Reaching out to Solopreneurs...
If you are doing your best work.
If you have touched one person.
If it makes a difference to a handful.
If you are building a legacy, not just an empire.
If your values are what you stand for.
If you are launching ideas from your heart.
If you understand why are you doing this.
If it doesn't have to matter to everyone.
If you care enough.
If you can see the world as it isn't.
If passion is your master.
If possibility feeds your soul.
If meaning is your currency.
If you embrace failure alongside success.
If permission doesn't get in your way.
If understanding the problem to be solved matters to you.
If people are your inspiration.
If you could change one thing.
If you know the questions to ask and aren't afrad of the answers.
If you could ask anything today, what would "this" be?
If not this, then what?
- Bernadette Jiwa
A Singapore girl who appreciates design, has passion in craft making and photography, likes to travel, likes inspiring and heartfelt movies, chat when needed to, likes reading more. Just smiles when happy and cries when sad. Simply loves her family and true friends who stand by her when she's in trouble! Just a simple girl.
31 December, 2020
30 December, 2020
Day 62: Minimalist Shoes
Despite I tried to clear my shoes. I realised I still have 12 pairs of shoes.
(Exercise) 4 Sports shoes: Pink, Blue, Gray, Hiking Shoes
(Formal) 2 Heels: Black, Blue
(Casual) 1 Sandal: Blue with little Pink Stripe
(Working) 5 Office Wear: Black leather, Black, Gray, White, Gold
Just bought 1 pair of shimmering shoes and 1 brown leather shoes.
Total 14 shoes now lol :D
One month per shoes :P
I believe these shoes can last me for 2-3 years.
I plan to cut down to 10 pairs in 1 year time.
(Exercise) 2 Sports shoes: Dark and Light
(Formal) 2 Heels: Black, Blue
(Casual) 1 Sandal: Blue with little Pink Stripe
(Working) 6 Office Wear: Black(2), Blue, Gray, White, Gold
I value myself and hence, I value my things as well.
(Exercise) 4 Sports shoes: Pink, Blue, Gray, Hiking Shoes
(Formal) 2 Heels: Black, Blue
(Casual) 1 Sandal: Blue with little Pink Stripe
(Working) 5 Office Wear: Black leather, Black, Gray, White, Gold
Just bought 1 pair of shimmering shoes and 1 brown leather shoes.
Total 14 shoes now lol :D
One month per shoes :P
I believe these shoes can last me for 2-3 years.
I plan to cut down to 10 pairs in 1 year time.
(Exercise) 2 Sports shoes: Dark and Light
(Formal) 2 Heels: Black, Blue
(Casual) 1 Sandal: Blue with little Pink Stripe
(Working) 6 Office Wear: Black(2), Blue, Gray, White, Gold
I value myself and hence, I value my things as well.
29 December, 2020
Day 61: 突然好想你 + 我不愿让自己一个人
好听的歌总是那么伤感。可能是因为不能得到所以记忆才美。 我现在没有思念谁,只是觉得这首歌很有感情。帶出初戀最深的傷痛,让人生好像有一些遗憾。感情没了,就是分手了。这就是人生。
第一首诗 ★ 突然好想你
〔...為何我們 還是要奔向各自的幸福和遺憾中老去...〕 最美愛情最痛回憶最遺憾的"第二波"溫柔抒情主打歌<突然好想你>,由阿信作詞作曲。最擅長深入淺出表現情感深度的阿信,這次寫出了現任的幸福,和初戀的遺憾,交相對比的深刻情感。 歌曲中間奏未完而緊接上的橋段:"我們,那麼甜、那麼美、那麼相信...",節奏緊湊,迅速帶出初戀最深的傷痛,然後旋律、歌詞、樂器合鳴,隨著一個個拍點的轉強,一股遺憾自然共鳴,最適合當作有深刻初戀,而今幸福甜美的人們的主題曲。
Mayday五月天【突然好想你 Suddenly missing you so bad】MV官方完整版
我不愿让自己一个人 :) 我不在孤单。因为我有我了。
I won't let myself be lonely anymore, because I have me.
Mayday五月天 [ 我不愿让你一个人 I won't let You be lonely ] Official Music Video
好听的歌总是那么伤感。可能是因为不能得到所以记忆才美。 我现在没有思念谁,只是觉得这首歌很有感情。帶出初戀最深的傷痛,让人生好像有一些遗憾。感情没了,就是分手了。这就是人生。
第一首诗 ★ 突然好想你
〔...為何我們 還是要奔向各自的幸福和遺憾中老去...〕 最美愛情最痛回憶最遺憾的"第二波"溫柔抒情主打歌<突然好想你>,由阿信作詞作曲。最擅長深入淺出表現情感深度的阿信,這次寫出了現任的幸福,和初戀的遺憾,交相對比的深刻情感。 歌曲中間奏未完而緊接上的橋段:"我們,那麼甜、那麼美、那麼相信...",節奏緊湊,迅速帶出初戀最深的傷痛,然後旋律、歌詞、樂器合鳴,隨著一個個拍點的轉強,一股遺憾自然共鳴,最適合當作有深刻初戀,而今幸福甜美的人們的主題曲。
Mayday五月天【突然好想你 Suddenly missing you so bad】MV官方完整版
第二首诗 ★ 我不愿让你一个人
我不愿让自己一个人 :) 我不在孤单。因为我有我了。
I won't let myself be lonely anymore, because I have me.
