14 August, 2021

Day 259: GAB 2 Family


This week theme is family.

I am learning about Clustering.
- helps with focusing
- assists with image words
- brings forth all your senses
- mind mappings
- fresh ideas
- visual map of brainstorming
- Free association
- Write more effective sentences

My family, my self
"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." - Leo Tolsyoy

Here are some questions about family dynamics to reflect upon.
1. Who held the power in your family and made the major decisions? How do you know?
2. Which family members have you felt closest to, and which ones felt most distant? Why?
3. Did you like your family and feel supported and loved?
4. Were there any family members you were afraid of?
5. What were the rules in your family about eating, cleaning up, dressing, and so forth? When you sat down to dinner, where did you sit?
6. Is there anything about your family that seems unusual to you?
7. What is the history of your family? What were its origins, and how were its major figures?
8. Did your family have any hero figures who had stories told about them?
9. Did your family have a philosophy about life that was discussed and that you were expected to adopt? What were the ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’ in your family? What favourite sayings illustrate your family’s philosophy of life?
10. If you are unmarried and do not live with any blood relatives, how have you created a sense of “family” in your life?

Family isn't always Blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what." - Maya Angelou

I find this quote meaningful because there is love. Love is not just words or actions, it must be felt. #JustDrawing #Family

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