15 November, 2014

100 grateful things, Day 4

Today is fourth day I will share about gratefulness towards Fo Guang Shan and Bright Hill Temple:
From Fo Guang Shan
1. I am grateful to get to know Fo Guan Shan in 2012.
2. I am grateful to be touched by FGS children who expressed gratitude to their parents during Mothers' Day.
3. I am grateful that I attended Fo Guan Shan's short term monastic 7 days retreat at Taiwan, Kaohsiung in July 2012.
4. I am grateful during the monastic retreat, I look within myself.
5. I am grateful I reflected on my own deeds and actions.
6. I am grateful I realised that I didn't treat my parents well and decided to do something about it.
7. I am grateful I come back with a peaceful heart.
8. I am grateful I made new friends during the retreat. One of them is Maria Kathrina Diaz from Philippines. She is an English teacher who currently teaches in Taiwan. She is passionate lady who loves her own life and lives independently.
9. I am grateful I took my 5 precepts after 1 year later.
10. I am grateful I felt joyful and bliss when I took the precepts.
11. I am grateful Master Hsing Yun is my teacher. I read his books and get lots of wisdom. I felt his energy he is very grounded, peaceful and real person.
12. I am grateful Venerable You Deng is my guided teacher. She is very organised and wise person. I feel her kindness, despite she is a strict teacher. I am thankful to learn from her.
13. I am grateful Venerable You Deng has the qualities such as discipline, organise and groundedness, which I need to work on.
14. I am grateful to be given the chance to teach the children.
15. I am grateful to know Jing Jing and Nelson through Fo Guang Shan.
16. I am grateful I am connected to them. It seem like I have known them for many years.
17. I am grateful to picking up life skills from Fo Guang Shan.
18. I am grateful my inter-personnel skills have improved.
19. I am grateful whenever I light up an candle. It represents light of wisdom. May I light myself and other people around me.
20. I am grateful I learn to connect with the children better.
21. I am grateful I learn not to judge people but understand them.
22. I am grateful my heart is slowly opening up.
23. I am grateful things changes for the better.
24. I am grateful I can manage my challenges better.
25. I am grateful I am more receptive towards changes.
26. I am grateful every venerables at Fo Guang Shan, each and everyone of them have something to teach me.
27. I am grateful I can value-add my design services to them.
28. I am grateful Venerable You Deng asked me if I have take care of my own heart and mind.
29. I am grateful Venerable You Deng makes me realised that it is important to use my heart to do things.
30. I am grateful for the food that is provided at Fo Guang Shan.
31. I am grateful each meal at Fo Guang Shan, basement 1 is cooked from the heart of the volunteers.
32. I am grateful the volunteer teachers put in their effort to teach the children.
33. I am grateful I get to know myself better.
34. I am grateful there are many things that I need to learn and I look forward in the lessons.
35. I am grateful the learning environment is conducive.
36. I am grateful I am back on the path.
37. I am grateful I took up volunteer teacher roles from assistant teacher previous year, as a main teacher this year and to be assistant main coordinator next year. 38. I am grateful to progress in my leadership journey. 39. I am grateful to know Karen, she is the main coordinator, she has wealth of knowledge in FGS operation, she gives advice when I needed her and I helped her when she needs me.
40. I am grateful to know May Hua, she is great in teaching the children. She connects with the children very well.
41. I am grateful to know Shena, she is a very kind lady. I hope her health recovers soon.
42. I am grateful to know Meqin, she is very generous, she gives children' presents every lessons.
43. I am grateful to know Meizhen, she is very grounded and kind. She treats the students like her own children.
44. I am grateful to know Zhiyong, despite he is inconsistent with his promises. He is still has his qualities. He is flexible in his teaching.
45. I am grateful to know Lei Ya, she has strong dharma knowledge and integrates the teaching in lessons very well.
46. I am grateful to know Wen Fang, she is the most HIP grandma in teachers group. Thanks for her regular desserts.
47. I am grateful to know LeLeng, she is also a very kind lady.
48. I am grateful to know Kendy, she assists me during the Dharma class.
49. I am grateful to know Carol and Alex, thanks for their commitment at Mee Toh School for the past one year.
50. I am grateful to attend Chade Meng's mediation class with Jing Jing. I practise mediation with the help of the mediation chimes.
51. I am grateful to be part of gardener's of life project with Teacher Xiuyu.
