14 August, 2008

Food for thought: Jack Neo

I was watching Jack Neo's interview the other day. He talked about his background, his family, his likes and dislikes and how he turned his movie career into fruitful success.

It was amazing that a person without any O level qualification in these days can achieve so much. There was a time, he felt awful about himself when he can't complete his studies. He wanted to prove himself worthy when someone told him that we can never make movies in Singapore. He asked himself, "Why not?"

Qualifications can only bring you so much but eventually it is more important whether we can breakthrough our own thoughts and constantly changing ourselves for the better. I always tell myself that everyone can be an useful person and we have a mission in our life we need to accomplish. We are not successful because we haven't find our niche yet.

When the whole world thinks that it cannot be done but you go and do it. Prove to the world that it can be done. You have changed the perspective of people's mind. Isn't that amazing? Just need an idea trigger....

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