Mayday五月天 [ 我不愿让你一个人 I won't let You be lonely ] Official Music Video
28 December, 2020
Day 60: 2020已经接近尾声
那些曾经过的日子,委屈, 痛苦,幸福,快乐,都会过去。一些事笑笑就好,无需认真,一些事听听就好,无需在意。
那些曾经过的日子,委屈, 痛苦,幸福,快乐,都会过去。一些事笑笑就好,无需认真,一些事听听就好,无需在意。
27 December, 2020
Day 59: Have a heart talk with Winnie Low
It was an impromtu walk, Winnie just asked me if I am free on Sunday.
I said Yes readily. We had fun in exploring Exploring from Labrador Park, Marina Keppel Bay to Telok Blangah Hill Park.
Somehow we are open with each other, she shared with me her struggles with her room mates and my struggles with my parents.
Winnie is a good listening. She shared with me her life experiences. I thought of wanting to move out of the house. I am motivated to have a place of my own. She makes me see more clearly, was this moving out of desperation or was it out of love. Escape Vs Self independent. To be honest, I feel more of an escape than self independent right now. It may not be a good time to move out of the house. I need to resolve my parents relationship issues.
She also let me see different views on how to communicate with my parents. Treat them like a child, they need care and concern. They need my help. If I could reflect earlier, probably I won't flare up my anger again.
I did feel angry at night again. Actually I also felt my dad's helplessness. I need to learn to shift my thoughts and perception about them. How can I learnt to be more patient with my parents and truly help them?
I said Yes readily. We had fun in exploring Exploring from Labrador Park, Marina Keppel Bay to Telok Blangah Hill Park.
Somehow we are open with each other, she shared with me her struggles with her room mates and my struggles with my parents.
Winnie is a good listening. She shared with me her life experiences. I thought of wanting to move out of the house. I am motivated to have a place of my own. She makes me see more clearly, was this moving out of desperation or was it out of love. Escape Vs Self independent. To be honest, I feel more of an escape than self independent right now. It may not be a good time to move out of the house. I need to resolve my parents relationship issues.
She also let me see different views on how to communicate with my parents. Treat them like a child, they need care and concern. They need my help. If I could reflect earlier, probably I won't flare up my anger again.
I did feel angry at night again. Actually I also felt my dad's helplessness. I need to learn to shift my thoughts and perception about them. How can I learnt to be more patient with my parents and truly help them?
26 December, 2020
Day 58: Light up my wisdom candle
今年很开心Stephanie, 真真和美燕有空一起念佛。希望明年有更多老师们一起念佛。
今年很开心Stephanie, 真真和美燕有空一起念佛。希望明年有更多老师们一起念佛。
25 December, 2020
Day 57: Merry Christmas! Rejoice!
It was a transformative year. Receiving many blessings.
I passed my UIUX Design course with flying colours. I am happy about it.
Today I receieved Linda's well wishes. She could have done it for someone else but she choose to pray for me.
I am grateful for her sincerity and kind heart.
Have a blessed year ahead 🙂 Merry Christmas!
It was a transformative year. Receiving many blessings.
I passed my UIUX Design course with flying colours. I am happy about it.
Today I receieved Linda's well wishes. She could have done it for someone else but she choose to pray for me.
I am grateful for her sincerity and kind heart.
Have a blessed year ahead 🙂 Merry Christmas!
24 December, 2020
Day 56: Unexpected Xmas Gifts
I was thinking to buy a room shoes as the shoes that felicia bought was 3 years ago and that pair was very dirty, even though I like it very much. I was supposed to buy the red checked shoes, In the end, I saw this pair of shoes that it is so me. I want to give myself a treat.
I received this lovely Xmas gift from Hyder. It encourages me to be a thoughtful designer, put my clients best interests at heart.
Thanks for his trust and support.
#RWDC #WorkInProgress I received this lovely Xmas gift from Thomas on Xmas Eve. How timely it is. It is no coincidence. Thanks for his trust and support. Everything has its own time.
One of the quotes stood up strongly for me.
[ Life does not own me; I own life.
Life does not owe me anything; I owe everything to life. ]
I believe everyone of us in this space has his / her own life purpose, potential and mission.
If you are a parent, you could be learning how to take up responsibility to look after your family.
If you are a teacher, you could be imparting your knowledge and skills with others.
If you are an entrepreneur, you could be creating jobs opportunities for people.
Whatever role you are in. Be grateful and serve the world with your heart.
This journey has helped me to reconnect with myself, aligning with my life purpose. It encourages me to build a truly sustainsble business delivers continual benefits to the owners, employees, customers as well as in society in fair measure. This is the best way to live. Thanks life for showing me the way.
#GoWithTheFlow #InnerShiftsBringOuterChanges #ConsciousLiving
Life does not own me; I own life.
Life does not owe me anything; I owe everything to life.
Thanks life for showing me the way.
I received this lovely Xmas gift from Hyder. It encourages me to be a thoughtful designer, put my clients best interests at heart.
Thanks for his trust and support.
#RWDC #WorkInProgress I received this lovely Xmas gift from Thomas on Xmas Eve. How timely it is. It is no coincidence. Thanks for his trust and support. Everything has its own time.
One of the quotes stood up strongly for me.
[ Life does not own me; I own life.
Life does not owe me anything; I owe everything to life. ]
I believe everyone of us in this space has his / her own life purpose, potential and mission.
If you are a parent, you could be learning how to take up responsibility to look after your family.
If you are a teacher, you could be imparting your knowledge and skills with others.
If you are an entrepreneur, you could be creating jobs opportunities for people.
Whatever role you are in. Be grateful and serve the world with your heart.
This journey has helped me to reconnect with myself, aligning with my life purpose. It encourages me to build a truly sustainsble business delivers continual benefits to the owners, employees, customers as well as in society in fair measure. This is the best way to live. Thanks life for showing me the way.
