Saw this article in one of the romance consultant websites. After reading through, I think it seems like there is no suitable guy that i can date already hahaha :)
1. Married men
It’s obvious why dating married men is a bad idea. Falling in love with a guy who already belongs to someone else entails countless painful sacrifices on your part: You cannot have him all for yourself, you have to keep your affair a secret, you can’t be seen together in public, and he can only call you when he can find the time away from his family and friends. Not to mention all the potential stigmas that could plague you if your relationship is exposed.
And you have to recognize the real possibility that after all that you've gone through for him, he’s not even contemplating on leaving his wife. "Although some people do find the love of their lives whilst they are still with someone else, a good rule of thumb is that if someone doesn’t leave their marriage within six months, they probably never will," says Helmanis.
The only married man worth considering? He’s the one who tells you to leave him alone and he’ll find you if/when he leaves his marriage, Helmanis adds.
2. Dominator
This guy takes an interest in everything you do, from the way you dress, who's in your phone list, the way you arrange your room to how your friends treat you.
At first it may feel wonderful to have this attentive man who genuinely cares about what's going on in your life, "but pretty soon he is telling you that you fold the laundry wrong (although he never does any) and that your best friend is boring (he doesn't like anyone else to have any influence)," warns Helmanis.
A control freak can be extremely charming in a new relationship, but once he feels secure he starts to become pushy and controlling. And unless he can control the other person, he fears he will lose her or that his own life will become chaotic. His tyrannical behavior soon makes life miserable for his partner.
"Being a control freak is not about love, although he’ll tell you it is: It’s about power," says Helmanis, "Leave, before your confidence does."
3. Broken Heart
He's the guy who seems so sensitive and caring when you first met and tells you the heart-wrenching story of his past broken relationship. And soon you’ll find out that he's still nursing a broken heart from the relationship he had with someone ten years ago. "Basically, you’re transitional woman in a nurse's uniform," says Helmanis.
Face it, if he lives in a haze of self-indulgent gloom and loves the drama of his own misery, you’ll never get through no matter how much time you spend trying to mend his broken heart. So give up and get going.
4. Smoothie
He's suave, sports designer suits, has a glitzy social life, owns an expensive apartment and zips around town in a flashy convertible. He loves lavishing women with lots of attention, and has you feeling like a princess with his constant showers of gifts, flowers and exotic dinners.
Problem is, you may not be the only chick in this Casanova's life. Men like that are very likely to be a misogynist, warns Helmanis, "He can't see past the skirt to one special individual."
5. The Drain
You'll recognize a Drain because this guy constantly saps you – emotionally, financially and/or physically. He hates his life, can't stop complaining about his job, blames everyone else for his own laziness, and essentially relies on you to bolster his poor self-image.
"Other Drains include men who always seem to be borrowing money because they have maxed out their credit cards, who lose their temper over nothing and use you as an emotional punchbag," says Helmanis. Guys like that are really nothing more than selfish, spoiled whiners who don’t understand the concept of responsibility or self-respect. Get them out of your life and lock the doors.
A Singapore girl who appreciates design, has passion in craft making and photography, likes to travel, likes inspiring and heartfelt movies, chat when needed to, likes reading more. Just smiles when happy and cries when sad. Simply loves her family and true friends who stand by her when she's in trouble! Just a simple girl.
28 March, 2008
27 March, 2008
Genting Trip
It is an inspiring Genting trip for me at this time round. Took quite a few nice food photography shot. Rethink how to make food more appealing and mouth watering. I'm quite grateful that my family were quite patience with me when their stomach were growling like mad.
There were quite a few changes in Genting. First World has expanded to one more towers and Chin Swee Cave Temple has completed the 2nd stage of development. Last time I can't understand why first world has such a ugly painting on the hotel. Now I know why. That is because they are using "first world" logo as the theme. However, I still think that it is very unsightly. Perhaps the negative impact creates a positive outcome because it has become a "colorful" landmark that no one can forget it.
This is 2nd time I went to Chin Swee Cave Temple. What catches my attention is this statue. Genting Group founder Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lim Goh Tong. I like the wording craved on the rock. It says "God gives us thinking, speaking and action abilities, if we can apply these capabilities into good use, nothing is impossible." True enough, he has proven himself that he has done it.
He was born in 1918 and passed away last year in 2007. He was a great man who creates his own legacy. "There is a Chinese saying "胆大心细" it means that to be BOLD and MEDICULOUS. Once a decision is made with a sound reasoning, the rest is hard work, determination and perseverance is seen through till the fruitful success." A person with so much passion in life has become someone different from the rest.

For more images, pls click here.
There were quite a few changes in Genting. First World has expanded to one more towers and Chin Swee Cave Temple has completed the 2nd stage of development. Last time I can't understand why first world has such a ugly painting on the hotel. Now I know why. That is because they are using "first world" logo as the theme. However, I still think that it is very unsightly. Perhaps the negative impact creates a positive outcome because it has become a "colorful" landmark that no one can forget it.
This is 2nd time I went to Chin Swee Cave Temple. What catches my attention is this statue. Genting Group founder Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lim Goh Tong. I like the wording craved on the rock. It says "God gives us thinking, speaking and action abilities, if we can apply these capabilities into good use, nothing is impossible." True enough, he has proven himself that he has done it.
He was born in 1918 and passed away last year in 2007. He was a great man who creates his own legacy. "There is a Chinese saying "胆大心细" it means that to be BOLD and MEDICULOUS. Once a decision is made with a sound reasoning, the rest is hard work, determination and perseverance is seen through till the fruitful success." A person with so much passion in life has become someone different from the rest.
For more images, pls click here.
25 March, 2008
Personality Twin Or Polar Opposite?
Love Match: Your Twin
Like you, your partner is adventurous and passionate. When it comes to making the first move he is wild and fearless, though his impulsiveness may bring regret to some actions.
Love Match: Your Opposite
Your partner is methodical, sensible and down-to-earth. He is tactful, honest, kind and dependable – which makes him a warm-hearted person and a wonderful listener. He is also very caring toward his family.
Love Match Personality Advice
There's no hard and fast rule on whether you'll be happiest paired with your personality twin or polar opposite.
Having a soul-mate (splitting image of your personality) may seem favourable for mutual participation in enjoyable activities, but it can also be a hazard in some ways: Two introverts may become reclusive, two dreamers may never get a grip on the realities of life, and so on.
On the other hand, an opposites-attract relationship can evolve into a complete, complementary partnership, but it can also mean a lack of common-ground interests and hobbies.
You be the judge and follow your heart.
Thinking out loud
I have hang out with both type of guys. I guess I still prefer the Opposite Personality. We are complementing each other and that will make the relationship complete. There might be strong differences between us but I believe if we put our hearts together to work things out eventually...
Like you, your partner is adventurous and passionate. When it comes to making the first move he is wild and fearless, though his impulsiveness may bring regret to some actions.
Love Match: Your Opposite
Your partner is methodical, sensible and down-to-earth. He is tactful, honest, kind and dependable – which makes him a warm-hearted person and a wonderful listener. He is also very caring toward his family.
Love Match Personality Advice
There's no hard and fast rule on whether you'll be happiest paired with your personality twin or polar opposite.
Having a soul-mate (splitting image of your personality) may seem favourable for mutual participation in enjoyable activities, but it can also be a hazard in some ways: Two introverts may become reclusive, two dreamers may never get a grip on the realities of life, and so on.
On the other hand, an opposites-attract relationship can evolve into a complete, complementary partnership, but it can also mean a lack of common-ground interests and hobbies.
You be the judge and follow your heart.
