."
"With this beautiful young face and what looks like an aged body, this was a clear winner, despite the harrowing nature of the image. The photo almost defies belief. It's also helped by clear, simple lighting and composition. What this does demonstrate is how a good, simple treatment of such a remarkable subject can still produce a memorable image."
"A heartbreaking photo that must have required a great deal of trust between photographer and subject."
Viewers' Comments
Some comments on this photo:
Sunny Elena: I don't see it as a wonderful shot, just a girl in front of the wall. Yes, it's sad to see her in this condition, but what does it have to do with photography? Why does everybody praise distortion and freakness? Why should the best photograph reflect only scary and disturbing things? Why can people enjoy beauty? I'll never understand such art. Wrinkled faces, distorted features, deformity - this is what the art of our age praises. They say the art reflects the soul of people of the century. What disformed souls we have!
Sangi: Photography is not about beauty and all things sweet..photograpy is about capturing life in all its glory and disgrace... photography is a moment in time, a reality..this photo is a fact of life
Qiqi: What Sangi has said, which i couldn't be more agree with! Two Thumbs up for Sangi's reply!
Ask yourself why people are disturbed by this photo? Simply because they get to see the real fact of life... Do you know how many young ladies like Matra, as young as 18, have been starving themselves just to get into the top notch model agency. Then you should rethink that why is our society has this kind of disturbing mindset that slim / skinny is beautiful? Is it about time to change our mindset?
Beauty should comes from the heart and not the physical body.
"Click here to find out other winners works."
26 February, 2008
CNY Co Dinner 2008
If you can remember, my last year company chinese new year dinner was at Roland Restuarant. It was the worse "D&D" dinner I ever had. Wrong place, wrong crowd. Here is the recap.

The "clever HR" go and fix our company dinner on friday, a date that everyone is busy with the airshow. As my whole marcom team is too tired running the airshow event for these few days. They need to rest. Therefore, I represent my whole marcom team to go for this year dinner.
I tell myself this year, I will repeat the same mistake again. Knowing my HR will anyhow allocate the seat for me, I personally told HR who I want to sit this time round. True enough, the HR people screwed up this time again. They want me to sit with them again!!!
Eat with them is worse than eating alone. No conversation, no smiling, just focusing on what the food is being served and eating. No way manz, one time bad experience is enough for me.
I told them right from the beginning that I want to sit with my colleagues whom I know and I asked them to add in one more chair. Being stick in the mud, of course they turned down it down flatly. I simply refused to give in this time, ignoring what they say, I went in to sit with my colleagues. I'm quite lucky that one of my colleagues came in late and the other guy had to leave early for the nite. Eventually, I got to sit where I wanted.
This year was at Safra Mount Faber. The MC is quite humorous and the games played are quite interactive, mostly on focusing on teamwork. Some how my table is the lucky one, keep getting "saboed" by the MC. Besides, games, we had a few guys singing for us, invited local version of "Shang Liu Mei" as comedian guest and a simple magic show. I shared my last year "7th month Co dinner" experience with my colleagues, they were laughing about it. Urgh...
Yes, this time round with the right crowd, atmosphere became right and although the food was equally lousy, but I did enjoy myself. The crowd does make a big difference.
The "clever HR" go and fix our company dinner on friday, a date that everyone is busy with the airshow. As my whole marcom team is too tired running the airshow event for these few days. They need to rest. Therefore, I represent my whole marcom team to go for this year dinner.
I tell myself this year, I will repeat the same mistake again. Knowing my HR will anyhow allocate the seat for me, I personally told HR who I want to sit this time round. True enough, the HR people screwed up this time again. They want me to sit with them again!!!
Eat with them is worse than eating alone. No conversation, no smiling, just focusing on what the food is being served and eating. No way manz, one time bad experience is enough for me.
I told them right from the beginning that I want to sit with my colleagues whom I know and I asked them to add in one more chair. Being stick in the mud, of course they turned down it down flatly. I simply refused to give in this time, ignoring what they say, I went in to sit with my colleagues. I'm quite lucky that one of my colleagues came in late and the other guy had to leave early for the nite. Eventually, I got to sit where I wanted.
This year was at Safra Mount Faber. The MC is quite humorous and the games played are quite interactive, mostly on focusing on teamwork. Some how my table is the lucky one, keep getting "saboed" by the MC. Besides, games, we had a few guys singing for us, invited local version of "Shang Liu Mei" as comedian guest and a simple magic show. I shared my last year "7th month Co dinner" experience with my colleagues, they were laughing about it. Urgh...
Yes, this time round with the right crowd, atmosphere became right and although the food was equally lousy, but I did enjoy myself. The crowd does make a big difference.
25 February, 2008
Own Desire
In a land where everyone was so captivated about their own desire, there was a man asks Buddha for a flower and a butterfly. But instead Buddha gave him a cactus and a caterpillar. The man was sad because he didn't know why his request has been misunderstood...
Then he thought: "Oh well, Buddha has too many people to care for..."
And he decided not to question Buddha.
After some time, the man went to check on his request that he had forgotten behind.
To his surprise, from the thorny and ugly cactus has grown a beautiful flower beside it. Likewise for the caterpillar, it has transformed to the most beautiful butterfly.
