25 March, 2008

Personality Twin Or Polar Opposite?

Love Match: Your Twin
Like you, your partner is adventurous and passionate. When it comes to making the first move he is wild and fearless, though his impulsiveness may bring regret to some actions.

Love Match: Your Opposite
Your partner is methodical, sensible and down-to-earth. He is tactful, honest, kind and dependable – which makes him a warm-hearted person and a wonderful listener. He is also very caring toward his family.

Love Match Personality Advice
There's no hard and fast rule on whether you'll be happiest paired with your personality twin or polar opposite.

Having a soul-mate (splitting image of your personality) may seem favourable for mutual participation in enjoyable activities, but it can also be a hazard in some ways: Two introverts may become reclusive, two dreamers may never get a grip on the realities of life, and so on.

On the other hand, an opposites-attract relationship can evolve into a complete, complementary partnership, but it can also mean a lack of common-ground interests and hobbies.

You be the judge and follow your heart.

Thinking out loud
I have hang out with both type of guys. I guess I still prefer the Opposite Personality. We are complementing each other and that will make the relationship complete. There might be strong differences between us but I believe if we put our hearts together to work things out eventually...

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