23 December, 2020

Day 55: Practice Gratitude

Before Covid-19 came into our lives, who would have guessed to take our toilet paper seriously? We never could have guessed how truly thankful for toilet paper we would be having them now! LOL!

I used to practice daily gratitude and I stopped. I stopped because I don't find any joy in my life and it requires so much effort to be even thinking about it. I feel stressed, frustrated and sometimes angry what were happening in my life.

Two weeks ago, one of my business coaches, Hyder encouraged me to practise daily gratitude again. I took his piece of advice. It was challenging and rusty in the beginning, but as days go by, it becomes easier to reach out to positive events, people and my own inner joy.


As a whole, we all have one thing in common. We all want to be happy. The only thing we as humans crave more than chocolates and ice cream, is pure, simple, happiness.

Our external environment is constantly grabbing our attention, it’s hard to know where to go, what to get, and who to be in order to find this simple-dimple happiness.

If anything, the happiness we receive throughout the day may seem fleeting, and doesn’t last for as long as we wish it would. We may feel as though our day is spent on a roller coaster ride, dashing pass each moment, and wishing we have the power to freeze the lovely moments that we want.

“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” – Amy Collette

Have a compiled list of what you are grateful today. You can build your own gratitude list slowly. You will realise that you have so much abundance in your life. #WorkInProgress #QualityLife

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