Thinking out loud
I have hang out with both type of guys. I guess I still prefer the Opposite Personality. We are complementing each other and that will make the relationship complete. There might be strong differences between us but I believe if we put our hearts together to work things out eventually...
23 March, 2008
Light Graffiti

This was painted with light in the studio... Two separate shoots with green and red gels... The photographer stand in a completely dark room... put his camera on self timer and he paints. The tree and the Heart both took around 30 shoots each... Then he put them together in Photoshop... Try it... it makes a terrific result!
When Kel send me this image, I was amazed with it. I think it really takes alot of efforts and skills to put everything together! I find it so cool!!! It's a great combination between photography and drawing :)
17 March, 2008
What spurs you to move on?
My friend threw me a tough question for me to reflect: At your darkest hour of your life, what spurs you on to go on and continue with your life?
Without thinking, I replied immediately, "Of course, my family and friends."
She continues: "What happens at your darkest hour, your family and friends are not even around with you, what you will do?"
After much thought, I replied: "When I'm at the most depressed moment, I heard my inner voice telling me, I just need to endure awhile longer and I will see the light and I did."
She probes further: "What happens if you can’t even hear your inner voice?"
After thinking through the night, I think it is still my own willpower and my life philosophy that I have built over the years. When I was young, I always felt insecure, I wanted people to reassure me that I'm good and I'm doing the right thing. The truth is I'm not happy doing the right thing that the "wise men" said. I'm too scared and afraid to tell them that, "Hey, this is not how i feel".
When I look back, so what next? I'm old enough to judge and decide for my own life. There are certain things I know that I need to do, and I want to fulfil. I can't living under people's expectations all the time. I'm just too tired.
I think no one can be with us all the time, sometimes I really got to push myself much harder than before, get on my feet and move towards to my own goals closer. For some people, religion might be able to help to gain their self confidence and self esteem back after being defeated badly. A ray of hope is believed to be seen when times are really, really bad. But then I believed that we will be able to stand back on our feet to move on.
I watched a movie that ever said this: The sad thing about life is you can never return where you came from but the happy thing about life is there is no need for you to do that. Every good and bad experiences is part of you and that makes you as a person of who you really are.
Just follow your heart... where your heart brings you to find your true happiness...
*This is my last blog i'm going to write for this week as i'm going away for my short holiday to genting for a few days... :)
Without thinking, I replied immediately, "Of course, my family and friends."
She continues: "What happens at your darkest hour, your family and friends are not even around with you, what you will do?"
After much thought, I replied: "When I'm at the most depressed moment, I heard my inner voice telling me, I just need to endure awhile longer and I will see the light and I did."
She probes further: "What happens if you can’t even hear your inner voice?"
After thinking through the night, I think it is still my own willpower and my life philosophy that I have built over the years. When I was young, I always felt insecure, I wanted people to reassure me that I'm good and I'm doing the right thing. The truth is I'm not happy doing the right thing that the "wise men" said. I'm too scared and afraid to tell them that, "Hey, this is not how i feel".
When I look back, so what next? I'm old enough to judge and decide for my own life. There are certain things I know that I need to do, and I want to fulfil. I can't living under people's expectations all the time. I'm just too tired.
I think no one can be with us all the time, sometimes I really got to push myself much harder than before, get on my feet and move towards to my own goals closer. For some people, religion might be able to help to gain their self confidence and self esteem back after being defeated badly. A ray of hope is believed to be seen when times are really, really bad. But then I believed that we will be able to stand back on our feet to move on.
I watched a movie that ever said this: The sad thing about life is you can never return where you came from but the happy thing about life is there is no need for you to do that. Every good and bad experiences is part of you and that makes you as a person of who you really are.
Just follow your heart... where your heart brings you to find your true happiness...
*This is my last blog i'm going to write for this week as i'm going away for my short holiday to genting for a few days... :)
16 March, 2008
Today I learnt how to draw 1 point perspectives. It's fun and interesting. Now I have better understanding of perspectives. Different eye-level will create different perspectives. I swear that NO drawing instructor has ever taught me about such a basic thing until today! Perhaps they expect us to know, as it is quite common sense thing. After looking at the good works from some of my classmates with some drawing backgrounds, I think it is very important to know where light comes from and how the shadows and highlights will makes the object more realistic.
The big problem with me is that I don't like observe things. I feel that it's waste of time. No wonder I always find that my still life drawings always seems so weird to me because I have drawing in wrong porportion and perspectives. It really makes me kind of demoralise and doesn't want to try anymore. Perhaps that's why I all along, never had any intention to making it better.
The drawing teacher shared with us as a beginner in drawing, we tends to be very forceful with our sketches and lots of unclear lines. The artwork becomes hard and unrealistic. When we builds up our confidence in drawing, we tends to draw much more at ease and the sketches are much lighter now. The artwork becomes interesting and lively.
What touches my heart is, she said,"Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The more mistakes you made, the better you will become."
I have wasted enough time to give myself too many excuses. I have decided to do that anymore. There is no such thing as cannot draw. It's a matter of whether I want to put in the time and effort to horne my skills.
The big problem with me is that I don't like observe things. I feel that it's waste of time. No wonder I always find that my still life drawings always seems so weird to me because I have drawing in wrong porportion and perspectives. It really makes me kind of demoralise and doesn't want to try anymore. Perhaps that's why I all along, never had any intention to making it better.
The drawing teacher shared with us as a beginner in drawing, we tends to be very forceful with our sketches and lots of unclear lines. The artwork becomes hard and unrealistic. When we builds up our confidence in drawing, we tends to draw much more at ease and the sketches are much lighter now. The artwork becomes interesting and lively.
What touches my heart is, she said,"Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The more mistakes you made, the better you will become."
I have wasted enough time to give myself too many excuses. I have decided to do that anymore. There is no such thing as cannot draw. It's a matter of whether I want to put in the time and effort to horne my skills.
15 March, 2008
Back to the basics
This morning, I jumped out of my bed. "It's 9.30am already! Oh no, I was late again!"
It has been a long, long time since I overselpt. Quite angry with myself because I need to attend my first day of design workshop by 9.45am. I had no choice but to take a cab down. I waited for 10 mins there's no cab at all... usually I have no problem flagging the cab. I had no choice but to go to the nearest taxi stand.
When I get into the cab, I was complaining to the cab driver about can't find any cabs on the road. Guess what he says? He told me that they cannot anyhow align or pick up passenger from the road anymore. I was so pissed, if I can walk to the taxi stand, i might as well take bus or mrt. Why must i still take a cab? Taking cab is for the convenience sake and not to pay extra money to get pissed off by the government stupid rules...
Anyway, when I reached there, the class has started for 30 mins already. Thinking to myself that I will not let this stupid incident affect my mood. I really enjoyed the class today. It's really back to the basic - Still life drawing!
I hated still life drawing, thanks to my pri and sec school teachers. They gave me F grades for most of the works I have done. Till now, I'm still very puzzled is that why did I choose to be a designer because designer needs to draw quite well to a certain extend. Perhaps the challenge of finding how to do it right is my motivation as being a designer. OR god choose the tough job for me hahaha :P
But this time round is very different from what I have learnt, instead of using pencils, we are using charcoal. First time doing it. It's kind of fun because I feel like I'm turning myself into a curious kid. Back to learn the basic drawing techniques. There are 3 types of drawing techniques: the pure contour, the blind contour and the cross contour.
The pure contour : Drawing basic outline to separate the object and the space. Learning how to manipulate of the lines.
The blind contour : By looking at the object and draw without looking at the paper. This is to train to observe the object.
The cross contour : Drawing in circular motion to form the object. This is to train to draw the object in proportions.
