20 June, 2008

The List

My colleague, Michelle is very crazy over her relationship now. She recommended me this book "The List" by Mary Corbett and Sheila Corbett Kihne. She keeps telling me, it works, it really works.

Alright, alright, Point noted.... It's my first time reading such relationship book. To me, its quite weird to read such "self help" book esp in relationships. Nevertheless, not harm reading it since Michelle highly recommended it.

It's grabbing statement is "For Single men out there: 30 Days or he's out. Only the strong one will survive!"

In this book, it says there are 7 list items that your Mr Right will do, if not, he will be out! Wow, that's intimating for the guys, isn't it? But then again, if that guy is not, he is not the right one. Why waste more time on him when I have better things to do, rite?

Here are the 7 list items that shows that he wants to marry you.
1) He makes the first move.
2) He calls you within 1-2 days make the first date.
3) He makes the first date fun, easy and relax.
4) He calls you within 1 day for subsequent dates.
5) He wants to talk to you every day and spend all his free time on you.
6) He demonstrates loyalty.
7) He talks about you in his future plans.

After spending one night of brushing through the contents, some of things mention does make sense. It's says "When the guy is not interested at you, don't bother with him and move on with your life. You are wonderful person, that person just can't appreciate you. It's his lost, not yours.

Don't ever use emails for dating: It's too lazy, impersonal and insincere."

However, I don't agree with rule #1 that guys must always make the first move. At this century, it's a fair game that girls can always chase after guys. What happens you notice him first, you have to let him notice u as well, right?

I just take a pinch of salt when I read it. After all, our relationship should build by our minds and lead by our hearts and should not follow a book blindly... But it does send me a reminder that I should get to know more guys hahaha :)

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