22 February, 2021

Day 115: The power of small changes

"If you get one percent better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done." -James Clear

Many a times, we may think that we need to make huge changes before we can achieve huge results. However, it is the small and consistent tweaks that can result in the largest change in the long run.

Want to be healthier? Start eating clean and exercising more!
If we want to be fitter, start eating a little more healthily every day.

Want to be more knowledgeable? Start learning and applying more!
If we want to be more knowledgeable, start reading a little more every day.

Want to stronger relationships? Start communicating more!
If we want to be sociable, start getting in touch with people every day.

Want to be more financially well-off? Start saving more and spending less!
If we want to have more wealth, start saving a little more every day.

Want to deliver more impact? Start value adding more!
if we want to be more skillful, start practicing a little more every day.

If we want to be happier, start practicing a little more gratitude every day.

The way to change our situations is to convert hesitations into decisions, thoughts into actions, and stepping back into stepping forward.

Never underestimate the power of these small changes. Do them consistently and when we look back after a year, we will see that we will have moved forward really far.
- Written by Thomas Chen

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