It may seem easy, however it requires alot of concentration, observation and drawing skills to draw out something decent. The most difficult contour is the blind contour. Without constantly practising, you wont be able to master it. Learn how to draw without looking at the paper. I can feel the misery for the blind when they lost their sight. It's really a pain and helpless when you can't see at all.
First day workshop is just experiment of using charcoal. A really good charcoal artwork must have a spectrum of darkest black and the whitest white in it. Just like photography, must take note of the shadows and highlights. It's a black and white painting. You really got to get dirty to do some work, esp colouring the shading and highlights for the objects. I got myself so dirty with my hands just like a kid playing in the muddy sand. Hahaha and I love it!
It has been a long, long time since I overselpt. Quite angry with myself because I need to attend my first day of design workshop by 9.45am. I had no choice but to take a cab down. I waited for 10 mins there's no cab at all... usually I have no problem flagging the cab. I had no choice but to go to the nearest taxi stand.
When I get into the cab, I was complaining to the cab driver about can't find any cabs on the road. Guess what he says? He told me that they cannot anyhow align or pick up passenger from the road anymore. I was so pissed, if I can walk to the taxi stand, i might as well take bus or mrt. Why must i still take a cab? Taking cab is for the convenience sake and not to pay extra money to get pissed off by the government stupid rules...
Anyway, when I reached there, the class has started for 30 mins already. Thinking to myself that I will not let this stupid incident affect my mood. I really enjoyed the class today. It's really back to the basic - Still life drawing!
I hated still life drawing, thanks to my pri and sec school teachers. They gave me F grades for most of the works I have done. Till now, I'm still very puzzled is that why did I choose to be a designer because designer needs to draw quite well to a certain extend. Perhaps the challenge of finding how to do it right is my motivation as being a designer. OR god choose the tough job for me hahaha :P
But this time round is very different from what I have learnt, instead of using pencils, we are using charcoal. First time doing it. It's kind of fun because I feel like I'm turning myself into a curious kid. Back to learn the basic drawing techniques. There are 3 types of drawing techniques: the pure contour, the blind contour and the cross contour.
The pure contour : Drawing basic outline to separate the object and the space. Learning how to manipulate of the lines.
The blind contour : By looking at the object and draw without looking at the paper. This is to train to observe the object.
The cross contour : Drawing in circular motion to form the object. This is to train to draw the object in proportions.
It may seem easy, however it requires alot of concentration, observation and drawing skills to draw out something decent. The most difficult contour is the blind contour. Without constantly practising, you wont be able to master it. Learn how to draw without looking at the paper. I can feel the misery for the blind when they lost their sight. It's really a pain and helpless when you can't see at all.
First day workshop is just experiment of using charcoal. A really good charcoal artwork must have a spectrum of darkest black and the whitest white in it. Just like photography, must take note of the shadows and highlights. It's a black and white painting. You really got to get dirty to do some work, esp colouring the shading and highlights for the objects. I got myself so dirty with my hands just like a kid playing in the muddy sand. Hahaha and I love it!
14 March, 2008
Searching for Partner Ad
Position available - Mr Chow’s Girlfriend
Job Description
She must be faithful, loyal & understanding Girl next door, must not be taller than him.
Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for balance of life for this BGR, Boy-Girl-Relationship
Independent and able to take care of herself.
Confident & understanding of my work.
Able to lend me her ears when I need 1 pair to listen.
Identifies who is Mark Chow, What type of Person is him? Develops and communicates with him.
Must NOT be materialistic and able to double as a Financial Controller
(As I am a big Spender)
Aninmal Lover, must not smoke.
Education Requirements:
You MUST Not be a BIMBO, Slut, Bitch or related field. = Meaning; If you put Expected Salary; YES. Then its ok. Also; Just give me a credit card. You may apply at :
Critical Skills and Experience:
Minimum of 2-3 years of experience in Relationship.
(State reason for Breaking up).
Advanced skills in market analysis
(Which Market have the best food and cheapest?),
pricing strategy and negotiation (at wet market)
Knowledge of basic need of a relationship, attention, sharing, caring.
Supportive and attentive and who will help him develop his self-confidence.
Easygoing and relaxed, happy to be going with the flow.
Proficiency in housekeeping
Successful candidate will be love!
More Information on Mr Chow;
Natural generosity, bigheartedness, and good humor wins many friends. Have an inner joy and buoyancy which enables me to encourage and bring hope to others. Seem to attract more than your share of the good things in life. Comfort and ease come naturally to you.
A very social creature & especially enjoy being with creative, playful, spontaneous people. Theatre, dance, music, and other expressive arts have a strong appeal for.
Interested candidate can leave him a msg at
How interesting to meet young entrepreneur chap like Mr Chow. Successful as he is now today owing an international model agency.
I fit all the above citerias that he mention. However, he is unable to attract me with his flamboyant career. Simply because the way he talks seems to be blowing his own trumplet. You can say he is full of "charm" if you like to hear praises.
"Get someone who is not a model, she will feel inferior. Get someone as a model, she also feel insecure!" quoted by Mr Chow.
Reason being his working partners are all models. How could a woman find a sense of security in him when beautiful women are sticking around with him all the time!
His future girfriend either must be generous enough to accept his career or doesn't love him at all.
I wrote him my 2 cents worth of comments in his blog:
Dear Mr Chow,
I just happened to pop by your site. I hope below comments will not be too difficult for you to digest.
I couldn't help myself for not replying this "searching for girlfriend" ad. I have been going through the criterias that you mentioned in this ad. Basically, you need a good woman. Yes, I fit the bill totally. However, I will not apply for this position.
Have you ever wonder why you are unable to find your "Dream Girl" for all these while? Perhaps in your heart, you have already found the answer to your own question.
"Get one who is not a model, She feel inferior. Get one as a model, she also feel insecure!"
Based on the above remarks, I have written you off already. You may be wondering that why am I judging you this way. But I'm not judging at all because I do not know you at all. I write this because I feel that you are unrealistic in searching for your life partner.
If a woman cannot find a sense of security in him, how is she able to stick with him for the better or the worse? Most likely, she will run away with your money with another man. I'm not referring about your exciting career; I'm talking about your love commitment. If you are looking for fun in a relationship only, I think every girl fits your bill. If you are finding true love, it takes a lot of your time, effort and commitment to love and cherish her in your lifetime.
Ask yourself, are you willing and be able to do that?
Job Description
She must be faithful, loyal & understanding Girl next door, must not be taller than him.
Key Responsibilities:
(As I am a big Spender)
Education Requirements:
You MUST Not be a BIMBO, Slut, Bitch or related field. = Meaning; If you put Expected Salary; YES. Then its ok. Also; Just give me a credit card. You may apply at :
Critical Skills and Experience:
(State reason for Breaking up).
(Which Market have the best food and cheapest?),
pricing strategy and negotiation (at wet market)
Successful candidate will be love!
More Information on Mr Chow;
Natural generosity, bigheartedness, and good humor wins many friends. Have an inner joy and buoyancy which enables me to encourage and bring hope to others. Seem to attract more than your share of the good things in life. Comfort and ease come naturally to you.
A very social creature & especially enjoy being with creative, playful, spontaneous people. Theatre, dance, music, and other expressive arts have a strong appeal for.
Interested candidate can leave him a msg at
How interesting to meet young entrepreneur chap like Mr Chow. Successful as he is now today owing an international model agency.
I fit all the above citerias that he mention. However, he is unable to attract me with his flamboyant career. Simply because the way he talks seems to be blowing his own trumplet. You can say he is full of "charm" if you like to hear praises.
