16 February, 2021

Day 109: Grow my money tree

Think in terms of RELATIONSHIP with money?
From stress, worry to Abundance, Joy, Blessings.

What would additional $20,000 do to my life?
Freedom, flexibility, financial growth
Heart Alignment (Purpose)
Challenging (Growth)
Exciting (Looking Forward)

What am I willing to offer in exchange?
My time, effort, resources

Activate Money ATM
$50,000 is already available to me.
I am open to receiving it.
To break down this amount further, I will be earning at least $4,000 per month.
May this or something better manifest in my highest good and in the hightest good of all.

Money Successful Self
I feel rich from inside out.
I feel recharge early in the morning.
I am clear of what I need to accomplish by the need of the day.
I am able to communicate with people clearly and authentically.
I have healthy and loving relationship with money.
I respect money, money comes to me easily.
I give treats to my family and friends easily.
I am confident.
I am decisive.
I dress well.

Action Taken
Connection -> Conversation -> Conversion
Connection with Buiness Owners, Meetup with business owners, understand their challenges, be curious about their business, give them some ideas they can work with to improve their business. They have a choice to work on their own or to work with me.

Conversation with my existing clients, follow up with them closely. Be sincere and show that I care to work with them. Support them whenever I can.

Conversion to convince potential and existing clients and business partners, I am the right person to work with. I build trust, credibity and consistency in my work.

Love Languages for Money
Touch: I organise my money in denomination (I feel good when money is organised.)
Words of Affirmation: I show gratitude and appreciation for money and thank money for the opportunities given to me.
Quality time: I schedule money dates every monday, set budgets and key in money that comes in and goes out.
Gifts: I use money to pamer myself, buy gifts for myself and my love ones.
Service: I put money in donation, contributions and looking for reliable investing to grow my money.

$4,000 challenge every month Break down into 12 months

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