05 April, 2014

Tidy up my blog

Haven't been really housekeeping my blog for some time, clears away broken links and update things that I like to do currently. 

It makes me realize I could be the only person reading my blog, probably with Siew who may comes in to read once awhile. I do like most of things that I wrote because it serves me as a guide and in a way I make this blog as a self reflection learning spot. Although some thoughts in the past, I may not agreed now. Due to my mindset has shifted and being more open to my learnings.

I do have a friend, Geraldin, whose blog is still active. however I find that her blog is still full of complaints. She makes me ponder, is it right to use blog as an anger outlet?

From what I have learnt about law of attraction, the more you believe and say, the more incidents you will receive.  Hence, her outlet could be more destructive than any people could have done or say to her. It is self believing thoughts.

I am not here to judge her neither I have the right to comment about what she wrote. What I feel is if a person is unable to breakthrough her own negative thoughts or self destructive belief, the person may feel suffering and gives unwelcoming attitude to other people. This may sabotaged his/her life because everything he sees or says are against his wish and leads to more and more unhappiness to his life.

I am not saying I have a perfect life. But I am able to make do with what I have and make the best out of it. Hence, the chances of me feeling suffered is lower. Life, itself is indeed unsatisfactory, however looking at brighter side of life makes us stronger and positive to make a difference in our own life and other people life. 


DReaMY said...

haha i'm still reading! lol... :)
and i'm still blogging too, once a while.. not on mulitply, but on blogger...:P

anyway, i guess different people use blogs as a differnt means. Perhaps like your friend, Some are using it as an outlet for their anger, unhappiness etc. I used to do it, and it helps to get stuff out of your system at times, and reading it, at a later time, sometimes, you can gain some reflection, though, i do agree that too much negativity on your blog is not very healthy too.

i guess it helps to have an outlet, but somehow it helps to have means to reflect and somehow turn the outlet into a positive way.. haha how? i also duno..lol

sometimes, it's how we tweaked our thoughtS! from negativity to reflection, to positivity! :P

Qiqi said...

Lol :D I am surprised you still read my blog :p cos I hardly post anything for past few months. Thanks for being so supportive over the countless years!

DReaMY said...

actually ..this is a platform to share, and know each other better too... :)