Buddha may not give what you exactly what you request for at that time. However, he will show you the path if you are willing to follow and you will receive what you need at the appropriate time.
Then he thought: "Oh well, Buddha has too many people to care for..."
And he decided not to question Buddha.
After some time, the man went to check on his request that he had forgotten behind.
To his surprise, from the thorny and ugly cactus has grown a beautiful flower beside it. Likewise for the caterpillar, it has transformed to the most beautiful butterfly.
Buddha may not give what you exactly what you request for at that time. However, he will show you the path if you are willing to follow and you will receive what you need at the appropriate time.
24 February, 2008
Buzzing Cashier
Why do some food businesses get the thumbs-down? Together with the hosts Kym Ng, Quan Yi Feng and Dennis Chew, various famous chefs will assess the factors that contribute to the ailing businesses and try to correct them. Find out if the stall owners can revive their businesses with advice from the trade experts!
This programme is copying almost exactly like the Japanese variety show in sg production. Even though it is copied, i still enjoyed this show very much because from this programme I learnt a few tips of the cooking skills, as well as life lessons.
The recent episode is about a woman who used to be a boss of tailor shop. Due to the bad businesses, had no choice but to close down the shop. She decided to open up a fish soup stall at Dunman Food Centre. However, she didnt do her research well, of cos she is bound to fail and her stall business is really bad.
The mediacorp decided to help her and give her a famous chef to teach her how to cook a bowl of delicious fish soup. During the training, the chef realised that she can't even cut fish properly and she doesn't know how to cook fish soup at all. The chef is very patient and forgiving with her even though she makes a lot of mistakes. He saw her keen interest and willingness to learn, although he pretends that he didn't see.
What she think was easy from the beginning has become a tough task for her. She got to wake up much early, just to practice what the chef has taught her, over and over again.
Learnt a great lesson from her is that if there's a will, there is a way. Someone told me before that there is no student that cant be taught. It's how much time and effort the student is willing to learn and absorb.
Being a boss in the past, she got to let go of her pride and start learning everything from scratch again. Even the chef is unsure if she can make it with such a lousy standard from the beginning. What i admire her most was, with her strong perseverance, patience for herself to learn and hard work, she is able to breakthrough from her own mindset and achieve what she wants.
At the end of the show, she has finally managed to conquer her fear, proved herself that she can master the skills of cooking delicious fish soup. Feeling gratitude towards that chef, she bought him a bottle of tea leaves. This is a very nice gesture of her. We must learn to be grateful for what we have received or taught.
It's every Tues, 8pm, channel 8. IT'S A MUST WATCH VARITEY!!!
This programme is copying almost exactly like the Japanese variety show in sg production. Even though it is copied, i still enjoyed this show very much because from this programme I learnt a few tips of the cooking skills, as well as life lessons.
The recent episode is about a woman who used to be a boss of tailor shop. Due to the bad businesses, had no choice but to close down the shop. She decided to open up a fish soup stall at Dunman Food Centre. However, she didnt do her research well, of cos she is bound to fail and her stall business is really bad.
The mediacorp decided to help her and give her a famous chef to teach her how to cook a bowl of delicious fish soup. During the training, the chef realised that she can't even cut fish properly and she doesn't know how to cook fish soup at all. The chef is very patient and forgiving with her even though she makes a lot of mistakes. He saw her keen interest and willingness to learn, although he pretends that he didn't see.
What she think was easy from the beginning has become a tough task for her. She got to wake up much early, just to practice what the chef has taught her, over and over again.
Learnt a great lesson from her is that if there's a will, there is a way. Someone told me before that there is no student that cant be taught. It's how much time and effort the student is willing to learn and absorb.
Being a boss in the past, she got to let go of her pride and start learning everything from scratch again. Even the chef is unsure if she can make it with such a lousy standard from the beginning. What i admire her most was, with her strong perseverance, patience for herself to learn and hard work, she is able to breakthrough from her own mindset and achieve what she wants.
At the end of the show, she has finally managed to conquer her fear, proved herself that she can master the skills of cooking delicious fish soup. Feeling gratitude towards that chef, she bought him a bottle of tea leaves. This is a very nice gesture of her. We must learn to be grateful for what we have received or taught.
It's every Tues, 8pm, channel 8. IT'S A MUST WATCH VARITEY!!!
18 February, 2008
The alien pet dog, CJ7 is so cute! Well, it doesn't look very fake though it look impossible to be realistic.
There was a touching scene when the father passed away because of an accident and CJ7 brought him back to life.. As such, it cost CJ7's life too. A little sad scene that will leave you with some tears if you are quite emotional type.
There were many hilarious scenes that are not overdone or common that you can even predict what is going to happen..
I enjoyed the whole movie throughout and didn't expect it to end so quickly.. If the movie is longer, it will be better. Recommend you all to watch it ;) And on a lighter note, I disagree if this movie is rated less than 3 stars. It's definitely deserves more then that! Till now I still remember this tagline in the movie :"Even we are poor, we must still live with pride!"
