08 December, 2020

Day 40: Bling bling

In my younger days, I dislike anything that is shining and dazzling. It appears that the person just wants the limelight.

Recently, I just can't help but liking clothes with bling bling. As I Google the symbolic meaning. It has association with wealth and status.

I feel rich from inside out. I start to feel dazzling from inside out too. I can't help but to feel the dazzling materials to feel precious and pretty. I want to be seen.

Bling bling has to do it tastefully. You can't bling bling all the time. It has to be exclusive. It blings once awhile so that it's special, unique and valuable.

Oh yes, recently I just design my company RWDC Xmas cards with rainbow reflection. It's beautiful. I am special.

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