"Get someone who is not a model, she will feel inferior. Get someone as a model, she also feel insecure!" quoted by Mr Chow.
Reason being his working partners are all models. How could a woman find a sense of security in him when beautiful women are sticking around with him all the time!
His future girfriend either must be generous enough to accept his career or doesn't love him at all.
I wrote him my 2 cents worth of comments in his blog:
Dear Mr Chow,
I just happened to pop by your site. I hope below comments will not be too difficult for you to digest.
I couldn't help myself for not replying this "searching for girlfriend" ad. I have been going through the criterias that you mentioned in this ad. Basically, you need a good woman. Yes, I fit the bill totally. However, I will not apply for this position.
Have you ever wonder why you are unable to find your "Dream Girl" for all these while? Perhaps in your heart, you have already found the answer to your own question.
"Get one who is not a model, She feel inferior. Get one as a model, she also feel insecure!"
Based on the above remarks, I have written you off already. You may be wondering that why am I judging you this way. But I'm not judging at all because I do not know you at all. I write this because I feel that you are unrealistic in searching for your life partner.
If a woman cannot find a sense of security in him, how is she able to stick with him for the better or the worse? Most likely, she will run away with your money with another man. I'm not referring about your exciting career; I'm talking about your love commitment. If you are looking for fun in a relationship only, I think every girl fits your bill. If you are finding true love, it takes a lot of your time, effort and commitment to love and cherish her in your lifetime.
Ask yourself, are you willing and be able to do that?
13 March, 2008
Living with a Zombie
Nur Shahidah and Yuan Ping managed to fight their way through into Area Contest for their club. However, Yuan Ping is not confident about her own script so she asked me to vet through the script that she wrote. She wrote in plain English. After reading it, I could feel her sadness, her anguish, her resentment. I rewrote her entire script based on my feelings and thoughts.
I felt honored when she asked me for help. Since the day I met her, she protrays to be an independent girl. I almost cried with her when she shared her life story with us. Despite her incapability to walk, she never gives in and remains positive towards life. She fought bravely just like any one of us.
I wished her all the best in this Area Contest.
Living with a Zombie
- Specially dedicated to Yuan Ping's father
311... 350... and 418... Probably you are wondering what these numbers are. These 3 numbers are the block numbers that I have stayed in Woodlands. For the past 22 years, I unable to stand my two little feet on the ground because I was born to be a handicap. I have a wonderful mum who painstakingly brought us up with my 2 brothers and me. Perhaps I may seem different from my brothers but my mum loved us just like we are her precious angels. Those were the happy little days.
My happy days were short-lived. A happy family is destroyed by a man. This man, whom I called him, Father. He never takes good care of us. He never fulfilled the duty of a husband and a father. Gambling dens seems to be his home and our home has turned into his hotel. Horse races, 4D, Toto or anything that he could bet, he will gamble away.
There is a Chinese saying 9 out of 10 times in gambling, you will lose. True enough, either he came back as a "dead" person or he will disappear for a few months until we had paid back the heavy debts that he has left behind. Since young, the whole family has been constantly living in fear. Everyday is like a living hell. Fearing those ruthless loan sharks will come knocking at our door everyday, looking for my father. Despite we had told them, we didn't know where my father has gone to. The loan sharks will just come back to haunt us everyday, just to make sure we pay them back every single cent.
One day, this man finally has the gut to come back just to ask my mum for more money for investing a bigger flat. My mum refused to give in. Unfortunately, she didn't manage to stop him. The huge sum of money ended up in the gambling den and left with another heavier debt. He went into hiding again! The Singapore loan sharks are quite resourceful and manage to track us down. My mum has left with no choice but had to move us from the 1st flat to the 2nd flat and finally the 3rd flat, just to pay for father's astronomic debts.
Just by paying these debts, we had no place to stay. A helpful social worker from Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) helped us to look for a place and I became one of their clients. I moved from Canossa Convent Children’s Home and Red Cross Home and back to Children’s Home for few months, while the Sister from the Home helped my family to look for a flat to stay.
On the day, when we were moving to our new house, MacPherson Estate, my father appeared out of the blue. He was begging for our forgiveness again. Despite how unwillingly we are to live with this man, my soft hearted mum gave in. The fear continues to haunt us until few years later, he sent to jail because he embezzled with the company’s money. He was in there for few months and after releasing, he went back to jail again.
My mum has ever thought of divorcing with him, but having a thought of the relationship in the past, she forgives and forgives and forgives. One time after another. For this final time, my mum really given up hope on this man and in 2006, my mum filed for a divorce with my father because she cannot forgive him for the hurt that he has created in the family. In 2007, my parents were officially divorced. Although he still lives with us till today, he is just a living zombie.
If you asked me if I will ever forgive this man. I just can't bring myself to forgive this man who brought us so much hurt and betrayal. No, not at this moment. But perhaps one day... I will...
I felt honored when she asked me for help. Since the day I met her, she protrays to be an independent girl. I almost cried with her when she shared her life story with us. Despite her incapability to walk, she never gives in and remains positive towards life. She fought bravely just like any one of us.
I wished her all the best in this Area Contest.
Living with a Zombie
- Specially dedicated to Yuan Ping's father
311... 350... and 418... Probably you are wondering what these numbers are. These 3 numbers are the block numbers that I have stayed in Woodlands. For the past 22 years, I unable to stand my two little feet on the ground because I was born to be a handicap. I have a wonderful mum who painstakingly brought us up with my 2 brothers and me. Perhaps I may seem different from my brothers but my mum loved us just like we are her precious angels. Those were the happy little days.
My happy days were short-lived. A happy family is destroyed by a man. This man, whom I called him, Father. He never takes good care of us. He never fulfilled the duty of a husband and a father. Gambling dens seems to be his home and our home has turned into his hotel. Horse races, 4D, Toto or anything that he could bet, he will gamble away.
There is a Chinese saying 9 out of 10 times in gambling, you will lose. True enough, either he came back as a "dead" person or he will disappear for a few months until we had paid back the heavy debts that he has left behind. Since young, the whole family has been constantly living in fear. Everyday is like a living hell. Fearing those ruthless loan sharks will come knocking at our door everyday, looking for my father. Despite we had told them, we didn't know where my father has gone to. The loan sharks will just come back to haunt us everyday, just to make sure we pay them back every single cent.
One day, this man finally has the gut to come back just to ask my mum for more money for investing a bigger flat. My mum refused to give in. Unfortunately, she didn't manage to stop him. The huge sum of money ended up in the gambling den and left with another heavier debt. He went into hiding again! The Singapore loan sharks are quite resourceful and manage to track us down. My mum has left with no choice but had to move us from the 1st flat to the 2nd flat and finally the 3rd flat, just to pay for father's astronomic debts.
Just by paying these debts, we had no place to stay. A helpful social worker from Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) helped us to look for a place and I became one of their clients. I moved from Canossa Convent Children’s Home and Red Cross Home and back to Children’s Home for few months, while the Sister from the Home helped my family to look for a flat to stay.
On the day, when we were moving to our new house, MacPherson Estate, my father appeared out of the blue. He was begging for our forgiveness again. Despite how unwillingly we are to live with this man, my soft hearted mum gave in. The fear continues to haunt us until few years later, he sent to jail because he embezzled with the company’s money. He was in there for few months and after releasing, he went back to jail again.
My mum has ever thought of divorcing with him, but having a thought of the relationship in the past, she forgives and forgives and forgives. One time after another. For this final time, my mum really given up hope on this man and in 2006, my mum filed for a divorce with my father because she cannot forgive him for the hurt that he has created in the family. In 2007, my parents were officially divorced. Although he still lives with us till today, he is just a living zombie.