15 February, 2008
Learn to love in a right way
I went to listen to Ajahn Brahm talk, he share with us the wisdom on love. How to love a person in a right way? Many people think that they know how to love. They know what love really is. But in the end, they are hurting the ones they love and including themselves. It's not about selfless love, it's not about loving yourself but it's about us loving one another.
He said in a humorous way:
"If you are wrong, say u are sorry. If you are correct, shut up."
He shared with us a woman is abused by her husband. When he hit her, she let it go. When her husband did something good, she appreciates his gesture. This is called "positive forgiveness". It took her 7 long years to change a violent monster into a loving husband and dad. Without a strong commitment, faith, love and compassion, not many people can go through these trials of life.
He said all of us are wonderful people. During the heated fight, we are looking at the 2 bad bricks instead of 98 good bricks and it will mislead us into wrong perceptions. Sometimes our negative experiences and thoughts will mislead us into believing something negatives and thus it will mislead us into wrong judgement.
A guy asked him what happens if there a couple realise that they are not compatible at all after so many years. He simply replied, "There must be something that attracted to both of you in the first place. When Love is not there, it is just hiding somewhere and you have to find it yourself. If you find it hard enough, you will find what you want. You give up because you dont want to find it anymore."
Love is receiving, giving and loving.
It's always easy to say than done. We will have to practice day after day, weeks after weeks and years after years.
He said in a humorous way:
"If you are wrong, say u are sorry. If you are correct, shut up."
He shared with us a woman is abused by her husband. When he hit her, she let it go. When her husband did something good, she appreciates his gesture. This is called "positive forgiveness". It took her 7 long years to change a violent monster into a loving husband and dad. Without a strong commitment, faith, love and compassion, not many people can go through these trials of life.
He said all of us are wonderful people. During the heated fight, we are looking at the 2 bad bricks instead of 98 good bricks and it will mislead us into wrong perceptions. Sometimes our negative experiences and thoughts will mislead us into believing something negatives and thus it will mislead us into wrong judgement.
A guy asked him what happens if there a couple realise that they are not compatible at all after so many years. He simply replied, "There must be something that attracted to both of you in the first place. When Love is not there, it is just hiding somewhere and you have to find it yourself. If you find it hard enough, you will find what you want. You give up because you dont want to find it anymore."
Love is receiving, giving and loving.
It's always easy to say than done. We will have to practice day after day, weeks after weeks and years after years.
14 February, 2008
Nice V Day Surprise
If you are thinking that i will blog about who and who is giving flowers on Valentine-Day. Then you will be feeling disappointed already... 'cause i'm not going to write that...
The story goes like this... In the middle of the night, a sweet angel send me 5 mmses over to my mobile last night. It was rather sweet because i havent expect her to did such thing on Vday. Then an intruder called me when i was reading the sweet MMS halfway. Feeling annoyed, i told him i was busy with something right now. Luckily, the 5 MMSes were sent over completely, when he called. I took my time to read it again a few times :)
Valentines' Day is not only a day to strengthen love relationship but it is also a special day to appreciate friendship too so i decided do something back in return. Use the 5 MMes and designed them into a postcard and giving it back to her. Looking at her beautiful smile on her face and i know she felt the sincerity in this postcard...

May all singles or attached or married couples be happy in this romantic day :) Happy V Day!
The story goes like this... In the middle of the night, a sweet angel send me 5 mmses over to my mobile last night. It was rather sweet because i havent expect her to did such thing on Vday. Then an intruder called me when i was reading the sweet MMS halfway. Feeling annoyed, i told him i was busy with something right now. Luckily, the 5 MMSes were sent over completely, when he called. I took my time to read it again a few times :)
Valentines' Day is not only a day to strengthen love relationship but it is also a special day to appreciate friendship too so i decided do something back in return. Use the 5 MMes and designed them into a postcard and giving it back to her. Looking at her beautiful smile on her face and i know she felt the sincerity in this postcard...
May all singles or attached or married couples be happy in this romantic day :) Happy V Day!
13 February, 2008
12 Tips for a Better Vacation
Here's our comprehensive look at the best ways to get the most out of your vacation.
I. Take a photo of everything
Buy a digital camera (it'll change your life) and a big memory card (minimum 1 gigabyte). Snap pictures of where you parked your rental car, the ferry schedule, how full the gas tank was when you returned the car to the lot, and so on. You can always delete the photos later.
II. ATM? Credit cards? Traveler's checks?
All of the above. To get cash, use an ATM. Your bank may have agreements with foreign banks; Bank of America, for one, belongs to the Global ATM Alliance, which means its customers can make free withdrawals from over 30,000 ATMs in eight countries. Use credit cards to make purchases (if you have more than one, figure out which has the lowest conversion fee). In some countries, they'll print your account number on the receipt, so don't blithely toss it in the trash. For emergencies, it helps to bring a few hundred dollars in traveler's checks.
III. Don't call home
There are ways to place calls cheaply from abroad, both with a cell phone and without (such as Skype). But unless you're traveling around the world for months on end, you don't really need to call. Create a Web-based e-mail account and keep in touch that way. You can go online at an Internet café for about $3 an hour. In the U.S., also look for libraries, which tend to have free access.
