04 April, 2014

Junkie Food Day

Yes, I know it doesn't sound right: Having a day as Junkie Food Day. Sometimes over controlling can be backfired. I haven't been eating mee rebus, fried chicken wing and white chocolate for the longest time. Perhaps mee rebus is once a month while fried chicken wing and white chocolate can be counted as years.

Looks like I am trying hard to justify, perhaps I should pamper myself like once every 3 months to have a Junkie Food Day, partly to reduce craving and also post gratification so that I don't feel guilty of eating junkie food as and when I want to eat. 

Having a healthy lifestyle is my life mission. Hence, the selection of food is important. 

Honestly, my body actually don't fancy fried chicken wing and white chocolate anymore. Perhaps partly due to I didn't feed my body with fried food for quite some time. That's why even my body rejects oily food. This is a good sign because my body knows and able to detect unhealthy food and gives me warning that I no longer able to eat food that is harmful to my body.

Since every 3 month is Junkie Food Day, the 4 Aug will be next Junkie Food Day. 

I read somewhere that vegetables and fruits take 1 day to digest whereas meat take 3 days to be fully digest. Think, I should really cut down on meat and take in more fruits and vegetables which my body likes them better.

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