#GoWithTheFlow #InnerShiftsBringOuterChanges #ConsciousLiving
23 December, 2020
Day 55: Practice Gratitude
Before Covid-19 came into our lives, who would have guessed to take our toilet paper seriously? We never could have guessed how truly thankful for toilet paper we would be having them now! LOL!
I used to practice daily gratitude and I stopped. I stopped because I don't find any joy in my life and it requires so much effort to be even thinking about it. I feel stressed, frustrated and sometimes angry what were happening in my life.
Two weeks ago, one of my business coaches, Hyder encouraged me to practise daily gratitude again. I took his piece of advice. It was challenging and rusty in the beginning, but as days go by, it becomes easier to reach out to positive events, people and my own inner joy.
As a whole, we all have one thing in common. We all want to be happy. The only thing we as humans crave more than chocolates and ice cream, is pure, simple, happiness.
Our external environment is constantly grabbing our attention, it’s hard to know where to go, what to get, and who to be in order to find this simple-dimple happiness.
If anything, the happiness we receive throughout the day may seem fleeting, and doesn’t last for as long as we wish it would. We may feel as though our day is spent on a roller coaster ride, dashing pass each moment, and wishing we have the power to freeze the lovely moments that we want.
Have a compiled list of what you are grateful today. You can build your own gratitude list slowly. You will realise that you have so much abundance in your life. #WorkInProgress #QualityLife
I used to practice daily gratitude and I stopped. I stopped because I don't find any joy in my life and it requires so much effort to be even thinking about it. I feel stressed, frustrated and sometimes angry what were happening in my life.
Two weeks ago, one of my business coaches, Hyder encouraged me to practise daily gratitude again. I took his piece of advice. It was challenging and rusty in the beginning, but as days go by, it becomes easier to reach out to positive events, people and my own inner joy.
As a whole, we all have one thing in common. We all want to be happy. The only thing we as humans crave more than chocolates and ice cream, is pure, simple, happiness.
Our external environment is constantly grabbing our attention, it’s hard to know where to go, what to get, and who to be in order to find this simple-dimple happiness.
If anything, the happiness we receive throughout the day may seem fleeting, and doesn’t last for as long as we wish it would. We may feel as though our day is spent on a roller coaster ride, dashing pass each moment, and wishing we have the power to freeze the lovely moments that we want.
“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” – Amy Collette
Have a compiled list of what you are grateful today. You can build your own gratitude list slowly. You will realise that you have so much abundance in your life. #WorkInProgress #QualityLife
22 December, 2020
Day 54: 今天你有空吗?
想问别人:“今天你有空吗?” 也是一种人与人沟通方式。
来临的长假期,你有什么安排呢? 无论你想独自度过,或你有心和朋友见面,最好及早规划,不要当天才约或爽约喔。
想问别人:“今天你有空吗?” 也是一种人与人沟通方式。
来临的长假期,你有什么安排呢? 无论你想独自度过,或你有心和朋友见面,最好及早规划,不要当天才约或爽约喔。
21 December, 2020
Day 53: Art of Communication
Nice catchup Ee Dzu, from a tuition teacher to a dear friend. We started to meetup again after after I introduced her plant based diets.
Yesterday, I get to know what is her language of love lol 😃 I will do more of that. Learning from her the art of communication from her as well. Why communication breakdown because due to lack of understanding and clarity.
She is a Christian and I am a Buddhist and yet we are open and respect each other religion. Both of us shared our experiences. I feel we both have a common goal to improve on our own spiritual path.
In life, people come and go. Cherish while I can.
#XmasGathering #EeDzu
Yesterday, I get to know what is her language of love lol 😃 I will do more of that. Learning from her the art of communication from her as well. Why communication breakdown because due to lack of understanding and clarity.
She is a Christian and I am a Buddhist and yet we are open and respect each other religion. Both of us shared our experiences. I feel we both have a common goal to improve on our own spiritual path.
In life, people come and go. Cherish while I can.
#XmasGathering #EeDzu
20 December, 2020
Day 52: Anger Management
#人生智慧 #情绪管理
#人生智慧 #情绪管理
19 December, 2020
Day 51: Shopee Challenge
Thank you for supporting us by clicking "Like" at Shopee Product Design Challenge 2020 Page.
We collected 233 likes within a day and it is still growing. Thanks to our lecturers, classmates, friends, family and even strangers for likings and loving our work.
It has been a fun and fruitful experience to join this challenge. We completed the Design Sprint within 2 weeks! Not only sharpening our design skills, but at the same time, we learnt to do research and understanding what user wants.
We didn't get place in the semi finals, but this will not stop us from continue our UIUX journey.
There is value in design sprint as it helps the product owner to make informed decisions in a short time.
What went wrong was we didn't have enough buy-ins for current shopee users that their refunds was a headache. Secondly, Shopee might be looking for shining ideas to engage their existing and potential young customers.
However, from our UX survey 89.7% shopee users agreed that they will come back to purchase more when the return and refund experience is seamless.
We also did our usability testing with our prototype (even though it is not required). The feedback received was it is an improved version of Shopee current returns and refund system.
Overall, it is still a gained experience from me and my team.
#ShopeeProductDesignChallenge2020 #DesignSprint #UIUX
We collected 233 likes within a day and it is still growing. Thanks to our lecturers, classmates, friends, family and even strangers for likings and loving our work.
It has been a fun and fruitful experience to join this challenge. We completed the Design Sprint within 2 weeks! Not only sharpening our design skills, but at the same time, we learnt to do research and understanding what user wants.
We didn't get place in the semi finals, but this will not stop us from continue our UIUX journey.
There is value in design sprint as it helps the product owner to make informed decisions in a short time.
What went wrong was we didn't have enough buy-ins for current shopee users that their refunds was a headache. Secondly, Shopee might be looking for shining ideas to engage their existing and potential young customers.
