30 June, 2021

Day 242: Resolving Past Relationships

June theme is Resolving Past Relationships.
As I keep dreaming my Exs, I went to search what are the meaning of these dreams.

It says, "If you dream of past friends or relationships, this shows a longing to be back into that place and time. Perhaps a time which was more innocent or less complicated. Your dreaming mind is trying to tell you that it is time to process the past experiences so that you might be able to stop reliving them over and over again."

Yes, tt is true that I am ready to let go of my past relationships. I am no longer feel the hurt and sadness because I know they are over. I truly want to move on.

I want to feel whole again.

In past, I always feel that I need to share or sacrifice myself for someone.

The truth is, I don't have to do that. I can have win win situation, especially I am healthier now.

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