If you asked me if I will ever forgive this man. I just can't bring myself to forgive this man who brought us so much hurt and betrayal. No, not at this moment. But perhaps one day... I will...
12 March, 2008
I never believe in the connections, today I just can't help but feeling that Singapore is so small!
KC: I have a job for you, my friend need the website to be completed within 2 weeks.
Qiqi: Sure, please send over the specs to me.
Flipping through my schedule, I realised that I unable to do this job as it clashes with my freelance job, my workshops and my short Genting holidays. No choice, I had to turn down. Even though, I can't do this job, I rather pass this job to my other friends who might be interested. I thought of my junior, RH. He's just setup his own design agency. So I call him and he's willing to work on it. I sent the specs over to him.
After 10 mins later, he called me back.
RH: Hey, I got the job.
Qiqi (Still in the state of blurriness): What job are you talking about?
RH: Your freelance job that you sent over is my client. He just told me that he engaged me.
Qiqi: OMG, I cannot believe it! The world is so small...
RH: Yah...
Qiqi: Congrats manz... Happy for you! This job is definitely meant to be yours.
I can't help but feeling freelancing industry is so small. Everyone seems to know one another and helping each other in getting jobs. Friends introducing business to one another and be connected. Before you know it, you could have knowing everyone... in such an big industry...
Those popular designer names probably once you mention it, the whole industry would have know. So if you had a good reputation, most likely people will seek you for help if they have any job opportunities...
Design industry works slightly different from any other corporate industry. You have to get your own connections, resources and people. People just job hopping around almost for every 2 years or some even half a year and your pay check just jump a few times more... That's how design industry works.
Talented designers tend to have weird temper of their own. Can I say designers have artistic temper? I have that temper too if my client really pissed me off. Most of the time, talented designers sack their lousy bosses. Because these bosses never think of keeping these people and never bothers to take good care of them. Thus their company reputation is at stake. Clients can always find other better agencies / freelancers and will never come back again. These lousy bosses are always at the losing end while the pay checks of these talented designers are clicking away...
KC: I have a job for you, my friend need the website to be completed within 2 weeks.
Qiqi: Sure, please send over the specs to me.
Flipping through my schedule, I realised that I unable to do this job as it clashes with my freelance job, my workshops and my short Genting holidays. No choice, I had to turn down. Even though, I can't do this job, I rather pass this job to my other friends who might be interested. I thought of my junior, RH. He's just setup his own design agency. So I call him and he's willing to work on it. I sent the specs over to him.
After 10 mins later, he called me back.
RH: Hey, I got the job.
Qiqi (Still in the state of blurriness): What job are you talking about?
RH: Your freelance job that you sent over is my client. He just told me that he engaged me.
Qiqi: OMG, I cannot believe it! The world is so small...
RH: Yah...
Qiqi: Congrats manz... Happy for you! This job is definitely meant to be yours.
I can't help but feeling freelancing industry is so small. Everyone seems to know one another and helping each other in getting jobs. Friends introducing business to one another and be connected. Before you know it, you could have knowing everyone... in such an big industry...
Those popular designer names probably once you mention it, the whole industry would have know. So if you had a good reputation, most likely people will seek you for help if they have any job opportunities...
Design industry works slightly different from any other corporate industry. You have to get your own connections, resources and people. People just job hopping around almost for every 2 years or some even half a year and your pay check just jump a few times more... That's how design industry works.
Talented designers tend to have weird temper of their own. Can I say designers have artistic temper? I have that temper too if my client really pissed me off. Most of the time, talented designers sack their lousy bosses. Because these bosses never think of keeping these people and never bothers to take good care of them. Thus their company reputation is at stake. Clients can always find other better agencies / freelancers and will never come back again. These lousy bosses are always at the losing end while the pay checks of these talented designers are clicking away...
11 March, 2008
The Leap Years
that a man must agree,
to a woman's proposal today.
Give me a sign,
For I'm hidden from your eyes,
Whether to meet me at 8,
At the same place you sit,
And fulfill the tradition of February 29th."
This is a lighthearted romance 1st english local production movie. The problem is Qi Yu Wu doesn't seem to blend in this English movie as he doesn't speak fluently. Seems like everyone is complaining about his "ang mo".
Of course, there are certain parts of the movie that are quite sweet and romantic. Since Li-Ann and Jeremy could only meet every 4 years, I felt that if they could have more emotions and connections between them.
What I like about this movie is that they use romantic "quotes" to evoke the audience emotions such as "If you are not too long, I will wait for you all my life." - Oscar Wilde
The film-makers have missed out minor details such as Li-Ann and Jeremy do not age in appearance. Another thing is where's the mole under Jeremy's eye after so many years?
I think they have oversell this move. Overall, I felt that not a very touching movie but it's quite watchable one.
About The Leap Years
MediaCorp Raintree Pictures, one of Asia’s leading film companies and Ochre Pictures, Singapore’s award-winning production company are producing Singapore’s first English love story entitled, THE LEAP YEARS.
Thai heartthrob – Ananda Everingham, last seen in Shutter (2004) co-starred in this romantic love story with Singapore girl next door - Li Lin. Based on a novella by well-acclaimed writer, Dr Catherine Lim, the story talks about a young Singaporean girl having chance upon her special someone on 29th February. She decides to base her intuition on an Irish leap year tradition that no man will refuse any request of a lady and invites him out for a date. Together, they embark on a romantic journey that spans over 12 years, meeting only thrice in 12 years, on the leap year. The delightful draw being the leap yearly meet-ups is sure to entice the special someone out there in all of us.
Together with a colourful cast of gorgeous ladies and men – Joan Chen, Ananda Everingham, Li Lin, Qi Yu Wu, Vernetta Lopez, Nadya Hutagulung – THE LEAP YEARS aims to capture the fascinating sensibilities and the essence of life in contemporary Singapore.
More about Leap Year Traditions
Leap Year has been the traditional time that women can propose marriage. In many of today's cultures, it is okay for a woman to propose marriage to a man. Society doesn't look down on such women. However, that hasn't always been the case. When the rules of courtship were stricter in the past, women were only allowed to pop the question on one day every four years. That day was February 29th.
St. Bridget's Complaint
It is believed this tradition was started in 5th century Ireland when St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick about women having to wait for so long for a man to propose. According to legend, St. Patrick said the yearning females could propose on this one day in February during the leap year.
10 March, 2008
Reconnect with Eleanor
It has been a long time since I chat with my dear friend of mine, Eleanor. 6 long years, we never chat, never call each other, never even sms. Our connection just cut off just like that... I decided to give her a call last night and we chatted for 4 hours non stop, topics are endless, there were no uncomfortable pauses, despite both of hp batteries went flat, we just continued our conversation on the phone on and on...
She was one of my very close primary school classmates. I used to go to Eleanor's place to eat, play, sleep and study. Her house has become like my second home. Her grandma treated me like her own grand daughter. Always worried that I don't have enough to eat. That explains my size right now haha... Despite of our differences in character, I just like to hang out with Eleanor. Perhaps opposite character attracts.
Beside Adeline, she used to be one of the confidants when we were young. Three of us just hit off very well because I find that their characters are very real, they speak out their minds with no hidden agenda. They always say me being too soft, too nice, will get bullied. When I looked back, perhaps they did try to bully me but I was too nice to them. Eventually, they decided not to bully me anymore. haha :) Anyway, I always tell them that even if people want to take advantage of me, so be it.