IV. Almost every city has a transit pass
And it's always a better deal than buying á la carte.
V. Know your rights
If you're bumped from a domestic flight and you get onto another flight within one to two hours, the airline pays you the equivalent of a one-way fare ($200 max); more than two hours and you get up to $400. Vouchers are an option, too. If your checked bag is delayed, the airline covers expenses for toiletries and clothing until it delivers the bag to you. For a lost bag, the carrier must reimburse you, up to $3,000. If your hotel is overbooked, the hotel must find you a room at a comparable or better property nearby, at no extra charge.
VI. Don't save the best for the last day
What if the weather takes a turn for the worse? What if you get sick? What if a giant meteor falls from the sky and lands right on your room? You'll wish that you had gone snorkeling earlier in your trip.
VII. Nothing kills the fun like a long wait
For most major attractions, you can buy tickets online in advance. Also, in many cities there are passes that can be a great deal, especially because they let you skip to the head of the line. The big U.S. pass companies are CityPass and Go Card. The New York CityPass, for instance, costs $53 for adults - a smart value even if you're only going to three of the five attractions offered: the regular price for the Guggenheim Museum is $18; Circle Line Sightseeing Cruise, $24; American Museum of Natural History & Rose Center, $14; Empire State Building, $18; and Museum of Modern Art, $20.
VIII. Jet lag is inevitable
Human beings were not designed to fly halfway around the world. All you can really do is not drink alcohol on the plane, keep hydrated, get in synch with the new time zone as soon as you can, and exercise after landing (the last one is crucial).
IX. "See you inside!"
Some popular museums - such as the Louvre in Paris - have more than one entrance; the lesser-known ones often have shorter lines. And for some attractions, you can buy tickets at places other than the end of a long line at the front door. Tickets for Versailles are available in advance at Fnac record stores in France and at; in Rome, tickets purchased at the Palatine museum also let you walk right into the Colosseum.
X. A tax loophole for hunter-gatherers
When returning to the U.S., Americans may bring $800 of goods for personal use without having to pay duties or taxes. If you buy more than that, ship it home: You can send $200 of goods per day to yourself at a U.S. address. You can also send duty-free gifts worth up to $100 per person per day to people in the U.S. Bear in mind that shipping companies charge based on bulk or weight, whichever costs more, so pack efficiently.
XI. Basic training
If the airport you're flying into is served by a train, take it if you're heading anywhere near the city center. Unless, of course, you're traveling in a group of three or more people, when a taxi is probably more cost-effective.
XII. If you're going to complain, do it right
1. Speak up as soon as you have a problem. The longer you wait, the more the company will assume it wasn't that big of a deal.
2. Unsatisfied with the response? Politely ask for a supervisor. Never take "no" from someone who isn't empowered to say yes. The corollary is: Don't complain to anyone who can't help you. All that you're doing is ruining their day.
3. Even - or especially - if someone promises you the world, get it in writing.
4. Build a case! Take notes, keep receipts, get names. Your goal is to show that you really mean business.
5. When corresponding, do it by letter or e-mail. It beats calling, getting passed around, and telling your story over and over. But make copies before you send any originals.
Extracted from Site.
I. Take a photo of everything
Buy a digital camera (it'll change your life) and a big memory card (minimum 1 gigabyte). Snap pictures of where you parked your rental car, the ferry schedule, how full the gas tank was when you returned the car to the lot, and so on. You can always delete the photos later.
II. ATM? Credit cards? Traveler's checks?
All of the above. To get cash, use an ATM. Your bank may have agreements with foreign banks; Bank of America, for one, belongs to the Global ATM Alliance, which means its customers can make free withdrawals from over 30,000 ATMs in eight countries. Use credit cards to make purchases (if you have more than one, figure out which has the lowest conversion fee). In some countries, they'll print your account number on the receipt, so don't blithely toss it in the trash. For emergencies, it helps to bring a few hundred dollars in traveler's checks.
III. Don't call home
There are ways to place calls cheaply from abroad, both with a cell phone and without (such as Skype). But unless you're traveling around the world for months on end, you don't really need to call. Create a Web-based e-mail account and keep in touch that way. You can go online at an Internet café for about $3 an hour. In the U.S., also look for libraries, which tend to have free access.
IV. Almost every city has a transit pass
And it's always a better deal than buying á la carte.
V. Know your rights
If you're bumped from a domestic flight and you get onto another flight within one to two hours, the airline pays you the equivalent of a one-way fare ($200 max); more than two hours and you get up to $400. Vouchers are an option, too. If your checked bag is delayed, the airline covers expenses for toiletries and clothing until it delivers the bag to you. For a lost bag, the carrier must reimburse you, up to $3,000. If your hotel is overbooked, the hotel must find you a room at a comparable or better property nearby, at no extra charge.
VI. Don't save the best for the last day
What if the weather takes a turn for the worse? What if you get sick? What if a giant meteor falls from the sky and lands right on your room? You'll wish that you had gone snorkeling earlier in your trip.