52. I am grateful to learn from Teacher Xiuyu, she is very knowledgeable and resourceful, in terms of handling the children.
53. I am grateful she taught me to see the needs of the children and asked me to look within myself, what can I provide for the children.
54. I am grateful to learn about 5 harmony from Master Venerable Hsing Yun, he shares 1st harmony is within self, 2nd harmony is within family, 3rd harmony is within people around you, 4th harmony is within community and finally 5th harmony is world peace. Harmony is inside out.
55. I am grateful to learn about 5 observation about food. Be grateful towards the food source as it is not easy to obtain, how fortunate we are to receive food, how food is being cooked and served, be grateful towards food as medicine, to consume the food with right mindfulness.
56. I am grateful I feel at home at Fo Guang Shan.
57. I am grateful whenever I write heart sutra calligraphy, my heart feels peaceful.
58. I am grateful to understand impermanence, everything will change, good or bad. There is nothing we can hold on to or grab.
59. I am grateful for this present moment to find time to reflect and cherish things that are worth remembering for.
60. I am grateful to understand non-self. There is no true self as one view is arising and passing away, based on impermanent conditions.
61. I am grateful I am evolving everyday.
62. I am grateful to understand about dissatisfaction. Life is never perfect as too much of wants will lead to greed, aversions and delusions.
63. I am grateful I suffered less as I am learning to let go of undesirable wants and focus on my needs.
64. I am grateful I go with the flow and non-clinging to things that are beyond my control.
65. I am grateful I appreciate people better.
66. i am grateful I could see people good intentions easily.
67. I am grateful Nelson sometimes shares inspiration quotes to Jing Jing and me.
68. i am grateful Nelson and Xiao Juan helped me financially for a short period of time.
69. i am grateful Venerable You Deng gives me the Dharma when I needed. I recovered my emotions and get back on my feet faster than I thought.
70. I am grateful to find this quote meaningful and helps me a lot esp. during adversity. "When you are successful, be humbled. When you are down, be positive."
71. I am grateful towards life because it can never repeat itself. Life just goes on.
72. I am grateful to build my confidence through daily effort.
73. I am grateful to realised that people around me support and provide the right conditions and opportunities.
74. I am grateful to let go habits that do not serve me and cultivate new effective habits.
75. I am grateful to let go of my worries and start taking actions which serve me well.
76. I am grateful to get myself prepare for the next challenges.
77. I am grateful to recognize myself that I am good enough.
78. I am grateful to make peace with myself.
79. I am grateful to develop compassionate towards animals. Thanks to Fo Guang Shan's Cat, Ji Xiang.
80. I am grateful I pray almost everyday for the well being of all sentient beings.
81. I am grateful I repent when I made a mistake and be more mindful not to do it again.
82. I am grateful I am more sensitive towards my body.
83. I am grateful my heart is lighter each time I pray sincerely.
84. I am grateful that I am able to apply the Dharma into my life.
85. I am grateful I gain clarity through the Dharma.
86. I am grateful to learn the Dharma and transform myself for a better person.
87. I am grateful understand the pains of life so that I can manage my life better.
88. I am grateful my life is a blissful one.
89. I am grateful learns to cherish my things better and not to be taken for granted.
90. I am grateful to appreciate people who have helped me, people who make me grow and people who gives me encouragements.

From Bright Hill Teachers
91. I am grateful to learn and have basic understanding about Buddhism at the age of 33.
92. I am grateful to learn Heart Sutra from Venerable Chuan Guan. He let me understand that if we can change ourselves 1% better each time, we are moving forward towards enlightenment.
93. I am grateful I learn to be more organise from Venerable Chuan Guan's encouragement as this is one of my goals.
94. I am grateful after understanding and apply the teaching of Dharma, I am more at ease.
95. I am grateful Bright Hill temple has a big spiritual library where I can learn from.
96. I am grateful I learnt more about mediation after having an full day of mediation retreat.
97. I am grateful I am able to calm myself easily.
98. I am grateful I learn to be more mindful when I do things.
99. I am grateful to be inspired by wholesome people around me.
100. I am grateful to learn from these spiritual teachers.

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