Perhaps they are just being too straightforward and playful, we often gets ourselves into minor troubles in school. My results were quite good, being a good student in my teachers' eyes, they always tell me not to hang out with these two people. The teachers always say to me when I hang out with bad students, you will become bad as well. But I couldn't care less, I just feel comfortable hanging out with them.
The teaching style in the past is stereotype, so are those good students. Without adding some spice in our school life, it can be too boring for us! We drew pictures on our desks and textbooks, went early to the school just to copy good students homework so that we have more time to play, skipping classes when we dislike that teacher, we even broke one of glass windows in the classroom.
I remembered one vivid incident that how we caused our form teacher lost her ranking in a competition. Every year, we have "clean and green competition" for the classrooms. During our Primary 4, our form teacher was quite anxious about this competition. She took her own personal time just to decorate the classroom. One of the teachers, out of courtesy, asked us whether we want those unwanted pots of plants from her classroom. Thinking that it’s a kind gesture from this teacher, we brought those unwanted pots of plants back into our classroom, without arranging them nicely. Just happened that afternoon day was the judging day for the competition, we made our first glory for our classroom, first ranking from the bottom. Our form teacher became a laughing stock, she nearly hit the roof. No matter how hard we tried to explain ourselves, she just made us stood out of the classroom for 3 hours. Haizzz...
But instead of feeling a sense of guilty, I think that was fun. After all, these naughty stuffs that we did in the past, will always be our little childhood memories.
Do you know how difficult it is, to get yourself into trouble in such a strict discipline school, unless you want to be the "unwelcome" hero. To me, we are just being playful and should not be labeled as rebellious.
Ever since we left school, due to our different lifestyle and hectic working life, we no longer that close and keep in contact. She always has a place in my heart. Last night, I just have the urge to give a call to this old friend, to find out how is my dear friend doing in her life and so I did! I felt that everything has changed between us but only our friendship remains strong and bonded :)
She was one of my very close primary school classmates. I used to go to Eleanor's place to eat, play, sleep and study. Her house has become like my second home. Her grandma treated me like her own grand daughter. Always worried that I don't have enough to eat. That explains my size right now haha... Despite of our differences in character, I just like to hang out with Eleanor. Perhaps opposite character attracts.
Beside Adeline, she used to be one of the confidants when we were young. Three of us just hit off very well because I find that their characters are very real, they speak out their minds with no hidden agenda. They always say me being too soft, too nice, will get bullied. When I looked back, perhaps they did try to bully me but I was too nice to them. Eventually, they decided not to bully me anymore. haha :) Anyway, I always tell them that even if people want to take advantage of me, so be it.
Perhaps they are just being too straightforward and playful, we often gets ourselves into minor troubles in school. My results were quite good, being a good student in my teachers' eyes, they always tell me not to hang out with these two people. The teachers always say to me when I hang out with bad students, you will become bad as well. But I couldn't care less, I just feel comfortable hanging out with them.
The teaching style in the past is stereotype, so are those good students. Without adding some spice in our school life, it can be too boring for us! We drew pictures on our desks and textbooks, went early to the school just to copy good students homework so that we have more time to play, skipping classes when we dislike that teacher, we even broke one of glass windows in the classroom.
I remembered one vivid incident that how we caused our form teacher lost her ranking in a competition. Every year, we have "clean and green competition" for the classrooms. During our Primary 4, our form teacher was quite anxious about this competition. She took her own personal time just to decorate the classroom. One of the teachers, out of courtesy, asked us whether we want those unwanted pots of plants from her classroom. Thinking that it’s a kind gesture from this teacher, we brought those unwanted pots of plants back into our classroom, without arranging them nicely. Just happened that afternoon day was the judging day for the competition, we made our first glory for our classroom, first ranking from the bottom. Our form teacher became a laughing stock, she nearly hit the roof. No matter how hard we tried to explain ourselves, she just made us stood out of the classroom for 3 hours. Haizzz...
But instead of feeling a sense of guilty, I think that was fun. After all, these naughty stuffs that we did in the past, will always be our little childhood memories.
Do you know how difficult it is, to get yourself into trouble in such a strict discipline school, unless you want to be the "unwelcome" hero. To me, we are just being playful and should not be labeled as rebellious.
Ever since we left school, due to our different lifestyle and hectic working life, we no longer that close and keep in contact. She always has a place in my heart. Last night, I just have the urge to give a call to this old friend, to find out how is my dear friend doing in her life and so I did! I felt that everything has changed between us but only our friendship remains strong and bonded :)
07 March, 2008
Sick after IT SHOW
Not feeling well today after went for IT Show last night. That place is so crowded with people that you can hardly walk... Wanted to get a laptop for myself for my work. All the laptops are using Window Vista, last year they still allowed user to use Windows XP but this year they refused and they still said that if I downgraded to Windows XP, my warranty would be void. I think it sounds a bit ridiculous.
All laptop promoters were too eager to sell their laptops to me. One of the Acer sales guys, was super enthusiastic about giving me all the freebies that he can think of, almost irresistible and he almost "threaten" that if I don't sign up with him now. I will not be able to get the freebies. I simply told him that I don’t go for freebies. He was quite shocked with my reply, gave me his namecard and said that all freebies he mention will be given to me once I have decided to buy the laptop from him. After working with marketing people for so many years, I know that Freebies is just one of the marketing tactics in getting the sales...
Anyway, I don't really feel comfortable using Vista since the NEW OS is still so unstable and heard from my IT support friend said he always have to troubleshoot Vista nowadays due to a lot of incapability with the printers and graphics softwares. It looks so much different from Windows XP, I need to get used to the new environment. I don’t want to stick with a laptop that I not comfortable with.
I think I will use an iBook instead because at least Mac, I have used before and it's still considered a much more stabled OS.
Woke up middle of the night feeling stomach bloated and having fever. Went to see doctor today, doctor says I had stomach flu... I guess I have been eating too much oily stuff recently... have to be more cautious about the food I eat and rest more already... Hopes that I get well soon...
All laptop promoters were too eager to sell their laptops to me. One of the Acer sales guys, was super enthusiastic about giving me all the freebies that he can think of, almost irresistible and he almost "threaten" that if I don't sign up with him now. I will not be able to get the freebies. I simply told him that I don’t go for freebies. He was quite shocked with my reply, gave me his namecard and said that all freebies he mention will be given to me once I have decided to buy the laptop from him. After working with marketing people for so many years, I know that Freebies is just one of the marketing tactics in getting the sales...
Anyway, I don't really feel comfortable using Vista since the NEW OS is still so unstable and heard from my IT support friend said he always have to troubleshoot Vista nowadays due to a lot of incapability with the printers and graphics softwares. It looks so much different from Windows XP, I need to get used to the new environment. I don’t want to stick with a laptop that I not comfortable with.
I think I will use an iBook instead because at least Mac, I have used before and it's still considered a much more stabled OS.
Woke up middle of the night feeling stomach bloated and having fever. Went to see doctor today, doctor says I had stomach flu... I guess I have been eating too much oily stuff recently... have to be more cautious about the food I eat and rest more already... Hopes that I get well soon...
06 March, 2008
Useless man
I always try to rush home to watch Buzzing Cashier every Tues, I'm quite surprised that the show started 15mins before the usual time, 8pm. They have showed the progress business in the previous Lasak shop owner.
A customer complained that his Lasak sucks and will not go back to his shop again. Of course, the TV media is curious why there is such complain, so they went down to his shop. To their surprise, he still uses back his old recipe of Lasak just because the new ingredient for the Lasak have used finished for the day.
The hosts kind of telling him off that he shouldn't use back his old recipe. Using back this old recipe will spoil the shop’s reputation. Instead of feeling remorse, he scolded them back and removed all the new signboard and the new pictures of Lasak in his shop.