However, from our UX survey 89.7% shopee users agreed that they will come back to purchase more when the return and refund experience is seamless.
We also did our usability testing with our prototype (even though it is not required). The feedback received was it is an improved version of Shopee current returns and refund system.
Overall, it is still a gained experience from me and my team.
#ShopeeProductDesignChallenge2020 #DesignSprint #UIUX
18 December, 2020
Day 50: Musical Box
Xmas gathering starts now lol 😃. Meetup and catch up with friends. Dining at The Larder Cafe, Toa Payoh Central.
I love this music box, even though it requires to turn manually. The music tune is
You are my Sunshine! So Nostalgic!
#XmasGathering #Innoprint
I love this music box, even though it requires to turn manually. The music tune is
You are my Sunshine! So Nostalgic!
#XmasGathering #Innoprint
17 December, 2020
Day 49: Decluttering is Therapeutic
I opened these 2 boxes of business namecards with a heavy heart. I wasn't sure how to deal with them for past 3 months. The boxes were covered with dust.
Some business friends cards were there.
Some networking cards were there.
Some useful contacts were there.
After having a good conversation with Angie, I made up my mind. The important and relevant ones stay.
Some friends are meant for a while, while others for a lifetime.
After clearing away what I needed to do, my heart becomes much lighter. I need a fresh start. #DeclutteringIsTheraputic
Some business friends cards were there.
Some networking cards were there.
Some useful contacts were there.
After having a good conversation with Angie, I made up my mind. The important and relevant ones stay.
Some friends are meant for a while, while others for a lifetime.
After clearing away what I needed to do, my heart becomes much lighter. I need a fresh start. #DeclutteringIsTheraputic
16 December, 2020
Day 48: Backup your files regularly (even it means that it requires daily habit)
On 14 Dec 2020, monday evening, Google suffers global outage with Gmail, YouTube and majority of services affected.
Error was due to lack of storage space in authentication tools causing system to crash.
When that storage filled up, the system should have automatically made more available; instead, it seems it didn’t, which meant the system crashed, just like a desktop computer does when it tries to operate with a full hard drive.
The widespread failure of Google services revealed to many the extent to which they rely on the company for basic tasks. The company’s smart home services were some of the first to cause real problems: users who had rebuilt their homes around voice commands found themselves unable to turn on the lights thanks to a failure of Google Home and Google Assistant, while those with the company’s Nest thermostats were unable to control their home’s heating with an app, as they had become used to doing.
It is indeed that Google serivces have huge impact on people lives.
Just happened that me and my team was preparing for our project submission during that period. We couldn't access our important proposal slides! It nearly freak us out and fortunately one of my friends opened the file before the system went down for 45mins. A friend yesterday told me all her things are at google drive, she also felt panic when the system went down. I have a fair amount of experiences on how my system crashed and I was fortunate enough to be able to recover my files.
Have you backup your important files already?
Always backup your files regularly no matter what.
I couldn't say enough our data is our important assests in today's world. In the past, when the system went down, it didn't affect us much. But today, most technology companies are using cloud storage. Should one day, anything happened to your files online, you must have a copy in your home system.
Technology is always a double-edged sword. It gives us lots of convenience, yet at the same time it also have its own risks that it may fail you at any time without warning. Remember, always backup your files regularly, no matter what. Even if you find it too troublesome, too hassle. It is a habit that cannot be taken for granted.
Error was due to lack of storage space in authentication tools causing system to crash.
When that storage filled up, the system should have automatically made more available; instead, it seems it didn’t, which meant the system crashed, just like a desktop computer does when it tries to operate with a full hard drive.
The widespread failure of Google services revealed to many the extent to which they rely on the company for basic tasks. The company’s smart home services were some of the first to cause real problems: users who had rebuilt their homes around voice commands found themselves unable to turn on the lights thanks to a failure of Google Home and Google Assistant, while those with the company’s Nest thermostats were unable to control their home’s heating with an app, as they had become used to doing.
It is indeed that Google serivces have huge impact on people lives.
Just happened that me and my team was preparing for our project submission during that period. We couldn't access our important proposal slides! It nearly freak us out and fortunately one of my friends opened the file before the system went down for 45mins. A friend yesterday told me all her things are at google drive, she also felt panic when the system went down. I have a fair amount of experiences on how my system crashed and I was fortunate enough to be able to recover my files.
Have you backup your important files already?
Always backup your files regularly no matter what.
I couldn't say enough our data is our important assests in today's world. In the past, when the system went down, it didn't affect us much. But today, most technology companies are using cloud storage. Should one day, anything happened to your files online, you must have a copy in your home system.
Technology is always a double-edged sword. It gives us lots of convenience, yet at the same time it also have its own risks that it may fail you at any time without warning. Remember, always backup your files regularly, no matter what. Even if you find it too troublesome, too hassle. It is a habit that cannot be taken for granted.
15 December, 2020
Day 47: First 4 words are my focus for 2021
Normally I don't really believe such things. But somehow I feel something when I randomly pick the 4 words: Gratitude, Connection, Money, Alignment. I feel that there is alignment when all these 3 aspects are met. It is pretty accurate especially now I am doing alignment in my life. I feel more gratitude and connection with myself and money is finally coming in! The best part is people want to give me money :) I am receiving graciously hehehe :D
I am grateful towards what is happening in my life. My life is starting to work for me. I allow abundance to come into my life. Thank you for the love and support that I needed.
I am grateful towards what is happening in my life. My life is starting to work for me. I allow abundance to come into my life. Thank you for the love and support that I needed.
14 December, 2020
Day 46: I figured it out {how to overcome my exam fear}
Yay! I got my results.
