01 December, 2008

Great Ideas

Most often when we see great ideas from others, we will start wondering why we didn't think of that? It can be a single, practical solution that solved the problem we have faced.

After attended a creative workshop called "Creative thinking makes easy" today, I realised that it is not about how much time we spend on the work but rather that how much work we spend on the time. As a human being, all of us are creative. We should constantly see things with an open mind and making changes to improve our lives. Even a silliest idea can be practical one if we just tweak and change into something relevant and useful.

Nothing is evolved with nothing. There must be some old ideas that trigger it, to make them into even better ideas. The speaker, John Teo told us that if we shot down our initial ideas from the start, it will be quite unlikely we are able to make a breakthrough. Creativity comes from constantly practising with an open mind and rearranging the old into new.

I really enjoyed his workshop and wished it didn't end so early. At the end of his workshop, he shared with us his life experience of becoming a successful magician. Of course, he did some small little magic performance for us.

This is just to prove ONE point -

Loved it!

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