Last week, this Lasak owner has to learn the new way of cooking Lasak for the famous chef. He has a bad temper, he always lies and his attitude in learning the skill is very bad. He doesn't know how to cook and he still talks as if he's very good at it. And we realised that only his wife is listening and trying her best to learn.
His wife is really 24 super good wife. She needs to work in the clinic in the day and she still needs to prepare all the ingredients during the night. For the past whole month she has been trying and trying cooking the right taste for the new Lasak. Because of this show, she almost fell sick. You can see that she's really very tired already but she still hang it there.
Though his wife keeps finding excuses for this useless man, I really disappointed with him. He has such a good wife and he still doesn't buck up. He still blames others for not giving him chance. The chef has already taught him what he supposed to know. He never even use his heart to learn and instead he heavily depended on his wife.
If he still has a little conscious and call himself a man, he should really reflect what he has done and buck up...
A customer complained that his Lasak sucks and will not go back to his shop again. Of course, the TV media is curious why there is such complain, so they went down to his shop. To their surprise, he still uses back his old recipe of Lasak just because the new ingredient for the Lasak have used finished for the day.
The hosts kind of telling him off that he shouldn't use back his old recipe. Using back this old recipe will spoil the shop’s reputation. Instead of feeling remorse, he scolded them back and removed all the new signboard and the new pictures of Lasak in his shop.
Last week, this Lasak owner has to learn the new way of cooking Lasak for the famous chef. He has a bad temper, he always lies and his attitude in learning the skill is very bad. He doesn't know how to cook and he still talks as if he's very good at it. And we realised that only his wife is listening and trying her best to learn.
His wife is really 24 super good wife. She needs to work in the clinic in the day and she still needs to prepare all the ingredients during the night. For the past whole month she has been trying and trying cooking the right taste for the new Lasak. Because of this show, she almost fell sick. You can see that she's really very tired already but she still hang it there.
Though his wife keeps finding excuses for this useless man, I really disappointed with him. He has such a good wife and he still doesn't buck up. He still blames others for not giving him chance. The chef has already taught him what he supposed to know. He never even use his heart to learn and instead he heavily depended on his wife.
If he still has a little conscious and call himself a man, he should really reflect what he has done and buck up...
05 March, 2008
How to identify Mas Selamat
Everyone of us have "seen" and "read" about "Mas Selamat". The JI militant, a highly dangerous man, who has escaped while in custody. He is walking with a left limp. No one can explained how a person with a limp could get off from a highly secured prison.
He is famous overnight and he is even more famous than our dear prime minister and HK Actor, Edison Chen. Pictures of him were pasted all over Singapore. Flyers, SMS, Emails, Faxes were flying all over as well.
Can't get enough of him? Here comes his latest movie and postcard on how to identify Mas Selamat in disguise.

Engaged almost a thousand of police to track him down. If the police force still could not find him at all. Probably it will be the biggest joke of Singapore Police Force in the history.
He is famous overnight and he is even more famous than our dear prime minister and HK Actor, Edison Chen. Pictures of him were pasted all over Singapore. Flyers, SMS, Emails, Faxes were flying all over as well.
Can't get enough of him? Here comes his latest movie and postcard on how to identify Mas Selamat in disguise.
Engaged almost a thousand of police to track him down. If the police force still could not find him at all. Probably it will be the biggest joke of Singapore Police Force in the history.
04 March, 2008
How Great Love Is...
Have read this story many years back. During that i was pretty much touched by it. Evon forwarded this story to me once again. The feeling is still the same or rather more deeply because i understand it better :)
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived:
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.
Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you? "
Richness answered, " No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!".
"I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you."
Oh ... Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" Said sadness.
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder.
Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder her name. When they arrived on dry land, the elder went her own way.
Love realizing how much he owed the elder asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked Love.
"But why did Time help me?"
Knowledge smiled with deep Wisdom and answered, "Because only TIME is Capable of understanding how great LOVE is."
So, please use time to understand how great Love is.
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived:
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.
Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you? "
Richness answered, " No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!".
"I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you."
Oh ... Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" Said sadness.
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder.
Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder her name. When they arrived on dry land, the elder went her own way.
Love realizing how much he owed the elder asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked Love.
"But why did Time help me?"
Knowledge smiled with deep Wisdom and answered, "Because only TIME is Capable of understanding how great LOVE is."
So, please use time to understand how great Love is.
03 March, 2008
You Reap What You Sow
"You Reap What You Sow" is the table topic for the contest.
I fully agreed with this statement "You Reap What You Sow". In fact, it could be argued that even the most fertile soil throughout the world is barren unless time and effort is used carefully to take seeds and have them properly planted, cultivated and nurtured.
For the big, big dreams you want to achieve, You have to invest a lot of time, talent and effort working with, and helping others to achieve their goals too.
What I meant by helping others... I mean that you have to give before you get and I think it all comes down to your own "attitude".
If you are positive and helpful, and offer encouragement and support to those who need it, it can have an incredible effect around you. Because you are learning with them at the same time.
The opposite is true about being negative and complaining all the time. At the end of the day, you will realise that you have not achieve what you really want. Because you are too focusing on the problems rather than finding the solutions for the problems.
You can make the difference.
You make the decisions.
You take charge.
I fully agreed with this statement "You Reap What You Sow". In fact, it could be argued that even the most fertile soil throughout the world is barren unless time and effort is used carefully to take seeds and have them properly planted, cultivated and nurtured.
For the big, big dreams you want to achieve, You have to invest a lot of time, talent and effort working with, and helping others to achieve their goals too.
What I meant by helping others... I mean that you have to give before you get and I think it all comes down to your own "attitude".
If you are positive and helpful, and offer encouragement and support to those who need it, it can have an incredible effect around you. Because you are learning with them at the same time.
The opposite is true about being negative and complaining all the time. At the end of the day, you will realise that you have not achieve what you really want. Because you are too focusing on the problems rather than finding the solutions for the problems.
You can make the difference.
You make the decisions.
You take charge.
02 March, 2008
The demon within
"This is the speech that I delivered during the club contest."
In a faraway land, not too distant from today, there lived a smart king, King Benignant. He rules his country with wisdom and patience. All beings are living happily as the country prospers under the leadership of King Benignant.
All, except one. The demon, named Choler, the most horrendous creature. Choler is massive in size and stand at a height of 10 feet tall. His skin is dull red in color and it gives out a strange odor. It stinks so much that you can hardly breathe normally when he is around. No one knows where he came from but every being sends shivers down their spine when they see him.
One day, Choler knew King Benignant was not around, stomped right into the palace, causing great destruction. Choler turned over every tables and chairs that were within his sight while he made his way towards the throne at royal audience hall. The guards were so afraid of him that none of them dares to stop him. However, the guards know very well that if they could not stop Choler in time, he will destroy the entire palace. Using their shields and spears, they form a wall of defenses to fight against Choler.
"Stop it, you evil demon! Stop it now!!" shouted the angry guards. But Choler was too strong for them. Each time the guards cursed Choler, he just grows bigger and stronger. Choler finally sat on the throne of King Benignant.
Filled with disgust and anger, the guards shouted at Choler, "You demon, get out off here or else we will rip you apart".
"Ha ha ha, show me what you are capable of," Choler was gloating happily, "You will never be able to come near me. Ha ha ha"
"Charged!" shouted the guards. They attacked Choler with all their strength and might but Choler keeps growing bigger and stronger.
After much confrontation, King Benignant returned to the palace. Seeing the injured guards, King Benignant’s heart was filled with sorrow. He approached Choler and said "If your desire is to rule this country, please leave these men alone, they are all innocent beings."
