27 February, 2021

Day 120: Voice and Enunciation

Voice and Enunciation
Kin Fung and James Clinton

Vocal tone is important
Be congruent:
Workds + how you say it
Words, body language, vocal tone

Communicating credibility
How you say (Delivery) + What you say (Content)
1. Create credibility
2. Promote clarity
3. Grab attention

"I have a beautiful voice." - Rachel Won

Speak with Purpose: It is the best moment to share my ideas
Lower voice you go, the more credible I sound.
1. Integrity
2. Reliability
3. Sound moves in

Yawns release the tension in vocal cord.
Stretch your vocal throat.
Warm up your tongue.

Do voice exercises daily.
1. Pitch High and Low
Move from Point A to Point B
Pitch has no limit.

2. Vary your Pace
When do we speak faster?
Highly emotional -> Quicker pace
Too many things cause murky water

When do we speak slower?
Grab audience attention.
So that they can follow.

Montonous is not equal to Mono Pace.

Loose energy -> Plant both feet on to the ground for stability and grounding.

3. Pause
a. You want to share an important message.
b. All attention comes to me.
c. Perfect timing.
d. 5-7 mins, pause at the beginning, middle and 2 or 3 last sentences to drive the message, where audience can remember your message.

Speakers are meant to send an unified message, not just to speak.
What can the audience takeaway?

4. Projection
a. Allow the audience to capture what is being said.
b. It is about clarity.
c. Enunciations are used to emote the feelings of the speaker.
d. Test with someone, gather feedback.

5. The Key Factor
Personality: Who we are, show our persona.
Enhance who I am.
I have faith in who I am.
Message must be cystal clear.
Communicator: Strong, clear, memorable message.

Catchy Phrase that people remembers.
a. How do you say it
b. Emphasis on which part
c. Story must resonate with Punch
Eg. hold my hand, I'm with you
Create an impact: Sound, Emotions, Tone
d. Timing matters
Intent: Content must relates to the audience

How audience recieve the message
We came from rich background.
Change to become a better person, not to another person.
1. I listen to myself.
2. I have fun.
3. Audience (Mentor/Individual/Group)
have an open mind to receive feedback.
4. Record Video and Audio
5. Visualise Audience Mode
If that is what you want your audience to receive.

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