VII. Nothing kills the fun like a long wait
For most major attractions, you can buy tickets online in advance. Also, in many cities there are passes that can be a great deal, especially because they let you skip to the head of the line. The big U.S. pass companies are CityPass and Go Card. The New York CityPass, for instance, costs $53 for adults - a smart value even if you're only going to three of the five attractions offered: the regular price for the Guggenheim Museum is $18; Circle Line Sightseeing Cruise, $24; American Museum of Natural History & Rose Center, $14; Empire State Building, $18; and Museum of Modern Art, $20.
VIII. Jet lag is inevitable
Human beings were not designed to fly halfway around the world. All you can really do is not drink alcohol on the plane, keep hydrated, get in synch with the new time zone as soon as you can, and exercise after landing (the last one is crucial).
IX. "See you inside!"
Some popular museums - such as the Louvre in Paris - have more than one entrance; the lesser-known ones often have shorter lines. And for some attractions, you can buy tickets at places other than the end of a long line at the front door. Tickets for Versailles are available in advance at Fnac record stores in France and at; in Rome, tickets purchased at the Palatine museum also let you walk right into the Colosseum.
X. A tax loophole for hunter-gatherers
When returning to the U.S., Americans may bring $800 of goods for personal use without having to pay duties or taxes. If you buy more than that, ship it home: You can send $200 of goods per day to yourself at a U.S. address. You can also send duty-free gifts worth up to $100 per person per day to people in the U.S. Bear in mind that shipping companies charge based on bulk or weight, whichever costs more, so pack efficiently.
XI. Basic training
If the airport you're flying into is served by a train, take it if you're heading anywhere near the city center. Unless, of course, you're traveling in a group of three or more people, when a taxi is probably more cost-effective.
XII. If you're going to complain, do it right
1. Speak up as soon as you have a problem. The longer you wait, the more the company will assume it wasn't that big of a deal.
2. Unsatisfied with the response? Politely ask for a supervisor. Never take "no" from someone who isn't empowered to say yes. The corollary is: Don't complain to anyone who can't help you. All that you're doing is ruining their day.
3. Even - or especially - if someone promises you the world, get it in writing.
4. Build a case! Take notes, keep receipts, get names. Your goal is to show that you really mean business.
5. When corresponding, do it by letter or e-mail. It beats calling, getting passed around, and telling your story over and over. But make copies before you send any originals.
Extracted from Site.
12 February, 2008
Huh, CNY holidays is over?
Feeling a sense of loss, after 4 days of relatives visitings and friends gatherings... For the first time in my whole entire mahjong(mj) games, i won "5 Fan" in the first round! Although its not big winning, but I break my own record :) Actually i really don't know how to play loh... when i say "Hu ah", my mj kakis said "Wah, it's 5 fan ah!" Can still consider as beginner's luck mah? Kinda yang yang de yi when i won, considered i was quite lucky ba when they always say i "kelong" one hehehe
Even though its just 5 days of offical "holidays". I just felt that its just not enough to recover from my holiday mood, so i took another day leave. I guess i have rested too much already. Simply don't have the mood to work because i'm seriously thinking about my next step and how can i achieve it.
I often heard "I have no time!" or "I'm so bored now."
Some people think they have too much time to spare... Waiting for time to pass... day after day...
While others think that they do not have enough time to use each day... or rushing to achieve some things or goals in life. I think Life is fair enough to give each and everyone the same amount of time. It really depends how we want to use it...
Yes, I have rested enough mentally and physically and it's about time to do something about myself, my pc and my own portfolio...
Even though its just 5 days of offical "holidays". I just felt that its just not enough to recover from my holiday mood, so i took another day leave. I guess i have rested too much already. Simply don't have the mood to work because i'm seriously thinking about my next step and how can i achieve it.
I often heard "I have no time!" or "I'm so bored now."
Some people think they have too much time to spare... Waiting for time to pass... day after day...
While others think that they do not have enough time to use each day... or rushing to achieve some things or goals in life. I think Life is fair enough to give each and everyone the same amount of time. It really depends how we want to use it...
Yes, I have rested enough mentally and physically and it's about time to do something about myself, my pc and my own portfolio...
05 February, 2008
Today I received a call from SDU, the consultant just called. She asked about the "dating" that she has arranged. I told her that I can't clicked with him and there is no more 2nd date. She asked me why not, He has good character and good career and what's more he is caring and filial...
Zzzz... Seems like the consultant did not hear clearly what i said. I repeated myself calmly "I'm not comfortable going out with him." "So what did he do to you?" I replied that "He did nothing to me, just that we cannot clicked. He is looking someone to settle down immediately and im looking someone for dating. Our expectations are just too different."
"You know hor you cannot based on one dating then you expect you to click with him immediately leh..." "I never think in that way loh" (deep in my heart, I was thinking aloud to myself : We not even friends, he starts to ask about my family, my friends and my job...tell me he got house and dunno what lah… asked me if we are an item can we get marry next year or not... wondering who is the desperate one)
"You must change your attitude leh. Even I introduce you 100 guys, you still will not be happy with the arrangements. Perhaps it’s your past bad relationships makes you feel so negative towards relationships. You should try to open up more, so that you have more choices. You can't expect people make you feel something for the first time... and I feel that you don’t know what you want... "
Hello, who is talking manz, she introduced someone which she think is good and she trying her best to imposing on her own beliefs and thoughts on me.... Let her think all she want, I'm not going to give in just because she SAY he is good then I MUST THINK he is good...