This post is not to show how good I am, but rather, my own experience in personal transformation.
I am really happy with the results that I got. I don't need to prove myself that I am good enough. I am enough. Of course, I feel good that my lecturers recognised my efforts and my understanding about the subject matter in UI UX.
Thank you Erik Chua, Allan Zhang and Teck Tiong for sharing their Design Thinking, UI and UX research knowledge and experiences with me. Answering my doubts and confusion. Not forgetting my classmate designer, Evelyn Lim, she was supportive and opened to my ideas and we had the shared goals and values.
When I was young, I studied for my parents, with a lot of anxiety, fear and stress.
I am older now, I studied for myself with joy, excitement and curiosity.
As an adult learner, I choose to decide what I want to learn. It was a very empowering experience for me. Learning is fun especially, when I am opening to new knowledge and experiences.
I wasn't a smart student during my secondary days. I took a long time to understand the subjects, especially Maths. It was a painful period. Fortunately, I didn't hate Maths but rather, I want to know what I didn't understand.
My secondary Math teacher, Mr Lee was very professional. I still remembered his face after so long! I am grateful for what he did. He gave a group of students, who were weak in Maths, tuition class after school weeks after weeks. Because of his patience and his clear explanation, I finally figure it out.
One thing I did differently was to change the way I study.
Now, I found my own ways of learning and absorbing information.
The results are just showing that I understand the subject matter and I studied well when I know where to score points. I am happy that I didn't give up myself. I am feeling grateful to my healthy self, getting more and more patient with myself.
Today affirmation: I study with ease and confidence.
Parents out there, who are stressed with anxiety and stress with your children results. Children don't study well, not because of laziness or stupid. They don't understand the subject matter, even though their teachers may have explained it many times. Not that they don't want to learn or trying to be funny, they just haven't figure it out yet. It could be also their emotional aspects. They don't find interest in learning. They are too fearful internally or stressed up by their internal or external environment. You need to dive deep what are their study challenges.
Many years back, Venerable You Deng told me that taking exams are just tests to help us understand the subject matter better. That shifted my thoughts as well on how I perceived exams entirely. When I scored well because I understood the subject matter. When I don't, I just need to put in more efforts to understand it better.
Although my exam results were not fantastic in the past, I got an F for my English Language. I love writing now because I saw meaning in translating my thoughts into words postively. The beautiful part in life is Transformational. If you were the same as yesterday, you are not growing or progressing forward.
I always have this chinese idiom at the back of my mind. "行行出狀元" In every trade, a master appears. It means that you can produce outstanding achievements in any task, provided you put it enough love and diligence.
Please give your children the space to learn and grow. They will make it in life no matter what.
#SelfImprovement #SelfMastery
This post is not to show how good I am, but rather, my own experience in personal transformation.
I am really happy with the results that I got. I don't need to prove myself that I am good enough. I am enough. Of course, I feel good that my lecturers recognised my efforts and my understanding about the subject matter in UI UX.
Thank you Erik Chua, Allan Zhang and Teck Tiong for sharing their Design Thinking, UI and UX research knowledge and experiences with me. Answering my doubts and confusion. Not forgetting my classmate designer, Evelyn Lim, she was supportive and opened to my ideas and we had the shared goals and values.
When I was young, I studied for my parents, with a lot of anxiety, fear and stress.
I am older now, I studied for myself with joy, excitement and curiosity.
As an adult learner, I choose to decide what I want to learn. It was a very empowering experience for me. Learning is fun especially, when I am opening to new knowledge and experiences.
I wasn't a smart student during my secondary days. I took a long time to understand the subjects, especially Maths. It was a painful period. Fortunately, I didn't hate Maths but rather, I want to know what I didn't understand.
My secondary Math teacher, Mr Lee was very professional. I still remembered his face after so long! I am grateful for what he did. He gave a group of students, who were weak in Maths, tuition class after school weeks after weeks. Because of his patience and his clear explanation, I finally figure it out.
One thing I did differently was to change the way I study.
"If you are suffering at your current situation. Change the method to get different results."- Transforming Rachel
Now, I found my own ways of learning and absorbing information.
The results are just showing that I understand the subject matter and I studied well when I know where to score points. I am happy that I didn't give up myself. I am feeling grateful to my healthy self, getting more and more patient with myself.
Today affirmation: I study with ease and confidence.
Parents out there, who are stressed with anxiety and stress with your children results. Children don't study well, not because of laziness or stupid. They don't understand the subject matter, even though their teachers may have explained it many times. Not that they don't want to learn or trying to be funny, they just haven't figure it out yet. It could be also their emotional aspects. They don't find interest in learning. They are too fearful internally or stressed up by their internal or external environment. You need to dive deep what are their study challenges.
Many years back, Venerable You Deng told me that taking exams are just tests to help us understand the subject matter better. That shifted my thoughts as well on how I perceived exams entirely. When I scored well because I understood the subject matter. When I don't, I just need to put in more efforts to understand it better.
Although my exam results were not fantastic in the past, I got an F for my English Language. I love writing now because I saw meaning in translating my thoughts into words postively. The beautiful part in life is Transformational. If you were the same as yesterday, you are not growing or progressing forward.
I always have this chinese idiom at the back of my mind. "行行出狀元" In every trade, a master appears. It means that you can produce outstanding achievements in any task, provided you put it enough love and diligence.
Please give your children the space to learn and grow. They will make it in life no matter what.
#SelfImprovement #SelfMastery
13 December, 2020
Day 45: How to master storytelling
Today I had an awesome experience with Craig Valentine.
He shared many valuable tips on the path to storytelling.
Have a collection of stories.
He breaks down into 3 parts of speaking.
Craft, Deliver, Sell
1) Craft
Clarity of Message - Tell a story, make a point.
