15 June, 2021

Day 227: Leadership Styles

What is the slogan of Toastmasters?
Where leaders are made
That is the essense of Toastmasters, giving a platform to shape leaders.
I was timid and shy before I join Toastmasters. Over 15 years, I was given the opportunity to improve my communication skills and leadership skills. Learning is never ending but I learn to share some learning in leadership styles.

Effective leaders empowers others to accomplish personal goals and contribute to the successful completion of team objectives.

To be an effective leader
1) Provides guidance and constructive feedback
2) Helps others to improve their skills
3) Become a role mode for others to emulate your behaviours

5 Attributes of a Successful Leader
Leaders communicates their expectations, goals and plans with others in direct, concise and thoughtful manner.

Leaders expresses leadership through words and actions. It is not enough to simply tell others what to do. If You can’t lead yourself, you can’t lead others.

It always help to look the brighter side of things. Optimism is the ability to focus on the beneficial side of situations and expect positive outcomes. An optimistic attitude creates the opportunity to overcome obstacles and adversity. We can't control what happen to us but we can repond in a positive way.

Open-mindedness means considering new ideas and viewing situations without bias. Listening to others and incorporating their ideas places value on every member of a team.

Demonstrates personal integrity by acknowledging and giving credit to others. Personal integrity refers to the ability to be honest and ethical. Integrity builds the trust you need for a strong team and increases the likelihood of accomplishing team goals

Top 3 Leadership styles I have adopted over these few years.
1. Coaching: Having one for one coaching, is the better way to build connection and trust. Going more indepth with the issue that my mentee is facing. I can provide valuable feedback to my mentee.

2. Altruistic: The ability to serve others. Also willing to support and contribute in a community.

3. Democratic: I like to do collaboration work, I asked my team opinions so that I gather their experience and feedback. It can be useful and I can make informed decision.
Share a book
The leader who had no Title, Robin Sharma
Leading Without a Title is the democratization of leadership.

This book shares 4 meaningful stories:
Helper who has Passion in doing her work
Surfer train his Courage to take risks
CEO understand the power of relationship
Teacher who sees people potential

Takeaway message: You don’t need to have a leader title to become a leader, you become a leader the moment you motivate, inspire and move someone to become better.

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