Attending SDU talks is just to make more new people and also to widen my circle of friends. And a couple of guys I met, seems quite alright, and we occasionally online chat. Just happened there is such "good opportunity" that this lady consultant offers her help to find "Mr right guy" for me. She keeps saying she is a very professional in her work. So I gave her a chance to perform. Then why is she keep imposing her ideas and trying her best to hard sell her guys to me?
If its a lousy marriage arrangement at the end of the day, is she going to take full responsible? Probably she will say, "Ohh its your call now, You have been seeing him, talking to him, and know what kind of person he really is. After all, you choose your own partner." So???
Call me being stubborn or whatever you want to call it. I'm someone believes in chemistry... have means have, dont have means dont have... 'cause my heart can't lie...
Zzzz... Seems like the consultant did not hear clearly what i said. I repeated myself calmly "I'm not comfortable going out with him." "So what did he do to you?" I replied that "He did nothing to me, just that we cannot clicked. He is looking someone to settle down immediately and im looking someone for dating. Our expectations are just too different."
"You know hor you cannot based on one dating then you expect you to click with him immediately leh..." "I never think in that way loh" (deep in my heart, I was thinking aloud to myself : We not even friends, he starts to ask about my family, my friends and my job...tell me he got house and dunno what lah… asked me if we are an item can we get marry next year or not... wondering who is the desperate one)
"You must change your attitude leh. Even I introduce you 100 guys, you still will not be happy with the arrangements. Perhaps it’s your past bad relationships makes you feel so negative towards relationships. You should try to open up more, so that you have more choices. You can't expect people make you feel something for the first time... and I feel that you don’t know what you want... "
Hello, who is talking manz, she introduced someone which she think is good and she trying her best to imposing on her own beliefs and thoughts on me.... Let her think all she want, I'm not going to give in just because she SAY he is good then I MUST THINK he is good...
Attending SDU talks is just to make more new people and also to widen my circle of friends. And a couple of guys I met, seems quite alright, and we occasionally online chat. Just happened there is such "good opportunity" that this lady consultant offers her help to find "Mr right guy" for me. She keeps saying she is a very professional in her work. So I gave her a chance to perform. Then why is she keep imposing her ideas and trying her best to hard sell her guys to me?
If its a lousy marriage arrangement at the end of the day, is she going to take full responsible? Probably she will say, "Ohh its your call now, You have been seeing him, talking to him, and know what kind of person he really is. After all, you choose your own partner." So???
Call me being stubborn or whatever you want to call it. I'm someone believes in chemistry... have means have, dont have means dont have... 'cause my heart can't lie...
04 February, 2008
New pal
Have been working in my company for a year plus already, jan told me that there is another designer. I told her impossible as i have been the one and only in house designer in the entire company.
I went to ask one of my marcom colleagues, she told me there is a designer working at another department. Searching high and low for her info and finding found her email. Dropped her email and we shared our experiences in our office. We were excited about meeting each other... Yah finally met someone who can feel the same way as me in this systematic, boring working environment.
Yeah finally get to meet this "mystery" designer :) She is as friendly as i imagine her to be... I realised she is my junior, 2 years younger than me. She has a very sweet voice and feel comfortable with her when we chat. Nice, nice feeling with this new pal.
I went to ask one of my marcom colleagues, she told me there is a designer working at another department. Searching high and low for her info and finding found her email. Dropped her email and we shared our experiences in our office. We were excited about meeting each other... Yah finally met someone who can feel the same way as me in this systematic, boring working environment.
Yeah finally get to meet this "mystery" designer :) She is as friendly as i imagine her to be... I realised she is my junior, 2 years younger than me. She has a very sweet voice and feel comfortable with her when we chat. Nice, nice feeling with this new pal.
02 February, 2008
To St. Nicholas, with love
Centuries ago, Father Nicholas Barre
He was deeply in prayer, when he heard a voice say:
"Take a walk in the streets and see the girls out there,
Everyday for them is like a living nightmare!"
Now these girls had no rights, no chance to education
Girls of that time, salves of discrimination.
What entered his eyes went straight to his heart
From then he decided that a school he would start,
And to this school flocked the poor and deprived
Where they finally found hope, a whole new meaning in life.
He provided for them food, shelter and care.
Soon they all learnt, it was a virtue to share.
Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus it would be named,
In aid of needy young women for which the school was famed.
Branching far and wide, a mission burning inside,
The sisters of the Convent set out to serve and guide.
Now since that time, it's been a full sixty years
Through the ups and downs, all the laughter and tears
We created a home, filling it with love
But we couldn't have made it without help from above.
So smack in the middle of Avenue 2
Is St. Nicholas Girls’ a huge garden school.
The palm trees sway to the whistling of the wind
"St. Nicholas Greets You", echoes from within.
There are mirrors on the wall to keep us tidy and neat.
As well as clocks in every corner, keeping us on our feet.
Different species of plants sprout out from everywhere
To keep a long story short, our school is far from bare.
There’re roosters, squirrels, fish and turtles too
Even crocodiles, it’s like a mini zoo!