Never stop asking questions.
When people remember the story, they remember the point.
Foundational Phrase (1st Homework)
• Keep it short less than 10 words.
• Easy to remember for the audience and speaker
• Helps to crystal clear your message
• The phrase determines what stays
• It is not what you say, it is how people receive the message
• Find the Phrase in every of your speeches.
Some examples
• We are not borned to be bored.
• Never stop asking questions.
• Your dream is not for sale.
• What got you here won’t get you there.
• Change small and change often.
• Actions speak louder than words.
What do you want to do, make it visible.
What is your message and what do they get out of it.
Conflict is the hook.
Know exactly the moment of conflict.
Do it early.
Share your failures.
What went wrong?
Remember, spaces, faces and in between the lines.
2) Delivery
Find ways similar to your audience.
Take us to the problem, take us to the cure.
Speak directly to the audience
• Use singular
• There is no "some of you"
• it is not the lines, it is "space, faces, in between the lines"
• Hallway test
It has the right emotions and actions
3) Sell
When you are speaking, you are doing sales. Sell the message, take the audience to the next step.
Today I decided to take my communication skills seriously.
I made the decision to sign up for his 52 weeks of speaking tips and I did it.
When I take myself seriously, my life changes.
Never close at Q and A
People remember best at beginning and last.
Storytelling and uncover your humour
Humour is inside your story.
The characters dialogue.
I remember my stories, whichever makes the audience curious.
You are going to see your dreams, be it and have it.
He shared many valuable tips on the path to storytelling.
"Don't get ready, stay ready to speak."As a World Champion speaker, he is consistantly asking to speak.
Have a collection of stories.
He breaks down into 3 parts of speaking.
Craft, Deliver, Sell
1) Craft
Clarity of Message - Tell a story, make a point.
Never stop asking questions.
When people remember the story, they remember the point.
Foundational Phrase (1st Homework)
• Keep it short less than 10 words.
• Easy to remember for the audience and speaker
• Helps to crystal clear your message
• The phrase determines what stays
• It is not what you say, it is how people receive the message
• Find the Phrase in every of your speeches.
Some examples
• We are not borned to be bored.
• Never stop asking questions.
• Your dream is not for sale.
• What got you here won’t get you there.
• Change small and change often.
• Actions speak louder than words.
What do you want to do, make it visible.
"No Phrase, No Stage."Who are your audiences came to hear your message
What is your message and what do they get out of it.
Conflict is the hook.
Know exactly the moment of conflict.
Do it early.
Share your failures.
What went wrong?
Remember, spaces, faces and in between the lines.
2) Delivery
Find ways similar to your audience.
Take us to the problem, take us to the cure.
"Speak to one person but look to all."Make deeper connection with the audience.
Speak directly to the audience
• Use singular
• There is no "some of you"
• it is not the lines, it is "space, faces, in between the lines"
• Hallway test
"Mimic correctly."Tap back the Memory -> Go and relive it
It has the right emotions and actions
3) Sell
When you are speaking, you are doing sales. Sell the message, take the audience to the next step.
"Never sell a product, sell the results."Craig mentioned how to become 3 times better speaker through his 52 weeks speaking tips. Each week is only 5 mins of my time. I think this message is powerful.
Today I decided to take my communication skills seriously.
I made the decision to sign up for his 52 weeks of speaking tips and I did it.
When I take myself seriously, my life changes.
Never close at Q and A
People remember best at beginning and last.
Storytelling and uncover your humour
Humour is inside your story.
The characters dialogue.
I remember my stories, whichever makes the audience curious.
You are going to see your dreams, be it and have it.
"Today I move the chairs, Tomorrow I will move the audience." - Craig Valentine
12 December, 2020
Day 44: Friends are like Sunflowers
Today I wake up early to draw Sunflowers, after drawing 10 sunflowers. I feel realy good lol :D
I was inspired by this quote and start drawing sunflowers :P It is lovely, isn't it :D
I was inspired by this quote and start drawing sunflowers :P It is lovely, isn't it :D
11 December, 2020
Day 43: I closed 2 deals
I am happy that I closed 2 business deals today. I am glad that I am attracting people I want to work with. Thanks May and Thomas for giving their design projects to me. I will put in my time and efforts in their projects. I have gained their trust and support. I want to help them to become better in their business and their brand presence.
Thanks Jeffrey and Angie for asking me to look into supporting solopreneurs. They are easier to work with and they have lessr things to consider because their businesses are still small yet. A lot of room for creativity and new ideas for business.
Thanks Jeffrey and Angie for asking me to look into supporting solopreneurs. They are easier to work with and they have lessr things to consider because their businesses are still small yet. A lot of room for creativity and new ideas for business.
10 December, 2020
Day 42: 2nd Batch of Xmas Cards
Today I prepared the 2nd Batch of Xmas Cards. These batches are for my mentors and friends who have helped me along the way. I used special papers, gold flakeswith some shimmering effects on the card, to show that they are special to me.
Special thanks to:
Mr Mok
Seh Leng
Judy Ho
Winnie Woon
Special thanks to:
Mr Mok
Seh Leng
Judy Ho
Winnie Woon
09 December, 2020
Day 41: Resolve issues with Parents internally

Today I went to see Hyder for coaching again. I was very excited and touched to see Hyder took my logo design seriously and print the logo onto his mug. I mentioned to Hyder for past 15 years I didn't want to send out Xmas cards to people. But somehow I feel that in this covid-19, I want to do that. He said that is because, the younger Rachel wasn't align previously. But this current Rachel understand why she wants to do it and she is aligned with herself. When she design it, she does it with Joy.
