18 November, 2014

100 grateful things, Day 6

Today is 6th day I will share about gratefulness towards my things.

1. I am grateful to have a comfortable home.
2. I am grateful to have a cosy room of my own.
3. I am grateful to have my own space, where I can do my own thinking.
4. I am grateful to have countless of clothings in my wardrobe.
5. I am grateful to have at least 10 pairs of shoes on my shoe rack.
6. I am grateful to have shelves of books, which provides me insights.
7. I am grateful to have art resources which I can easily make art and crafts for people around me.
8. I am grateful to have designing tools to make my creation easier.
9. I am grateful to have a family car, which makes our family outing easier.
10. I am grateful to have a lovely park, where I can do my morning exercise.
11. I am grateful to have a lotus flower pond inside the lovely park.
12. I am grateful to have time to exercise and keep my body fit.
13. I am grateful to have good teachers around me.
14. I am grateful that every things that I come across, have something to teach me.
15. I am grateful to understand that all events are based on conditions.
16. I am grateful to realise that good things are easier to accept.
17. I am grateful to realise that bad things make us change to become a better person.
18. I am grateful to realise that there is no absolute good and bad things, it is how we perceive and accept things as it is.
19. I am grateful to realise nothing is forever, be it things or relationships. Hence, I learnt to cherish them when they are still around.
20. I am grateful to realise some things are thrown away when old but some things are kept for nostalgic reasons.
21. I am grateful to detach myself from things and relationships that no longer serve me.
22. I am grateful to make things to decorate my room.
23. I am grateful to learn how to make my room neater.
24. I am grateful to connect things that matters to me.
25. I am grateful to have teas that I enjoy.
26. I am grateful I am more mindful about the food that I take.
27. I am grateful I appreciate my food better.
28. I am grateful to see that food as medicine.
29. I am grateful I appreciate green leaves and fruits more.
30. I am grateful my body enjoys yoga classes.
31. I am grateful I start to cut down on meat.
32. I am grateful I no longer eating beef and mutton.
33. I am grateful I appreciate whole food more. Whole food are food that has been processed or refined as little as possible and is free from additives or other artificial substances.
34. I am grateful fresh vegetables provide more nutrients for my body.
35. I am grateful for the original taste from the food.
36. I am grateful to recycle some of my things for better use.
37. I am grateful to reduce wastage of my resources.
38. I am grateful to make full use of my resources.
39. I am grateful to have court shoes that are lasting for the last 10 years. I use my first pay to buy such an expensive shoes, but it is worth its value.
40. I am grateful to handmade a lovely clay mug for my stationery.
41. I am grateful to have electricity in my home and office, without having to worry about shortage of light.
42. I am grateful to have a chocomania body lotion to wet my dry fingers and smell really nice.
43. I am grateful to realise quality is more important than price wars.
44. I am grateful to realise that material things are not lasting, they come and go.
45. I am grateful to realise that appreciate the things around me and detact them when they are gone.
46. I am grateful to realise that I am not affected by things that I don't have.
47. I am grateful to realise that many things are good to have but they are not a necessity.
48. I am grateful to realise that superficial things aren't lasting, only do things from the heart that matters.
49. I am grateful to realise that I have all the basic things that I need.
50. I am grateful to realise that I don't need a lot of things to make me happy.
Random things about my life 51. I am grateful that ever since I started my own design business. My projects are continuously coming.
52. I am grateful that through right effort and concentration, I can achieve what I wanted.
53. I am grateful that time is favorable for me.
54. I am grateful somehow things just appear on the right places.
55. I am grateful to have opportunities to work with like-minded people. It makes me easier to work with.
56. I am grateful to make friends with LTW4 friends and heart foundation friends.
57. I am grateful to Amutha and Jeya, they are great exercise coach and they teach from their heart.
58. I am grateful Amutha shares that it is okay to let go when conditions are not right and come back when I am ready.
59. I am grateful my procrastination has reduced greatly, keep going!
60. I am grateful I have reduced my comparison with others, as I find no joy doing it.
61. I am grateful money comes to me easily through own effort.
62. I am grateful I am grateful to have courage to live my life. 63. I am grateful to have family who truly love and care for me from their hearts.
64. I am grateful to have friends who support me whenever I need.
65. I am grateful to start to take care of my own health.
66. I am grateful to take charge of my own life.
67. I am grateful Theresa helped me to find visitors for visitors day.
68. I am grateful for the hot chocolate which I have missed for many years.
69. I am grateful for my lovely smile which gives people warmth.
70. I am grateful I have understanding friends around me.
71. I am grateful these wonderful teachers who have guided me all these years.
72. I am grateful I am connected with inspiring people.
73. I am grateful my heart is still warmth.
74. I am grateful for the lessons given to me, they made me wiser and compassionate person.
75. I am grateful life is fair.
76. I am grateful whatever I do is to benefit the people around me.
77. I am grateful for what goes around comes around.
78. I am grateful I am contented.
79. I am grateful I am more grounded than before.
80. I am grateful by drinking my favourite green tea latte can make me happy for a whole day.
81. I am grateful there are so many things to be grateful about.
82. I am grateful for the fresh air that I breath.
83. I am grateful for the level of sound around me is pleasant.
84. I am grateful for the simple things in life.
85. I am grateful each day of my life.
86. I am grateful to give myself each day to reflect what are the things to be grateful about.
87. I am grateful to give myself quality sleep.
88. I am grateful to be able to capture beautiful moment through my intuitive eyes.
89. I am grateful to have an able body.
90. I am grateful to have the right kind of people into my life.
91. I am grateful to have quality friends.
92. I am grateful I have overcome my swimming phobia and truly enjoy swimming.
93. I am grateful I learned to drink sufficient water.
94. I am grateful I learned to understand more about myself.
95. I am grateful I learned to appreciate each moment.
96. I am grateful to realise that nothing in this world is permanent.
97. I am grateful life changes so that I have new experiences each day.
98. I am grateful to study multimedia, followed by visual communication and design communication.
99. I am grateful to be in this designing field. There is so much fun and exploration.
100. I am grateful since I start to drink alkaline water, my body immune system improves.

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