Here we learn to love, the creatures of nature
For without humanity, what good is the future?
Uniform groups, the core ECAs,
Sports and societies, more than just work and play
Invaluable experience, acquiring a skill
Ambitious and dreams that we strive to fulfil.
Putting ECAs and our studies aside,
Other activities too that we take in our stride
Mondays, our enrichment course
All these for the good of the Sec Ones to Fours
Social graces, how to look good and feel good
"Sit like a lady! Don’t gobble your food!"
In addition, improve prounciation
Write a resume, conduct a conversation.
Arranging flowers, in a bouquet or two
Carving vegetable, just to name a few.
Learning how to swim, not just to win the race
Appreciating arts, just to cultivate to our taste
Events in school, we’ve got quite a few
Like the “Clean and Green” and Sports day too
Not forgetting Family Day to keep the spirit strong
This is our second home where we really belong.
The people, they really warm our hearts
We’re like a body, we play our own parts.
校长,老师和同学们, 大家在一起,
Mrs Huang, she is our source of inspiration
She runs this school with utmost dedication
Administrative staffs slog all day too
Just to provide a better life, for the sake of you and me
With 饮水思源 embedded in our hearts,
The Alumni set up to play a part
They work hand in hand with the school
To improve our second home.
There is a list of qualities an SN girl should possess
She is committed to her work, strives to be her best
She adapts to circumstances, She’s quick and versatile
Those who sow will reap their efforts, for all she knows it’s worth her while.
A positive view towards life and living
She’s sensitive, considerate, kind and forgiving
To be elegant, efficient, cultured and refined
To society, she’s a gift sublime.
Look at us now, how far we have come.
All united as one.
Breaking all barriers and building up bonds
Striving to keep the SN spirit strong!
Dedicated to each and every SNG student!
Written by 10 SNG students in year 1993, 14 August for 60 Years Anniversary.

After Thoughts:
When I read this dedication, there were so much mixed feelings gushing out of my heart. All my memories of SNG, just keep flashing non-stop over my head.
During that time, I didn't appreciate what the school has done for me, but now I do... I took for granted that it was natural for me to have such a wonderful study environment. I had so much fun with my friends. Playing has become the top most priority during that time. Until I didn't make it for my PSLE and I was asked to leave this beautiful place.
After knowing the ugly side of the real government school environment, I have learnt to appreciate SNG so much more. Those tiny little memories of close friends as well as my long lost friends came back to me once again. I felt like they were just yesterday.
Sometimes I would wonder what will my life be if only I buck up at the eleventh hour during my PSLE? Perhaps I would have changed my entire destiny? Most likely I will be the goody gal that SNG has taught me. Probably I would be an accountant because most of the girls in my family are working as accounting related jobs (as what Siew has reminded me, which i cannot even remember saying that to her) and of course having a family of my own by now, living a simple life.
When i think back what is so good about being a goody gal? Living under other people expectations, just like a puppet. If this is not what I want, then I wouldn't have experienced so much more. Because there is pain, i appreciate the good things in life more. I'm glad that I choose this path because I really love what i'm doing now and continue to shape my own life path.
Well, every coin has two sides, we choose our path and we shall face the consequence.
He was deeply in prayer, when he heard a voice say:
"Take a walk in the streets and see the girls out there,
Everyday for them is like a living nightmare!"
Now these girls had no rights, no chance to education
Girls of that time, salves of discrimination.
What entered his eyes went straight to his heart
From then he decided that a school he would start,
And to this school flocked the poor and deprived
Where they finally found hope, a whole new meaning in life.
He provided for them food, shelter and care.
Soon they all learnt, it was a virtue to share.
Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus it would be named,
In aid of needy young women for which the school was famed.
Branching far and wide, a mission burning inside,
The sisters of the Convent set out to serve and guide.
Now since that time, it's been a full sixty years
Through the ups and downs, all the laughter and tears
We created a home, filling it with love
But we couldn't have made it without help from above.
So smack in the middle of Avenue 2
Is St. Nicholas Girls’ a huge garden school.
The palm trees sway to the whistling of the wind
"St. Nicholas Greets You", echoes from within.
There are mirrors on the wall to keep us tidy and neat.
As well as clocks in every corner, keeping us on our feet.
Different species of plants sprout out from everywhere
To keep a long story short, our school is far from bare.
There’re roosters, squirrels, fish and turtles too
Even crocodiles, it’s like a mini zoo!
Here we learn to love, the creatures of nature
For without humanity, what good is the future?
Uniform groups, the core ECAs,
Sports and societies, more than just work and play
Invaluable experience, acquiring a skill
Ambitious and dreams that we strive to fulfil.
Putting ECAs and our studies aside,
Other activities too that we take in our stride
Mondays, our enrichment course
All these for the good of the Sec Ones to Fours
Social graces, how to look good and feel good
"Sit like a lady! Don’t gobble your food!"
In addition, improve prounciation
Write a resume, conduct a conversation.
Arranging flowers, in a bouquet or two
Carving vegetable, just to name a few.
