08 April, 2021

Day 159: IOPT Study Group - Mental Health

3 Mental Health Blindspots
1. Depressed

2. Lack of Enthusiasm
Feeling lost and no clear goals
Not motivated

3. Cannot Focus
Low Persistency

1. Which blindspots are you similar to your parents?
For me, before understanding about traumas, I always feel not motivated and feeling lost and no clear goals. After healing, I know what I truly want. I set my own goals and achieve them milestones by milestones. I am more clear what I want in my life.

2. What are the consequences of having the blindspots?
When I was lack of enthusiasm, I find it hard to focus and I give up things when it becomes hard. Now, I can perserver to the end and I made it most of the situations. I will make sure I complete them, even if it takes longer than I thought.

3. Do you want to find out the truth about yourself?
Of course, I consistently seeking my own truth.

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