Choler was taken aback by the King’s words. "Aren't you angry?"
King Benignant said, "No, I am the least angry with you."
Choler questioned the King again, "Why do you treat me with respect?"
"Because you deserve to be respected," said King Benignant. "Please stop this fight and I shall prepare a feast for you."
With the kindness words from King Benignant, Choler body seems to be weakening.
"Let me send my servants to prepare some food and will be ready in a short while." Said King Benignant and Choler had shrunk further. The wounds on Choler are recovering and the odor that surrounds him seems to have dispersed along with the recovering wounds.
Seeing King Benignant treated Choler with respects and kindness, the guards felt guilty. They apologised for their action and start to massage his body and foot.
With every kind words and gestures, Choler had shrunk further and further. The odor that emits from his skin dispersed and eventually, Choler disappears from the palace.
You may find this story amazing but this story is happening everyday within each and every one of us. Choler is the anger demon that is within us. Each time, we get angry, Choler grows stronger and stronger, and it also becomes more and more destructive.
When we are being “attacked”, we behave just like Choler. We speak loudly, nastier and sarcastic. The negative thoughts, remarks and actions will never have any help to our current problems. Instead it will become more serious and worse, when we are being cornered, when we have only destroyed everything and everyone around us.
Being angry is addictive and provides pleasure when we destroy our enemies, but who will face the consequences? It is only you and I shall face the fruit of our anger. Only when we show others with due respect and kindness, we will be able to have control with our anger.
I faced problems when getting along with people. I become hot tempered when things went wrong and never willing to accept others’ criticism. But I realized that flaring up into rage will not get what I want and instead, I’m hurting people around me as well as myself. People find that I’m unapproachable and difficult to deal with.
When I have learnt to accept the way it is; the problem has become smaller and manageable. Before I know it, I have found the way to solve it.
As I strive to shrink my "Choler" and find my "Benignant", I urge that each and every one of you will also be able to control your "Choler" and let your "Benignant" take control.
Contest chair.
In a faraway land, not too distant from today, there lived a smart king, King Benignant. He rules his country with wisdom and patience. All beings are living happily as the country prospers under the leadership of King Benignant.
All, except one. The demon, named Choler, the most horrendous creature. Choler is massive in size and stand at a height of 10 feet tall. His skin is dull red in color and it gives out a strange odor. It stinks so much that you can hardly breathe normally when he is around. No one knows where he came from but every being sends shivers down their spine when they see him.
One day, Choler knew King Benignant was not around, stomped right into the palace, causing great destruction. Choler turned over every tables and chairs that were within his sight while he made his way towards the throne at royal audience hall. The guards were so afraid of him that none of them dares to stop him. However, the guards know very well that if they could not stop Choler in time, he will destroy the entire palace. Using their shields and spears, they form a wall of defenses to fight against Choler.
"Stop it, you evil demon! Stop it now!!" shouted the angry guards. But Choler was too strong for them. Each time the guards cursed Choler, he just grows bigger and stronger. Choler finally sat on the throne of King Benignant.
Filled with disgust and anger, the guards shouted at Choler, "You demon, get out off here or else we will rip you apart".
"Ha ha ha, show me what you are capable of," Choler was gloating happily, "You will never be able to come near me. Ha ha ha"
"Charged!" shouted the guards. They attacked Choler with all their strength and might but Choler keeps growing bigger and stronger.
After much confrontation, King Benignant returned to the palace. Seeing the injured guards, King Benignant’s heart was filled with sorrow. He approached Choler and said "If your desire is to rule this country, please leave these men alone, they are all innocent beings."
Choler was taken aback by the King’s words. "Aren't you angry?"
King Benignant said, "No, I am the least angry with you."
Choler questioned the King again, "Why do you treat me with respect?"
"Because you deserve to be respected," said King Benignant. "Please stop this fight and I shall prepare a feast for you."
With the kindness words from King Benignant, Choler body seems to be weakening.
"Let me send my servants to prepare some food and will be ready in a short while." Said King Benignant and Choler had shrunk further. The wounds on Choler are recovering and the odor that surrounds him seems to have dispersed along with the recovering wounds.
Seeing King Benignant treated Choler with respects and kindness, the guards felt guilty. They apologised for their action and start to massage his body and foot.
With every kind words and gestures, Choler had shrunk further and further. The odor that emits from his skin dispersed and eventually, Choler disappears from the palace.
You may find this story amazing but this story is happening everyday within each and every one of us. Choler is the anger demon that is within us. Each time, we get angry, Choler grows stronger and stronger, and it also becomes more and more destructive.
When we are being “attacked”, we behave just like Choler. We speak loudly, nastier and sarcastic. The negative thoughts, remarks and actions will never have any help to our current problems. Instead it will become more serious and worse, when we are being cornered, when we have only destroyed everything and everyone around us.
Being angry is addictive and provides pleasure when we destroy our enemies, but who will face the consequences? It is only you and I shall face the fruit of our anger. Only when we show others with due respect and kindness, we will be able to have control with our anger.
I faced problems when getting along with people. I become hot tempered when things went wrong and never willing to accept others’ criticism. But I realized that flaring up into rage will not get what I want and instead, I’m hurting people around me as well as myself. People find that I’m unapproachable and difficult to deal with.
When I have learnt to accept the way it is; the problem has become smaller and manageable. Before I know it, I have found the way to solve it.
As I strive to shrink my "Choler" and find my "Benignant", I urge that each and every one of you will also be able to control your "Choler" and let your "Benignant" take control.
Contest chair.
01 March, 2008
29 Feb 2008
29 Feb 2008 is the eventful day for me because I finally took up the challenge that my immediate past club president set for me. I took part in Toastmasters Club Speech Contest. It is my first attempt to speak up in a lecturer theater, using without notes. I can tell you it is not an easy task for me but I did it!

After 3 years in Toastmasters, I still couldn't get over my shyness and nervousous in public speaking. But this time round is slightly different, I tell myself, "Okay since I have this problem, I shall tackle with it and not to run away from it anymore." I realised that facing the problem is always better than running away from it. Because I don't need to live with it in fear anymore!
And true enough, after 2 weeks of serious preparation and good advises from my immediate past club president, I know where is my strength and weaknesses in public speaking. There is a chinese saying, a great performance on stage requires 10 years of training. I agreed totally with this because without training hard enough to myself to speak to my mirror, to my wall, to my cupboard, to Guan Yin Buddha and finally my parents. I couldn't be able to stand on my feet to speak up during the contest.
But nothing beats facing the real audience. The feeling is sensation. I feel excited, happy and nervous at the same time. When i speak up, they response, they show that they keen to know more and listening to my speech carefully. It's not a smooth delivery for the first attempt afterall. But I did finished my whole speech without feeling fearful.
A stranger walked to me and said, "That is a brave thing to do. Well Done." I guess she must have felt how i feel for this contest. Wishes comes from my new friends, my dear friends and family are unexpected and I am very grateful for that.
Yes, I finally did something for myself which I feel proud of!
After 3 years in Toastmasters, I still couldn't get over my shyness and nervousous in public speaking. But this time round is slightly different, I tell myself, "Okay since I have this problem, I shall tackle with it and not to run away from it anymore." I realised that facing the problem is always better than running away from it. Because I don't need to live with it in fear anymore!
A stranger walked to me and said, "That is a brave thing to do. Well Done." I guess she must have felt how i feel for this contest. Wishes comes from my new friends, my dear friends and family are unexpected and I am very grateful for that.
Yes, I finally did something for myself which I feel proud of!
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