05 April, 2021

Day 156: You don't have to be rich, to live rich, Carefree Day 4

Thank you Peter for introducing such a great book, The Latte Factor. 4 hours of worthy read.

It really opens my mind about managing my own finances.

We don't need to have huge amount of money to get rich. Start small.

1) Pay ourselves first.
Earning our income has no issues, it's how we spend the money that may cause us to feel lack.

Save 10% of income every month. Every dollar we can save and put to work for us will compound if given enough time. This enables us to build wealth on almost any income.

2) Make savings automatic
I don't have to track or worry about money. Auto transfer into investment / savings account.

3) The quality of our life
Put meaning into my relationship with money, what is the relationship with money is going to be like? What is the money going to use for. It is not just figures or just to pay bills. Allow money to grow with us.

4) Delayed Gratification
Latte factor are the things we don't really need it. Yet, these things add on to our expenses, without us realising it E.g. Buy new clothes every month, having coffee every day, other addictions that don't serve us. It's not about removing small joys in our lives, it's about focus on things that truly matters to us in a long run.

If we don't know where we are going, we might not be happy where we end up.

#FunReading #WorkInProgress #TheFactorLatte

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