12 April, 2021

Day 163: Have the courage for new adventures, Carefree Day 5

Today is my carefree day. I felt a bit lost.

Although I declare that it is my carefree day.

I still have some anxiety that I cannot be free.

I remembered that Emilyn told me there is a new KDrama,"It's okay not be okay."
It talks similiarly about IOPT, emotional healing.

The drama show the dark fairy tales. It talks about the stress, pent up anger, anxiety, fear, childhood traumas, how each character has to face these negative emotions. The gruesome drawings were a perfect fit for the Korean TV series about three people who struggle to put their traumas behind them and find love. The way of healing is not to avoid them, but to face them, talk about these experiences and emotions, so that we don't have to run away from these emotions anymore.

I like the message is to have the courage to find our own happiness and to free ourselves from the traumas.

Butterfly is to heal and transform. It symbolises growth and transformation.

I remembered when I did my first few healings in 2008.
I forgot how badly wounded I was as a child.
When I finally retreived the bad memories, I saw I was hiding in a corner, feeling sad, anxious and depressed.

Now, I allow these emotions to surface. My younger self can't grow up because I was frozen. After 3 years of IOPT processes, I can feel alot about myself and my emotions. I cherish myself. When I am feeling sad, frustrated and angry, I name them and I acknowledge it.

There is no longer the need to suppressed, hide or run away from these truth.
I can face myself with love and peace. I can feel that I truly love myself. I can trust myself and I believe in myself.
It is okay to be me.

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