Learning how to swim, not just to win the race
Appreciating arts, just to cultivate to our taste
Events in school, we’ve got quite a few
Like the “Clean and Green” and Sports day too
Not forgetting Family Day to keep the spirit strong
This is our second home where we really belong.
The people, they really warm our hearts
We’re like a body, we play our own parts.
校长,老师和同学们, 大家在一起,
Mrs Huang, she is our source of inspiration
She runs this school with utmost dedication
Administrative staffs slog all day too
Just to provide a better life, for the sake of you and me
With 饮水思源 embedded in our hearts,
The Alumni set up to play a part
They work hand in hand with the school
To improve our second home.
There is a list of qualities an SN girl should possess
She is committed to her work, strives to be her best
She adapts to circumstances, She’s quick and versatile
Those who sow will reap their efforts, for all she knows it’s worth her while.
A positive view towards life and living
She’s sensitive, considerate, kind and forgiving
To be elegant, efficient, cultured and refined
To society, she’s a gift sublime.
Look at us now, how far we have come.
All united as one.
Breaking all barriers and building up bonds
Striving to keep the SN spirit strong!
Dedicated to each and every SNG student!
Written by 10 SNG students in year 1993, 14 August for 60 Years Anniversary.
After Thoughts:
When I read this dedication, there were so much mixed feelings gushing out of my heart. All my memories of SNG, just keep flashing non-stop over my head.
During that time, I didn't appreciate what the school has done for me, but now I do... I took for granted that it was natural for me to have such a wonderful study environment. I had so much fun with my friends. Playing has become the top most priority during that time. Until I didn't make it for my PSLE and I was asked to leave this beautiful place.
After knowing the ugly side of the real government school environment, I have learnt to appreciate SNG so much more. Those tiny little memories of close friends as well as my long lost friends came back to me once again. I felt like they were just yesterday.
Sometimes I would wonder what will my life be if only I buck up at the eleventh hour during my PSLE? Perhaps I would have changed my entire destiny? Most likely I will be the goody gal that SNG has taught me. Probably I would be an accountant because most of the girls in my family are working as accounting related jobs (as what Siew has reminded me, which i cannot even remember saying that to her) and of course having a family of my own by now, living a simple life.
When i think back what is so good about being a goody gal? Living under other people expectations, just like a puppet. If this is not what I want, then I wouldn't have experienced so much more. Because there is pain, i appreciate the good things in life more. I'm glad that I choose this path because I really love what i'm doing now and continue to shape my own life path.
Well, every coin has two sides, we choose our path and we shall face the consequence.
01 February, 2008
Old Pal
As my friend just comes back from Aussie for chinese new year, i took half day leave just to spend some time with him. Every year, we will go back to poly to pay a visit to our dear lecturers. One of the lecturers told me that he saw me recently but actually the last time when we met, was last year cny.
It seems like just yesterday where we just graduated. The first batch of DMSE (Dip in Multimedia Software Engineering). You can say that we were the first batch of "Guinea pigs" because the lecturers were relatively new, the course were new and the industry were too new as well. No one talks about multimedia in the past. Those were the good old days where we struggle how to do C++ and simple 3D animations where all of us know nuts about them. I just can't help but feeling times really flies...
Although he has 3 weeks to spend in sg but seems like his schedule was packed like sardines. Just half day alone, we spend some time shopping his stuffs, pay SP lecturers a visit, went to the tailor with him and having dinner with him and his old friends. Hardly, i will do so many stuffs within half a day... He supposed to have a relax holiday for 3 weeks but there are so many activities he wanted to do...
I have known him for almost 10 years! Wow can't believe that I have such a long friendship with him... He used to be my project leader. I didn't like him in school cause he is quite smart and he appeared to be so stuck up. Then i realised that he is just being shy, not good at expressing himself. Perhaps studying and working overseas had really changed his personality a little.
He's the only guy friend which i keep in touch in poly. We hardly chat but once we chat its like chatting like two old friends. Although his looks or personality maybe changed, but hes will always be my dear friend who i know will stay in touch for long.
It seems like just yesterday where we just graduated. The first batch of DMSE (Dip in Multimedia Software Engineering). You can say that we were the first batch of "Guinea pigs" because the lecturers were relatively new, the course were new and the industry were too new as well. No one talks about multimedia in the past. Those were the good old days where we struggle how to do C++ and simple 3D animations where all of us know nuts about them. I just can't help but feeling times really flies...
Although he has 3 weeks to spend in sg but seems like his schedule was packed like sardines. Just half day alone, we spend some time shopping his stuffs, pay SP lecturers a visit, went to the tailor with him and having dinner with him and his old friends. Hardly, i will do so many stuffs within half a day... He supposed to have a relax holiday for 3 weeks but there are so many activities he wanted to do...
I have known him for almost 10 years! Wow can't believe that I have such a long friendship with him... He used to be my project leader. I didn't like him in school cause he is quite smart and he appeared to be so stuck up. Then i realised that he is just being shy, not good at expressing himself. Perhaps studying and working overseas had really changed his personality a little.
He's the only guy friend which i keep in touch in poly. We hardly chat but once we chat its like chatting like two old friends. Although his looks or personality maybe changed, but hes will always be my dear friend who i know will stay in touch for long.
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