Today, I expressed my communication with my parents are poor. I dislike my parents to force me and to rush me to do things for them. I rather keep myself at the room.
Hyder made me realised it is my issues of communication. I needed space and I didn't express my thoughts with my parents.
Hyder also made me realised that I didn't put myself in their shoes.
Parents will feel lost, frustrated and helpless if no one can help them.
Now I learnt that instead of brushing them away. I look at their things with empathy and compassion. Find out what happened first and decide how much time and space I need to complete the work.
Hyder is so funny. He just said my issues is just space. When I solve the space issues, everything solves haha :D Come to think about it, everytime I upset with my parents is due to space!!!
Finally Hyder mentioned to me about Omega, the vibration energy. He showed me this diagram which I find it so amazing. How my state of being shifted.
08 December, 2020
Day 40: Bling bling
In my younger days, I dislike anything that is shining and dazzling. It appears that the person just wants the limelight.
Recently, I just can't help but liking clothes with bling bling. As I Google the symbolic meaning. It has association with wealth and status.
I feel rich from inside out. I start to feel dazzling from inside out too. I can't help but to feel the dazzling materials to feel precious and pretty. I want to be seen.
Bling bling has to do it tastefully. You can't bling bling all the time. It has to be exclusive. It blings once awhile so that it's special, unique and valuable.
Oh yes, recently I just design my company RWDC Xmas cards with rainbow reflection. It's beautiful. I am special.
Recently, I just can't help but liking clothes with bling bling. As I Google the symbolic meaning. It has association with wealth and status.
I feel rich from inside out. I start to feel dazzling from inside out too. I can't help but to feel the dazzling materials to feel precious and pretty. I want to be seen.
Bling bling has to do it tastefully. You can't bling bling all the time. It has to be exclusive. It blings once awhile so that it's special, unique and valuable.
Oh yes, recently I just design my company RWDC Xmas cards with rainbow reflection. It's beautiful. I am special.
07 December, 2020
Day 39: Managing my money
On 11 Nov 2020, I could visualised the money is on the table and there is a fountain of money everflowing, there is no need to chase after money. Money will just come to me naturally, whenever I need it.
On 7 Dec 2020, there is a huge bill amount came in. Instead of feeling scared, I look at payment individually. What have I actually spent on. Go through line by line. Understanding each line. I am no longer scared of my own bills. I understand why I spent them. Each payment has meaning, either for my health, education or work. I use my money with care and respect. My money is spent for greater good.
Today affirmation I put my money into good use.
On 7 Dec 2020, there is a huge bill amount came in. Instead of feeling scared, I look at payment individually. What have I actually spent on. Go through line by line. Understanding each line. I am no longer scared of my own bills. I understand why I spent them. Each payment has meaning, either for my health, education or work. I use my money with care and respect. My money is spent for greater good.
Today affirmation I put my money into good use.
06 December, 2020
Day 38: Customised Laptop Bag
I approached Bee Ping to help me to design a laptop bag. She did it quite well. The materials she used and the size she made. I like the pockets to put the things such as water bottle, umbrella and hp.
The only down part is the laptop bag itself is too heavy. I need to decide what to put in the bag before I bring it out. This is my Xmas gift for myself in 2020. Thank you Bee Ping for her time and effort to design such a lovely laptop bag for me.
The only down part is the laptop bag itself is too heavy. I need to decide what to put in the bag before I bring it out. This is my Xmas gift for myself in 2020. Thank you Bee Ping for her time and effort to design such a lovely laptop bag for me.
05 December, 2020
Day 37: Xmas Cards 2020
I did my own self promotion in Nov. 11% discount is related to 11.11.2020. Opening up new business opportunities for myself.
I remembered myself and there is a message I want to share with the world. Perhaps people can't visualised what I do and they may not think it is lovely to send well wishes to the people they care about. I decided to do it for my business partners, friends.
Thanks Jay and Jonathan for helping me to print the Xmas Cards, they are lovely. This year theme is "Joy of Giving". While supporting Jay, I also get the spread my messages about improving things together for the better. Hope people who received them like the message. Make them feel that they need to improve things better with Joy.
I remembered myself and there is a message I want to share with the world. Perhaps people can't visualised what I do and they may not think it is lovely to send well wishes to the people they care about. I decided to do it for my business partners, friends.
Thanks Jay and Jonathan for helping me to print the Xmas Cards, they are lovely. This year theme is "Joy of Giving". While supporting Jay, I also get the spread my messages about improving things together for the better. Hope people who received them like the message. Make them feel that they need to improve things better with Joy.
04 December, 2020
Day 36: Empathy with ourselves
I had a good sharing session with KH. We spent 3 hours, understand our life expereiences and sharing our feelings what has happened to ourselves. He can resonate with what I shared.
I feel that we need to start our own joy and happiness before we can help others. See beyond the fame and glory. What can I do to help myself and others to be better.
When I connect with myself, I feel empowered. I feel that there is a lot of things I can do, I have a lot of resources with me.
When I connect with myself, I feel empathy. I feel my own emotions. My anger, sadness, frustrations, joy, happiness and curosity. I can feel myself a lot better now.
When I connect with myself, I feel trust. I feel that I have found a lost friend for a long, long time. I want to trust myself, understand what is going on inside me.
There is a lot of joy within me. I am less frustrated with myself. I am more patient with myself. I could feel other of my own emotions, I acknowledgement them. My emotions feel safe with me. They show up appropriately based on situations. I am able to listen to myself. I care for myself.
I feel that we need to start our own joy and happiness before we can help others. See beyond the fame and glory. What can I do to help myself and others to be better.
When I connect with myself, I feel empowered. I feel that there is a lot of things I can do, I have a lot of resources with me.
