16 December, 2020

Day 48: Backup your files regularly (even it means that it requires daily habit)

On 14 Dec 2020, monday evening, Google suffers global outage with Gmail, YouTube and majority of services affected.

Error was due to lack of storage space in authentication tools causing system to crash.
When that storage filled up, the system should have automatically made more available; instead, it seems it didn’t, which meant the system crashed, just like a desktop computer does when it tries to operate with a full hard drive.

The widespread failure of Google services revealed to many the extent to which they rely on the company for basic tasks. The company’s smart home services were some of the first to cause real problems: users who had rebuilt their homes around voice commands found themselves unable to turn on the lights thanks to a failure of Google Home and Google Assistant, while those with the company’s Nest thermostats were unable to control their home’s heating with an app, as they had become used to doing.

It is indeed that Google serivces have huge impact on people lives.

Just happened that me and my team was preparing for our project submission during that period. We couldn't access our important proposal slides! It nearly freak us out and fortunately one of my friends opened the file before the system went down for 45mins. A friend yesterday told me all her things are at google drive, she also felt panic when the system went down. I have a fair amount of experiences on how my system crashed and I was fortunate enough to be able to recover my files.

Have you backup your important files already?
Always backup your files regularly no matter what.

I couldn't say enough our data is our important assests in today's world. In the past, when the system went down, it didn't affect us much. But today, most technology companies are using cloud storage. Should one day, anything happened to your files online, you must have a copy in your home system.

Technology is always a double-edged sword. It gives us lots of convenience, yet at the same time it also have its own risks that it may fail you at any time without warning. Remember, always backup your files regularly, no matter what. Even if you find it too troublesome, too hassle. It is a habit that cannot be taken for granted.

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