12 August, 2008


So many things to do
So little time...

Every hour, Every minute
Every second, every click
Each moment, each step
Approaching death a little closer each time.

Life is a snappy camera
Capturing memories and imagery
Of my happiness, anger, tears and joy

I always ask myself
What do i want in this life?
My future to hold?
What kind of masterpieces do I want to create or
A legacy do I want to leave behind?

So many things in my head
So little time...

I know that time won't wait for me
It's the race against myself and time
I will have to run ahead of time
Or it will control me...

I always hear myself this
I am going to do it tomorrow
next month.
next year.
and never end up doing it...

And when I look back,
Why didn't I do it?
Why did I miss the opportunity?
Why didn't I listen?

What have I learnt from my painful experiences
is to Focus now or regret later...

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