08 April, 2014


I like today's quote of mine: I will never know the answer until I do it.

常问自己我可以吗? 现在不问了, 做了就有答案。

I always ask myself,"Can I do it?" I never have any answers until I start to take actions and work towards my goals. Surprisingly, most of the outcome are better than what I expected. Hence, if we never try anything new, we never learn anything new.

Compare to my previous self, I am more determine and more preserver. It is a good sign, at least I give myself more opportunities to learn. I will find my way to success :)


DReaMY said...

true true, more often than not, our fears are always over rated. Most of the things we wanted to do are really not that scarly, we just made it out to be so scarly in our imagination.

And when we actually do it, we realise that " hey, it's not so bad afterall!".

Fear of failure, fail of the unknown.... these are our obstacles... We shd follow NIKE more..hahah when you want to do something.. " JUST DO IT!" dun let your fear stop you! :)

Qiqi said...

After attending the heart sutra class. I have slightly clearer understanding. It is like ignorance and clarity. With clarity, ignorance is absence. vice-versa. Hence, why buddhas is enlightened because they have the full clarity unlike us still have lots of ignorance within us. Hope we can all be wiser each day and finally eradicate the 3 poisons. This is my hope.