When I connect with myself, I feel empathy. I feel my own emotions. My anger, sadness, frustrations, joy, happiness and curosity. I can feel myself a lot better now.
When I connect with myself, I feel trust. I feel that I have found a lost friend for a long, long time. I want to trust myself, understand what is going on inside me.
There is a lot of joy within me. I am less frustrated with myself. I am more patient with myself. I could feel other of my own emotions, I acknowledgement them. My emotions feel safe with me. They show up appropriately based on situations. I am able to listen to myself. I care for myself.
03 December, 2020
Day 35: Passion 96
We had an SPATMC Exco Meeting today.
As all the exco felt that SP wasn't supportive to grow our club. We have decided to do a rebranding exercise.
After much consideration, we felt that passion96 seems to work pretty well. Because we speak with passion. We want to live our live passionately. Very fast, we registered our domain name at
It is high time to let go of the past, 15 years of good memories and start new afresh.
96 Meanings 96 meaning is encouraging you to accept all the change that is taking place in your life positively. Maintain a positive attitude that will enable the universe to channel positive energies your way. Get rid of all your worries, fears, and anxieties and focus only on positive thoughts.
The number 96 symbolizes family, home, as well as caring for humanity. This number also symbolizes idealism, responsibility and harmony. People who resonate with this angel number are very close to their family and they take great care of them. They are also concerned about the wellbeing of humanity as a whole.
You deserve the best, stay open to receive new goods that will exceed your expectations, because you are now ready to upgrade your life.
The universe will offer you new opportunities to live and serve the purpose of your soul.
As all the exco felt that SP wasn't supportive to grow our club. We have decided to do a rebranding exercise.
After much consideration, we felt that passion96 seems to work pretty well. Because we speak with passion. We want to live our live passionately. Very fast, we registered our domain name at
It is high time to let go of the past, 15 years of good memories and start new afresh.
96 Meanings 96 meaning is encouraging you to accept all the change that is taking place in your life positively. Maintain a positive attitude that will enable the universe to channel positive energies your way. Get rid of all your worries, fears, and anxieties and focus only on positive thoughts.
The number 96 symbolizes family, home, as well as caring for humanity. This number also symbolizes idealism, responsibility and harmony. People who resonate with this angel number are very close to their family and they take great care of them. They are also concerned about the wellbeing of humanity as a whole.
You deserve the best, stay open to receive new goods that will exceed your expectations, because you are now ready to upgrade your life.
The universe will offer you new opportunities to live and serve the purpose of your soul.
02 December, 2020
Day 34: 2 Days of Video Editing
Feels like a Pro after learnt video editing in 2 days time.
A few elderly is awesome. Despite facing some challenges in using the Adobe Premiere Pro. They managed to complete the tasks given to them. Never say give up.
One of the elderly, told me she learns video editing so that she has the same interest and common language with her son. Awww...
The reason for me joining this video editing is to learn the basics skills to stitch up the videos, images and audio in a seamless way.
Yes, I can always learn on my own. Having an experienced trainer helps me to shorten my learning curve. #WorkInProgress #AdobePremierePro
A few elderly is awesome. Despite facing some challenges in using the Adobe Premiere Pro. They managed to complete the tasks given to them. Never say give up.
One of the elderly, told me she learns video editing so that she has the same interest and common language with her son. Awww...
The reason for me joining this video editing is to learn the basics skills to stitch up the videos, images and audio in a seamless way.
Yes, I can always learn on my own. Having an experienced trainer helps me to shorten my learning curve. #WorkInProgress #AdobePremierePro
01 December, 2020
Day 33: My Message to the World
I want to share my mission is to help business owners delivering purposeful design. Being a solopreneur, with 15 years of designing experiences. I love creating websites that able to transform in positive manner. I believe every company has our own unique brand story to tell. Every entrepreneur has a desire to make a difference in this world.
I am passionate in what I do and I want to re-ignite entrepreneurs' burning desire, especially solopreneurs, why they do what they do. Edy and I built functional, lasting website that help them to improve their customers experience.
We would like to invite them to embark this wonderful journey of website creation, that they will make your website from “Nay” to “Yay”. A website you feel proud of and their customers enjoy visiting their website over and over again.
Our Offer
Solopreneur Website
1 Customizable Landing web page
1) Craft your Brand Story
2) Your Promotion Banners
3) Your Top 3 Services that you have
4) Testimonials
5) Call to action: Make order / Book an appointment with you
Our Requirements
Exclusive for GBA Solopreneurs and Startups Only
1) Solopreneur with no more than 3 people business, you are talented in your own ways.
2) You are committed to build your business.
3) We move your business to the next level.
Our Pricing
Pricing starts from $1200 and cap at $2000.
Depending web requirements
I am Entrepreneur Brand Pilot to bring their brands to where it needs to be there.
I am passionate in what I do and I want to re-ignite entrepreneurs' burning desire, especially solopreneurs, why they do what they do. Edy and I built functional, lasting website that help them to improve their customers experience.
We would like to invite them to embark this wonderful journey of website creation, that they will make your website from “Nay” to “Yay”. A website you feel proud of and their customers enjoy visiting their website over and over again.
Our Offer
Solopreneur Website
1 Customizable Landing web page
1) Craft your Brand Story
2) Your Promotion Banners
3) Your Top 3 Services that you have
4) Testimonials
5) Call to action: Make order / Book an appointment with you
Our Requirements
Exclusive for GBA Solopreneurs and Startups Only
1) Solopreneur with no more than 3 people business, you are talented in your own ways.
2) You are committed to build your business.
3) We move your business to the next level.
Our Pricing
Pricing starts from $1200 and cap at $2000.
Depending web requirements
I am Entrepreneur Brand Pilot to bring their brands to where it needs to be there.
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