09 August, 2021

Day 254: Healing the Divide

Last month, a friend directed me into this link. It is about a petition writing to Mr. Lee Hsing Long. During that time, it was just 500+ voting, I asked my friend, "is it worth to vote? Will our govt took time to look at it? Surprisingly, after 1 month, the voting shoot up to 10k+.

Singapreans do care.

The organiser started off with many vaccine injuries cases and interviewed 2 people live.
Andrew Tan's mum passed away recently due to vaccine. As Andrew took the vaccine and nothing happened to him so Andrew forced his mum to get the vaccine and she passed away. Andrew felt a bit guilty... because his mum actually she doesn't want to take the vaccine. His mother has diabetes, high blood and his mum blood wall was narrowing so he doesn't truly know if it's really by the vaccine He is still waiting for autopsy results
Michael Yong took morderna, his immune system is messsed up. He couldn't move. After paying 16k for medical fee, doctor says his immune system is damage. He can talk but he cannot move around much. The doctor said his case is new and treated him like a new medical file 😰 From normal person become handicapped 🤦🏻‍♀️ He doesn't even want to talk about the money. He just wants to be well...
There are many good insights in this sharing session.
These speakers really know what they are talking about as they have done their "homework" with overseas researchers, scientists and viologist.
I find this consellor shares more of the solutions, how can we make this vaccination situation better. Why is it important to setup a bioethics?
1) Experimental Vaccines Trials
How Clinical Trials Works It is a 5 stages process and each process will take about 2 years. Pharmas have never done before within 1 year and tested vaccines on human beings. They will take at least 10 - 15 years to roll out new vaccines.

Can we trust the speedy development of Covid-19 vaccines The long-term effectiveness and safety of these vaccines are yet to be fully investigated. Another drawback of accelerated development is that full stability information about a vaccine formulation may not be completely mapped out, or the formulation itself may not be fully optimised.
2) Suspected Cases Injuries and Deaths
Many cases dismissed as "nothing to do with vaccines" and has little explainations
3) Safe and welcome professional space
A place where the local medical doctors can discuss over the situations in a non judgemental way
4) Transparency and Completeness of Data
The key rationale, vaccines do not stop the transmitting of the virus but to prevent serious illness, deaths, icu and oxygen support
5) Bioethics: Value and Sanctity of Life
How can "the benefits outweight risks" when someone has to bear all the consequences of risks of harm? The person can't sue the govt, the doctors and the big phrama should anything happen to the person as he / she is "aware" that he /she is in clinical trial.
Other Solutions
34 countries have used ivermectin, the covid numebers have come down significantly. This applies to India, Argentina, Slovakia, Zimbabwe, Mexico
Appealing to Health Authorities
Summary to protect the weak, women and children
Val Looi's Voice
I do not need a vaccine.
I lead a healthy lifestyle.
I rarely fall ill.
I never taken a flu vaccine.
I do not have flu for more than 10 years.

What we do with our body is our own choice.
It is our fundamental rights, it has to be that way.
Considering you are vaccinated, you still can spread the covid, it makes no sense.
The risk of vaccine outweight the benefits of my health.

The body belongs to you and you alone.
You get to choose what goes into your body.
No strangers, who do not know our lifestyle, our health and medical history, to decide for us to take the vaccine or not.
If we surrender this fundamental human rights, what will we become?
The vaccine is not the only way to end the pandemic, there are other options.

We all want to move forward.
Let us open our hearts and mind, stand together, support one another.
For Freedom, For Health, For Equality and For Peace.

Watch this video in full: Healing the Divide

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